Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 377: I said (seven)

Huang Xin, Leoni, and Shi Wenjun have all received their marriage and divorce certificates with Wang Ai. Legally, they are all Wang Ai's ex-wives and have children. Of course, the marriage extension is not because of this. After all, Xu Qinglian has returned for more than a year, and the relevant procedures have been completed no matter how slow it is. However, considering that many people are going to get married this summer, some Wang Ai will go in person, even if she cannot go in person, Gifts are also obtained.

Wang Ai himself changed the customs, but did not exclude his teammates from following the traditions.

But in this way, the problem arises. Wang Ai can't take it lightly or ask someone to bring gifts. The tradition carried over from the 81 National Youth, of course, also includes the tradition carried over from Liao Xiaohu and his group, that everyone's gift money is 10,000, which is not much. But Wang Ai has another identity: the boss of most players in Europe.

Even if they have already transferred and left Tübingen Youth, their brokerage contract is still with CY Sports, and theoretically still under the command of Wang Ai. Therefore, while Wang Ai is a teammate of 10,000 gift money, he also needs to start a gift of at least 300,000 yuan as a boss.

If Wang Ai is also married at this time, how can these teammates deal with themselves? If you don't return the gift, you'll be a bastard, but if you return the gift, you don't even have a meal, and if Wang Ai wants to return the gift, she can have some small and private weddings. There are many people you know and many cross-borders, and the big deal is to do one interface for one interface.

Being troublesome is one aspect, and Wang Ai's unwillingness to accept this gift is also an important factor. His current status is not the same as in the past. In football, culture, business, and the system, his identity is not light. There are countless people who naturally fancy his mobility and who want to ask him to do things. If he and the other party were originally close friends, but the other party gave a heavy gift while they were getting married, even if Wang Ai didn't care about money, he had to admit that he was in debt.

When the time comes, people come to ask for work, do you care? If it is reasonable and legal, it is fine, but what is reasonable and legal will not be done according to the procedure? Who is still begging you?

There is a crime specifically for people like Wang Ai: the crime of accepting bribes by non-state functionaries.

If you don't do it, people will sue you. Once done, the handle will fall into the hands of people. If you retire, people will go out and bury you.

No matter how you do it, this is the plight of someone like Wang Ai, whose fame is far higher than his real power.

Therefore, after thinking about it, the wedding should be postponed until next year. This whole year is a time to let loose, let anyone who intends to attend his wedding, no matter what the purpose or intention, accept that he will not have the wedding and will not receive gifts. this fact.

After the decision was made, Wang Ainan went down to Xianghe to join the national team, preparing to go to South Korea after a dozen days of small training. At this time, Tang Yaodong, who led half of the national team, has returned from Australia. He drew 2:2 away with his opponent. Both the superiors and Lao Gao were satisfied with Lao Tang's ability to lead the team. .

Gao Lin and the others went on vacation immediately after returning to Beijing. This time they went to South Korea for half the national team. Chen Tao, who was in poor condition in the last period of the Confederations Cup, has recovered. He will partner with Wang Ai in midfield, Zhao Xuri and Zhou Haibin. The captain is here. Older players such as Luo Tongliang, Zhang Yonghai, and Zheng Zhi have a holiday and rest, and young players such as Wu Lei and Zhang Linpeng join in, which is regarded as a "national Olympic mixed team".

No matter who replaces Lao Gao as the national team coach next year, Lao Gao's personnel adjustment this time is considered to be the best of both worlds.

In Xianghe, new and old players are mixed together. Most of the new players are not the first time to become international players. When Wang Ai and other European players were not there, they would occasionally play in some commercial events, but only in official games. Never had a chance. As for Wu Lei and Zhang Linpeng, the two "closed disciples" of Mr. Jinbos, they are very familiar with Wang Ai, because as early as in the summer of 2003, after Xu Genbao returned to the Chongming base, Wang Ai did not miss it.

Gu Qian

However, in the past, Wang Ai was drawn as a "big brother" or "senior" as a role model. Wang Ai was bigger and more developed than them, so at that time Wang Ai and them were almost equal to the adult team and the youth team. not go together.

This is the time to fight side by side, and it is also the first time that the next batch of core figures of the national team have officially come into contact with all aspects of the national team.

This national team is so different! Not only the results, but also the rules and regulations of various aspects. For example, Wang Ai gave them a national situation class on the first day of coming to Xianghe, then Zhou Haibin gave a tactical theory class on behalf of the coaching staff, and finally Zhao Xuri combined with the federation. A tactical practice lesson was given to the video of several important matches of the Cup.

After a day of class, Wu Lei's brain was buzzing. This is still the case that Mr. Jinbos often gave them lessons later, but after all, Xu Genbao still has his own familiar ways, which is still far from the strength of the national team's formal "part-time work-study".

When Zhou Haibin was teaching everyone on behalf of the coaching staff, he made a clear statement especially for the newcomers: "Football is an intellectual sport!"

This is Zhou Haibin's quote from the headline of the interview with Wang Ai by Guangming Daily a few days ago. This sentence can be said to be the pinnacle of the national team's emphasis on culture and education, which has been brilliant for more than ten years since the 1984 National Youth League. The nature of the movement has changed.

Although there is a lot of discussion in the football circle, it is the outside world, and it has already been determined within the national team. If you want to play in the national team, you have to follow these rules! Think of it again as in the past, leaving your brain to the coach and just kicking and having fun, don't even think about it.

How many lessons you owe before, Captain Zhao said clearly: "Either you make it up in private, or we make it up for you, but we make it up for you, we won't wait for you if you can't keep up."

All the newcomers to the national team feel that this bowl of rice for the national team is not delicious. And some of the original marginal people also felt a sense of urgency after seeing Luo Tongliang and other old players not leaving this time and giving them their positions: they didn't care much about them in the past, but the later positions can be vacated, and who can go, Who can't play, at least in this national team right now, it's not just about the body and technique, but also the brain.

Even the famous "brainless" Dong Fangzhuo is reading papers!

In addition to the cultural class, the weight of the training class is beyond the imagination of newcomers like Wu Lei, and it is the norm to practice three times a day. If there is nothing to talk about, especially when the old players have already reached the high school level in terms of cultural courses, they will practice four times a day.

Going out at 6 in the morning, coming back at 10 in the evening, going to the gym for an hour, and sleeping for an hour in the morning can make up eight hours of sleep.

As for playing? Isn't training just for fun? Football is not a game, so what is it?

Do you take culture class as a joke? also!

Have a good attitude!

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