Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 385: Listen, the voice of the times (5)

Therefore, on the revisit, Wang Ai stood under the main entrance of the stadium he designed himself, staring at the stadium name hanging under the "tiger head" in silence.

Huang Xin was wearing a dark dress standing behind Wang Ai, while Leoni was wearing a sleeveless top, trousers, and sunglasses, and looked at the two of them in confusion.

After a long time, Wang Ai looked back at Huang Xin: "Has it always been said that it is Tiger Stadium? Almost no one has said that it is Dashuai Stadium?"

Huang Xin smiled: "Well."

Wang Ai nodded: "Then, follow the public opinion and change it."

Not far away, the general manager of Liaozu, Mai Chao, heard the sound and said with joy: "Okay, I'll do it now."

Mai Chao left, Leoni took off her glasses and said suspiciously, "I didn't say everything? Why?"

Wang Ai shook his head, walked into the silent stadium, followed the stairs to the second floor, then went up to the third floor, opened the still clean and tidy Hutou Room, sat by the window, and said slowly: "There is such a big family, Originally He and Meimei, but later they did things unfairly and took power for personal gain. So some people who were damaged remembered the benefits of a bandit in the family. Later, the one in power began to clean up and take the right path again. Then, the original Although the injured party has not been compensated, it should return to its heart."

Huang Xin looked at the two of them and smiled without saying a word. If Leoni realized something, Wang Ai smiled: "Of course, this twist is history, it exists, it is recorded in history, no matter how inconspicuous it is, it is always there. It exists, and it reminds us that there are many more of us not to forget those difficult years."

Huang Xin said: "When the leader came the year before last, it didn't change, right? I don't know what the leader was thinking."

"When I came, the leader didn't ask or say anything, just looked up and took a look." Wang Ai sighed: "But I didn't change it at that time, and I only changed it now. This is my attitude, and it can also be regarded as a commoner. Of course, you can’t say it clearly, you just have to understand it in your heart. In the future, you have to respect and maintain it.”

Huang Xin was serious; "You're right, when I first took charge of Liaozu, the people below didn't believe me. Later, everything improved, and I got support and support."

"Well." Wang Ai nodded and didn't intend to say any more: "Are you a materialist?"

At noon when he arrived in Liaozu, Wang Ai invited several track and field coaches to have a meal in the Liaozu cafeteria. During the dinner, he said with a smile that he didn’t know the sky and the sky, so he signed up on a whim. Be patient and help.

Several coaches did not dare to do everything, and an older one hesitated for a while: "Little Wang'er, in fact, with your popularity and financial resources, you can hire some coaches from internationally. You seem to know Bolt?"

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"Yeah." Wang Ai nodded.

"We are definitely willing to help, but I am afraid there is a certain gap between our level and others."

Wang Ai snorted again. Seeing that there was nothing else to say, he said, "I also thought about it, but I only have one month, and I'm not going to start from scratch. After the National Games, I'm still I want to go back to play football, so I think domestic coaches are better. Can I adjust measures according to local conditions? In addition, I dare to apply for these projects and also meet the registration standards, which shows that my own physical fitness is one aspect. The help of a project is also one aspect, that is to say, I may have some experience and experience myself. This requires close communication between domestic coaches who know the basics and me.”

Seeing several coaches nodding frequently, Wang Ai said with a smile; "Besides, I don't have to compete for gold and silver. I was just a gambler, and it has long since passed. Now I can appear in the stadium of the National Games. If I can compare with other professional athletes, my goal has been achieved. Even so, when the media announced that I had successfully signed up, the matter was over, and now it's just the end. It's better, it's not good It doesn't matter."

The coaches finally relaxed, and the older one picked up the chopsticks and asked, "Then, let's test in the afternoon?"

"Okay." Wang Ai nodded: "I will be yours for the next month."

A middle-aged coach said calmly: "You still have to communicate, you are right, you are a football professional, but being able to meet the standards in these items shows that your previous training is still at a high level, we need more Touch it and see how it all works together."

"Okay, come, eat!" Wang Ai greeted.

Starting from the afternoon of August 5th, Wang Ai started a low-key 25-day track and field training at the "Tiger Stadium". The coaches first used the rich and sound testing tools of the Liaozu Base to test Wang Ai's weight, strength, speed, heartbeat, and blood pressure. , bone age and other comprehensive tests, and then spent half a day observing Wang Ai's daily football training situation, and he knew what he knew.

The next morning, Wang Ai, Huang Xin, Leoni and several coaches held a special meeting to discuss Wang Ai's track and field training mode during this period. Wang Ai gave an analysis of his physical and mental condition, and the coaches gave their opinions on track and field training. Finally, the agreement was reached. This training adopts conservative thinking, mainly to stimulate and protect Wang Ai's current physical and technical situation, and to adjust it. , supplemented by the stability of Wang Ai's competitive state.

After all, the time is too short, and it is unrealistic to ask Wang Ai to make significant breakthroughs in the 100 meters, long jump, and triathlon in the past 20 days. He adapts to these three events and makes sure that his existing abilities are used in the game.

The first team, second team and youth team at the Liao Football Base knew that Wang Ai was here, but unfortunately the two big bosses couldn't get over to chat with him. . Fortunately, Wang Ai trains football from 7:30 to 8:30 every night, so they can come and train with Wang Ai at this time.

Regarding this short football training, Wang Ai's opinion is that I will go back to play football after all, and I can't let it go to waste. The coaches also agree that a month of not playing football and instead working **** other sports may be less harmful to football ability than doing nothing for a month. What's more, all of Wang Ai's abilities in the three projects are now based on his past football training. Reserving a short period of football training time can allow Wang Ai's ability to have a smooth transition stage.

Day by day, the 20-odd Tian Wang Ai at the Liaozu Base basically did not hear anything outside the window. Every morning, he came down from Hutoufang for morning exercises, and then talked with several coaches about the training content of the day while having breakfast. Half of the morning is used for technical explanations, and the other half is used for technical practice. The official training started in the afternoon and continued until late at night.

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