Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 389: Listen, the voice of the times (9)

So far, Wang Ai has not participated in any official long jump and 100-meter competitions, and no sports organization has data on him in these two competitions. How far he can jump and how fast he can run is completely immersed in a fog.

Although some fans analyzed Wang Ai's game video through technical means and came to an astonishing conclusion, it is analysis after all, and its persuasive power only stays at the stage of satisfying people's curiosity. Touch professional organizations, whether it's sports bureaus, track and field teams, or serious media.

People trust Wang Ai's image of a champion over the years and think that since he has passed the registration, he must have two brushes. Great, or else others are not practicing in vain?

So a contradiction arose, and no one could say exactly what he could do. In addition to Wang Ai's family members who have seen him occasionally play like this, they are confident, the closer the relationship with him, the more uneasy.

On the second day of the triathlon finals, Director Wei Di called specifically to inquire, expressing the same views as the sponsors, even more honestly: "It's okay to give up, it's not normal to get injured in the competition. It's a bit embarrassing, but it's over soon, you're going back to the Premier League soon, and the fans will forget about it as soon as the game starts, you're still China's No. 1 star and one of the world's three super giants."

The implication is that if you can't do it, you can keep the guesses that are good for you at present. If you don't do it, you have to go to yourself to uncover this layer of fog. As a result, everyone sees you as a joke. Then your commercial sponsorship is over. By the way, our Football Association's one-billion profit on you is over, and by the way, when the General Administration of Sports makes a financial budget at the end of this year, your part will be over, and then by the way The performance of my leader's work is also complete.

It took Wang Ai a lot of explanation to force Director Wei Di to stop talking, but Anxin is definitely not because Director Wei Di is here today. Nominally, it is the 60th anniversary of Liaozu after participating in the National Games, but there is still one week left!

It can only be said that Director Wei Di's love for Wang Ai is deep!

Looking at Wang Ai's eyes filled with tears!

I can't wait to tie him up and take him away!

But Wang Ai had to give it a try, and Director Wei Di had no choice, especially when all the leaders knew and expressed interest, he had to leave his job and come to watch the track and field competition in person as the chairman of the Football Association!

They jumped out one by one, some of them passed immediately, and then went directly to the sidelines to change into clothes and withdraw. The rest who didn't meet the standard very much or who wanted to compete for the order of appearance in the finals were still following, and finally it was Wang Ai's first round.

He climbed up leisurely on the grass next to him, patted his butt, moved on the spot, and followed the previous athlete slowly to the starting line. At this time, the clamor in the stands sounded, and it was impossible to control it.

He's a star, his supporters, and in their logic the louder the better.

Wang Ai didn't care, she straightened her clothes and continued to do simple warm-up movements. When the previous athlete completed the jump and the staff began to level the bunker, Wang Ai finally calmed down. Strangely, when he didn't say anything, not even a single gesture, the main venue of the Shenyang Olympic Sports Center suddenly became quiet.

Gu Qi

Many people sitting in the crowd clearly felt this change, and felt this moving change that should not be reported by the media. Director Wei Di looked around proudly with his shoulders on his shoulders, and could not wait to shout at the top of his voice: "This is our house!"

The referee signaled to Wang Ai that it was time to start. Wang Ai bent over with his legs apart, pressed his palms to the ground behind his legs, and made a movement that would frighten ordinary people before straightening up with a calm expression. Then bend down slightly, step forward with both legs easily, gradually increase the stride and speed up, reduce the stride about five meters before approaching the springboard, and suddenly increase the stride frequency, and finally it seems like a red lightning strikes The invisible gas wall suddenly bounced up.

It is difficult to describe the feeling of Wang Ai's amazing leap in people's hearts at this moment.

In the eyes of professionals, Wang Ai chose the more primitive squatting style for this jump, which is of course the most natural posture that everyone can do. The other two methods are a bit difficult to master. Although it is not impossible to master them in a month, Wang Ai gave up after thinking about it, and the coaches did not force it.

When they found that Wang Ai's running speed was extremely fast, many people's faces changed slightly. When they saw Wang Ai's legs bending early and waiting to fall, many people smiled. When Wang Ai fell, many people were puzzled: it seems, that is the place where the 22 people did not fall before...

The people up and down the stands suddenly stood up and stared straight at the bunker in the center of the venue. At this time, the big screen playback came, and the landing point was... more than 8 meters!

8.07 meters!

"Oh hoo!"

It's not just people's moods, but also people's feet: in the first round of the long jump preliminaries, the only one who jumped eight meters!

There was more noise in the main arena as the referee indicated that the jump was valid. The opponents surrounding the bunker looked in shock at the football giant who was grinning back from the front of the bunker. At this time, the majority of TV viewers noticed two details under the reminder of the sports channel host: one. It was Wang Ai who was very stable when he landed; the second is that when Wang Ai landed, his legs didn't bend much, and his **** sunk a little and then he stood up straight.

This shows that he still has energy left!

Wang Ai's coach came up and said a few words to him, and then Wang Ai told the referee to give up the next two jumps. But this little move was discovered by the fans in the stands, so they coaxed him to dance again.

Even the referee smiled and prepared to give Wang Ai a chance to go back, but Wang Ai just gave up after hesitating for a while. So when he walked to the guardrail, the fans' voices got louder, and Director Wei Di in the crowd looked with a reserved smile on his face to see what Wang Ai planned to do next: You are responsive!

Lin Long, who was carrying the camera, also planned to watch the excitement, but Wang Ai suddenly started when he walked slowly in front of him, and the wind swept through his camera and his microphone, but after running, he turned back and gave him a "hehe". Less than two seconds.

The commentator Liu Jianhong was silent for a second: "...not to mention, the speed is really fast! I can't see the person clearly. This makes me look forward to the sprint race at night. Next, we invite the guests to serve us. Analyze Captain Wang's jump just now."

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