Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 388: Listen, the voice of the times (8)

The Liaozu Training Center is next to an open space in Hunhe, and a sand pit was dug temporarily for Wang Ai to use. He could have joined the Liaoning track and field team, but considering the popularity of the people, he decided to be self-reliant. Beginning on September 3, Wang Ai started the second and final assault training around this bunker.

For a better game effect, Mai Chao asked the Liaozu players, especially the young players, to stop pestering Wang Ai, no matter what the purpose is. With Mai Chao's strict order, Wang Ai finally became quieter. Every day was just four things: meetings, training, eating, and sleeping. The time soon came to September 7th. In the morning, Wang Ai was going to the main stadium, the Shenyang Olympic Sports Center, and the newly built Wulihe Stadium for the qualifying long jump. 100m preliminaries. With a large number of athletes to be selected to enter the next round, the competition is extra fierce.

Although there are not many Chinese track and field players competing for gold and silver in the world, they are not the kind that are not worth mentioning. Li Jinzhe in the long jump, Zhang Peimeng in the 100m, Xie Zhenye and Su Bingtian.

At the same time, the long jump and 100 meters are the core items of Wang Ai's registration for the National Games. They are the biggest subsidiary achievements of his years of hard and scientific training.

At the same time, the men's 100 meters and long jump are the core events of the entire National Games, and all China is very concerned about it from top to bottom. Probably because the hat of the sick man of East Asia is too shameful and heavy, the simplest, most direct, and most intuitive track and field has been relied on for tasks other than pure sports.

Every Chinese "looks forward" to beating foreigners, especially in athletics. Running faster than you, jumping higher than you, and farther than you, how can you say I'm a sick man? This is different from the nature of sports where ball games are very dependent on technology.

In this National Games, because of Wang Ai's crossover, the men's 100 meters and men's long jump have attracted more attention. A large number of Wang Ai fans and supporters have turned to these two competitions. Since the track and field project has not improved significantly, and Wang Ai is too good, his supporters are far higher than these two competitions themselves...

Section 388 Listen to the Voice of the Times Eight (Page 1/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

of followers.

Therefore, from all aspects, the two-day competition on September 7 and September 8 has become the highlight.

At 8:00 a.m. on September 7, Wang Aili entered the main arena under the guidance of the staff while wearing sportswear and a thin coat, and arrived at the registration office to complete the formalities. Several track and field coaches accompanied them all the way in high spirits, and then took the initiative to help arrange the lounge.

Before the match, Wang Ai barely got to know the unfamiliar opponents after reading the opponent's information. So Wang Ai walked into the lounge, everyone just looked up, nodded and smiled individually, the atmosphere was depressed and solemn.

As soon as Wang Ai saw that no one was willing to speak, he simply found a place to sit down, took out the earphones from his satchel, and put on the earphones to listen to music. Along with the melodious tune of "Three Stacks of Yangguan", Wang Ai was pushed awake half asleep before he knew it, and the time was up.

The opponents were all arranging their clothes, and some of them had already gone out first. Wang Ai stood up with a sigh of relief, put away the headphones and mobile phones, and handed them over to Li Jun, who was posing as a staff member among the coaches. This **** has just returned, and the waves are flying these days. With the usual online communication and learning with his master Lao Fan, plus a large number of criminal investigation materials collected by Wang Ai, this summer vacation in the Ly City Criminal Police Team has been very popular, and he doesn't want to. came back.

Wang Ai is too lazy to pay attention to him now, because he was blocked by reporters as soon as he went out. He didn't recognize him at first glance. When he saw that the microphone in his hand was from Sina, there were also Sohu and Phoenix. I don't know how these people got in. of. Not far behind them, there are several cameras halfheartedly filming other athletes, but they are all aimed at him.

Wang Ai is a little helpless. On the one hand, at least CCTV and Xinhua News Agency are available wherever they go. Although the others are treated differently, they are not easy to live with. But on the other hand, many long jump opponents who have been famous for a long time are despised and must feel uncomfortable, and Wang Ai is not willing to make others feel uncomfortable.

After cheering up and answering a few questions step by step, Wang Ai hurried away...

Section 388 Listen to the Voice of the Times Eight (page 2/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Opened the sidelines. As soon as I returned to the ranks of the long jumpers, I heard someone muttering something like pretending to be a criminal. Wang Ai could only sigh in his heart, pretending not to hear.

However, as he gradually walked into the middle of the lawn and gradually approached the referee, staff, springboard, and sand pit, Wang Ai's mood gradually became high, especially when the spectators in the stands of the main stadium were calling for one after another, suddenly there was a A feeling of pride was born in Wang Ai's heart: If you say that I pretend to be a coercive, then I will pretend to show you!

"Take it easy, take it easy, just show your seven-point ability." The coach kept telling Wang Ai's ear.

Wang Ai smiled and nodded yes.

Including Wang Ai, there are a total of 23 athletes participating in the qualifying competition in the long jump, and they must be over 7.7 meters. If there are less than 12 athletes, they will make up in order.

Wang Ai ranked 23rd. As the only athlete whose wild card is still a layman, the organizing committee is still very strict. Of course, it can also be said that putting Wang Ai at the end can make the audience's appetite for a while longer. Many audience members who also have work on Saturday just took time to see what Wang Ai's dance looks like. to go.

After the triathlon results came out a few days ago, there was a lot of discussion. Some people praised Wang Ai for participating in the first time, and it was good for a football player to get ninth, and there were many well-known triathletes among the people who praised. But some sneered, saying that the ninth came after the **** came to the sky. It is true that you are arrogant in the football industry, but if you dare to jump into other industries to challenge other people's majors, you are overly self-aware.

Xu Qinglian, who has been reading at home, took the time to pay attention to the comments of all parties, and secretly called Wang Ai to say that the overall evaluation was somewhat unfavorable to Wang Ai. It's not that there are too many negatives, but Wang Ai's image has always been the champion, but this time he didn't go to the podium at all, which invisibly lowered Wang Ai's image.

Xu Qinglian also eavesdropped on the phone calls between Shi Wenjun and the sponsors. Some sponsors were already persuading them, saying that if the remaining two projects could not reach the championship level, at least close, they should consider giving up.

"We'll give you a prize...

Section 388 Listen to the Voice of the Times Eight (page 3/4), click on the next page to continue reading.

Is gold not enough? Please let yourself go. "This is a helpless plea from a sponsor worried about Wang Ai's declining championship image.

The reason why Shi Wenjun concealed and did not report is because she is the same as them and him.


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