Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 386: Listen, the voice of the times (6)

Basically, except for changing football training to track and field training, Wang Ai's daily training rhythm has not changed much. At first, the coaches were worried whether Wang Ai was too excited about such a high-intensity training, or deliberately bragging. After a week of observation, they found that this was normal.

The coaches who were originally excited about Wang Ai's physical data also began to let go.

Huang Xin and Lei Ai did not accompany Wang Ai all the time these days. The National Games was held at Tiger Stadium. When they were away, Mai Chao of Liaozu was responsible for coordination. When they came, their work was naturally raised to the level beyond sports. They take over. What's more, it is one mile away from the Liaozu Base, on the banks of the Hun River, beyond the Rehabilitation Medical Center. It is also the general sports medical rehabilitation institution of this National Games. When athletes from many provinces and many sports are gradually gathering in Shenyang, the daily life of this institution is The work is getting busier and busier, and naturally there are also problems. There are two bosses who come forward to solve many things.

As the date of the conference draws nearer, the outside world reports on the National Games more and more intensively. Among them, Wang Ai, who has disappeared from the media for 20 days and has not even been updated on Weibo, is of course the focus of the coverage, and everyone is watching the show. It is worth mentioning whether the number one celebrity in China and the number one star in China will become a cross-border king and continue to shine at the National Games, or if he stumbles and smashes a dog and eats shit.

The former praised him for being able to do everything, while the latter warned him to respect his profession, and it was reasonable to play it anyway.

On the evening of September 1, Wang Ai went to Huang Xin's original villa, which is also her occasional residence now, to cook and entertain several track and field coaches who have been with him for more than 20 days. It has been three days since the opening of the National Games. Tomorrow is the final day of the triathlon, and it is also the first day of acceptance of the results.

Previously, the Liaoning delegation strongly invited Wang Ai to attend the opening ceremony, but Wang Ai politely declined on the grounds that he was nervous about training.

What if it gets pulled over? The higher the jump now, the worse the fall will be?

"Don't be nervous for tomorrow's game, just play normally." After dinner, Wang Ai sent a few to the door, and the coaches were still entrusting them. This may be the fattest order they have received over the years. A peace of mind.

After sending a car to take them home, Wang Ai turned around and went back to the house to look at the triathlon competition information. In mid-August, Wang Ai had already traveled to the Qipanshan competition venue by car for inspection, and now he was looking for information about his opponent.

"The situation is not optimistic." Wang Ai said with emotion after putting down the documents.

"Haha." Huang Xin smiled.

"Okay, the key is to participate." Wang Ai generously forgave himself.

"Haha." Leoni smiled.

"It's better for me, the other team members are in the hotel, and the coaches are in charge. I'm not like me, I'm free." Wang Ai decided to ignore the yin and yang of the women.

"Are you a wild card?"

"That's right." Wang Ai nodded: "Football was originally a special case. There are adult men's teams in other sports, but football is not."

"Haha, I still can't think of it now?" Huang Xin was happy: "You don't think that the National Games really wanted you to go to the past, will you go? You must be unwilling to waste time at that time."

"Also, I was busy running up before, and if you really look for me, I'm afraid I have to shirk."

Gu Gui

"Now that you are successful and famous, you only realize that there is still one piece missing in your achievement map, right?"

"Yes, yes, although the National Games is domestic, we have one-fifth of the world's population, and the National Games' status in the sports world and sports history is not low because of this population."

"Alas, the sports bureau is really difficult." Leoni sighed: "You are not happy when you want to participate, and you are not happy when you don't want to participate. In other words, who listens to whom? "

Wang Ai touched his head: "It's really crazy, oh my, I didn't find out if you didn't tell me."

Huang Xin looked at Wang Ai: "Then, be modest when you go tomorrow, especially to other athletes."

Wang Ai snorted and suddenly asked, "Did you hear some wind?"

Huang Xin hesitated for a while but still told the truth: "There are rumors in the track and field circle that they want to teach you a lesson, but I guess that's what I said."

Hearing this, Wang Ai laughed first and then seriously: "Be humble and humble, I won't take the initiative to come up and slap people in the face. I dare to say that there are few track and field athletes in China whose training intensity is higher than me, and almost no one is better than me. Their diet and life are more scientific and exquisite. Have you noticed these days? When I discussed with them, I said something better than them? Although they are professional and more experienced than me in track and field, but In terms of training as a whole, my training concept, training science, and human body science are more advanced than them, even if I am only exposed to some track and field things in foreign countries. Otherwise, why do domestic track and field events keep failing?"

The two women looked at each other when they heard this, and Huang Xin laughed: "If Xiaomei was here, I would be ridiculing you now. Well, you are right, practice brings true knowledge, and the lack of results in domestic track and field events is enough to prove that There is still a gap between the domestic track and field training concept and system from the world-class level. If you have a little amateur contact, and they are professional and profound, you can complement each other’s advantages.”

Leoni looked at the two of them and muttered in a low voice, "I still think they don't have the same knowledge as you because of the money's face... Okay, I was wrong."

"Want to watch a movie?" Huang Xin hurriedly rounded up the scene.

The game will be played tomorrow. At this time, there is no point in arguing about whether the coach has released water or whether Wang Ai is really doing it. Instead, it is better to coax him to chat and let him maintain his confidence. In the end, the women hope that Wang Ai will succeed, and hope to see the last piece of the puzzle in Wang Ai's grand slam being successfully lit up.

At 8:30 a.m. the next morning, Wang Ai arrived at the Qipanshan competition area in a van of Beyond Sports. His swimming equipment, cycling equipment, and running equipment are all ready, and now he put on his swimming equipment and hid in the house allocated by the main committee with a large number of athletes waiting for the game to start.

There are many reporters outside, and there are many people on the periphery of the competition venue behind the reporters. Wang Ai glanced at the room and concluded that at least four-fifths of them were fans.

The athletes are quite friendly. It can be seen that they have many acquaintances with each other. They also know Wang Ai. When Wang Ai took the initiative to say hello, he also responded.

Some are warm, some are modest, some are cold, and some are reserved.

Wang Ai didn't take it seriously, and after completing the part of saying hello and expressing his "mission" that he was still approachable, he rested quietly on the side.

At 9:55, the organizer came in to inform the athletes to prepare for the competition.

At 10 o'clock, with the sound of a gunshot, Wang Ai, in a swimsuit, swimming cap, and glasses, crowded among the athletes and jumped into the water at the twelfth point. Whether it is a cross-border king or shameless, just look at this!

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