Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 387: Listen, the voice of the times (7)

According to the research of the coaches before the competition, Wang Ai has obvious shortcomings in swimming and cycling. Although he often swims, and every home has a long swimming pool, after all, swimming is just a way of his physical training. He neither pursues speed nor beauty. It can be said that he likes to swim how he likes to swim. Not to mention the open-air swimming pool in winter, at least in the past two winters in Germany, it only goes into the water very rarely. This is even more true in terms of bicycles. It can only be said that they can ride, and their performance is better than that of ordinary people, but there is no such thing as technology.

Therefore, the advice given by the coaches is that you only need to follow the swimming and cycling without falling behind too much, pay attention to maintaining the rhythm of your body, and wait for the last 10 kilometers of long-distance running to be the time for you to exert your strength.

For a person who runs 40 kilometers a day, it is reasonable to define long-distance running as the power stage.

Therefore, Wang Ai's figure slowly fell behind in the eyes of the crowd. When others were swimming hard, Wang Ai's performance was unhurried, so that the five sets of commentators in charge of the live broadcast of the game could only laugh and ridicule. He has "general demeanor", and then decisively focuses the camera on the first few.

After swimming down 1,500 meters, Wang Ai didn't feel tired at all, and felt as if he had completed his warm-up. It's just that there is only one bicycle left in the bicycle field in front.

Wang Ai quickly took off her swimsuit, threw away her swimming cap and glasses, put on her bicycle, and got in the car to set off. If nothing else, the equipment cost Wang Ai 150,000 yuan. For a "fancier", the attitude of participating in the competition is still very sincere.

At least he didn't come to the second or eighth year, right?

It was cool when I first got on the bike, but it started to get hot while riding. Wang Ai rode hard, and the overall feeling was just entering the state. The roadside staff and fans who got in would also cheer for Wang Ai. At first, Wang Ai would turn his head and give a smile, but then gradually became paralyzed.

There are too many people...

Moreover, there is a lot of lag behind, and Wang Ai is also anxious to catch up.

Reluctantly followed the penultimate to the end of the bicycle, Wang Ai jumped out of the car and felt a little numb in her buttocks, but it did not affect her movement. I took off my coat, ripped off my trousers, dropped my glasses...

Section 387 Listen to the Voice of the Times Seven (Page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

, hat, took a sip of water by the way, put on the running shoes that Adi wanted, and set off!

With both feet on the solid ground, the team in front is far away, not too far away.

There are triathletes who came from swimming, long-distance running, and bicycles, but after all, the competition is the overall physical fitness. Even if the athletes in front of them have long-distance running background, they can only say that they are technically better than Wang Ai, especially in front of Wang Ai. In the case of intentional accumulation of physical strength in the two links.

Start running, start running, facing the bright noon sun at home and the breeze in the valley!

Wang Ai, who is fully exerting his strength, starts to catch up! Soon, the footsteps lightly surpassed the first opponent who was breathing heavily, and then passed the second, third, fourth... until I saw the finish line, I saw the color gate, Wang Ai is still constantly He surpassed his opponent and even started a 100-meter sprint in the last 200 meters.

Under the watchful eyes of the camera and the cheers of the crowd, Wang Ai completed the whole process with a sprint speed rarely seen in triathlon.

"What's my number?" Wang Ai gasped and asked the staff waiting here.

The beautiful girl hesitated for a moment: "Ninth, congratulations to you Captain Wang, you can achieve such a good result in the first competition."

"Only ninth?" Wang Ai shook his head regretfully: "Oh, thank you."

Walking to the side of the coach, before Wang Ai could speak, the coach blamed himself: "I knew that your physical fitness was so good, and I wouldn't let you stay in front of you. Give the front a few more and I can mention a few more now."

Another also said: "You can be faster than those who practice cycling and long-distance running in the swimming stage, and you can be faster than those who practice swimming in the cycling stage. We are still too conservative."

Wang Ai laughed while drinking water: "In the final analysis, the time is too tight. I only practiced three times in total. In fact, I should know more about my physical fitness. I didn't allocate it well."

Huang Xin, who was waiting here, said, "That's right, you can get the ranking for the first time in the competition. It's not the last one. You can explain the past in all aspects. Let's talk about it in a while. The awards ceremony is about to start, so you can go over there quickly. ."


Section 387 Listen to the Voice of the Times Seven (Page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Although he only got a ninth, it is right to participate in the award ceremony, and it is a respect for the opponent. So Wang Ai temporarily put on his coat and stood quietly by the side, watching the three PLA players take the stage in turn to receive the gold, silver and bronze medals.

When disbanding, Wang Ai was grabbed by Lin Long: "How are you feeling?"

"Why don't you go to interview the champion and runner-up, why are you interviewing my ninth?" Wang Ai deliberately didn't give a good face: "Look at me, the camera is still facing me, right? I'm an amateur, do you still have any professionalism? ?"

Lin Long carried the camera without saying a word, and faithfully recorded all his words and deeds. After Wang Ai finished speaking, he pointed to the other side: "There is an interview there, I am a tidbit."

"Oh." Wang Ai was satisfied: "What do you want to ask?"

"How are you feeling?"

"It's not very good, it's only ninth, and I haven't seen others take the first place for many years. I usually take it. But don't say it, this feeling is quite novel." Wang Ai touched his chest.

"Are you still participating in the 100m and long jump in a few days?"

"Why don't you participate? Why don't I participate?"

"You're only ninth!"

"What happened to the ninth? Oh, you're saying that the ninth might not make it to the 100m final, right?"

"...Is that what I meant?" Lin Long asked suspiciously, showing his head from behind the camera.

"I'll take it as you are!" Wang Ai was sluggish for a few seconds in front of the camera, and suddenly seemed to come to life: "You must participate, so why not participate if you have signed up? Competitive sports are not only the first and the last. One is honorable, and being able to participate in itself proves the ability and perseverance that surpass ordinary people. No matter what my number is, I feel honored to be able to participate in the National Games.”

Lin Long waited for Wang Ai to finish speaking, and then gave a thumbs up: "It's beautiful, I'll cut this paragraph later to see if it can be used as the theme of the National Games."

Wang Ai accidentally clicked the camera: "It's not a live broadcast."

"You ninth!"

"It's so realistic!" Wang Ai sighed in the sky.

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble." Huang Xin glanced at Wang Ai...

Section 387 Listen to the Voice of the Times Seven (Page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

There was no end to this with Lin Long, and more and more people gathered next to him. For fear that Wang Ai would say something out of his excitement, he hurriedly pulled him away.

When they got home, Wang Ai muttered while eating lunch: "It's alright, the triathlon was barely up to standard, and I didn't even want to report them to be scolded. The training time is not enough, I think the ninth is very good, just in time for the next one. In five days, I can strengthen the 100 meters and the long jump."

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