Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 390: Listen, the voice of the times (10)

The mainstream media is still reserved, and the online media has already taken action. With Wang Ai's jump at 9:14 am on September 7th, the news of passing 8 meters in the first round began to spread on the Internet almost instantly. Quick hands and feet have already cut the video and matched it with music and released it synchronously.

Well, doing this is highly suspected of being a trumpet from various sponsors!

They finally breathed a sigh of relief, like Director Vidi retreating from the stands humming a song. Even if there are still more than 80 centimeters away from the world record and more than 30 centimeters away from the Chinese record, after all, it is the first round of the first round and the first place in the qualifying competition that was later confirmed, so it is a champion anyway.

In this case, even if the name of tomorrow's final is lost to Sun Shan, there is still a fig leaf, what is nervous, does not perform well, and is injured...

A set of noon news from CCTV then broadcast the news as an anecdote, which once again called Wang Ai's fans to pay attention to the National Games, especially the 100-meter preliminaries at night.

Wang Ai, who returned to the Liaozu Base, and the coaches briefly summed up the jump just now. At this time, Li Jun, who got his red mobile phone again, was busy, and people who were not familiar with him asked Wang through this phone. Aidoshi. On the contrary, Wang Ai's own black mobile phone basically did not move. It seems that whether it is friends who stay in China or teammates who have already started the new season in Europe, they are not bothered at this time.

After lunch, Wang Ailuo took a short rest and then went to Hutoufang to take a nap. Huang Xin was still busy at the rehabilitation medical center. Leoni took time to come back to say congratulations and was put into bed by Wang Aila to take a nap together, and she could sleep better with her beloved woman. Practical.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Leoni rubbed her eyes and woke up. Seeing that Wang Ai was still sleeping, she hurriedly pushed him, and the two went to the bathroom to wash their faces together. Tiger Stadium has been quiet since the women's senior game a few days ago. At this time, there is no one. After washing up, Wang Ai walked around the stadium for a few laps accompanied by the coaches to recover his spirits before starting to warm up. Training in nature to stay in good shape for the evening game.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Ai had dinner with everyone in the Liaozu cafeteria. Zhao Junzhe, Wang Liang and others were there, as well as many youth team players who had finished training for the day. Zhao Junzhe and Wang Ai chatted Zhou Haibin and the others got married two weeks ago. At that time, Wang Ai only showed one side in a hurry, but Zhao Junzhe and his group of old national players lingered in Dalian for a long time.

Even after eating and chatting, at 6 o'clock in the evening, everyone said their goodbyes. Wang Ai also brought running shoes and certificates, accompanied by Huang Xin, Li Jun, Zhao Dan and others, and boarded the car with the coaches to the main stadium.

Tonight's 100 meters is a preliminaries, divided into four groups, the top three can enter the semi-finals. Since Wang Ai did not have regular results, he was ranked eighth in the third group as the last place, and there were not yet eight people in the fourth group.

The coaches said that as long as the score reaches 10.50, they can enter the semi-finals, and they want Wang Ai to stop and run. But Wang Ai was embarrassed to make it clear that he didn't know how many seconds he was running. The coaches thought about it. They were also repeatedly shocked by Wang Ai's speed in training this month, so they forgot that he couldn't do sprints like other sprints. The athlete has a clear perception of his own speed, and after thinking it over and over, he can only decide to let him run casually.

It's important to enter the semi-finals, and the rest can't be taken care of.

In Shenyang in early September, at 6:50 p.m., the sky was dark, and the headlights in the Xinwulihe Stadium illuminated the runway. , plus a football giant who sneaked in, making this 100-meter trapeze battle even just a preliminaries also attracted much attention.

On the sidelines, Wang Ai sat in the crowd, accompanied by several coaches proudly, who seemed more active than Zhao Dan and the others.

After the first group finished running, the second group stepped forward. Wang Ai stood up with the other third group members at the same time, and walked to the back of the starting line to prepare for the action. Soon, the second group also finished, and the best time was Su Bingtian's 10.33. Under the referee's signal, the third group stepped forward and stood up respectively, doing their final preparations.

Wang Ai's position is on the eighth track, which is the outermost and closest to the auditorium. From the perspective of the effectiveness of sprinting, it is of course the worst. It is the loudest and most susceptible to external influences. But at this time, Wang Ai didn't care, no matter how confident he was, even if it was his respect for the game itself.

He was single-minded in his preparations and kept an eye on the referee's movements.

Valley lameness

However, his appearance made the audience have a little unexpected association. Among the 8 people, Wang Ai is the tallest, and Wang Ai is the strongest. Those thick thighs, swollen pectoral muscles, and clear deltoid muscles... Usually people don't feel deeply about Wang Ai's size, probably because he always moves frequently on the football field, and Wang Ai's body is too symmetrical and his muscles are too developed. , Only at this time, when Wang Ai stood on the 100-meter starting line, did people clearly notice it.

Almost instantly, a message appeared in the comment area of ​​the CCTV live website: "Why do I seem to see a yellow-skinned Bolt."

Almost instantly, this message received multiple comments. Many people were still typing but saw the referee signaled in the video, and immediately stopped their hands.

Wang Ai put both feet on the starting block, pressed both hands to the ground, and listened to the sound of gunfire.

At this time, the audience was silent, and no matter who the supporters were, they shut their mouths.


The sound of gunfire was an order, and the eight trapeze ejected from the starting block at almost the same time!

Wang Ai is the slowest! He is afraid of running away!

But after he stepped on the track, straightened his waist, and spread his arms, he began to overtake one by one, and before he reached 50 meters, he ran to the top of the eight horizontal people!

Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up!

Under the gaze of millions of eyes, Wang Ai continued to accelerate, passing the finish line almost like a wind, and ran more than 100 meters before stopping.

Amid the roaring noises in the audience, Wang Ai turned around with a relaxed expression to greet the audience's congratulations to No. 1. He was about to walk off the track to go home, when he suddenly noticed that the cheers in the stands were getting louder and louder, and then a crowd on the side of the track. The staff waved at him excitedly and jumped to attract his attention.

When Wang Ai looked over, he pointed in the direction of the electronic scoreboard. Wang Ai turned his head to look at it, and took two steps to see it clearly. The data displayed on the electronic scoreboard was: 9 seconds 98!

Wang Ai reached out and scratched his scalp, then suddenly smiled.

At this time, his coaches had already rushed up, screaming around him, constantly slapping his body, and holding him in the direction of the electronic scoreboard.

When Wang Ai put one hand on the electronic scoreboard with the record of "9 seconds 98" and took a photo of the media with a relaxed attitude towards the main stand, the leader smiled and turned off the TV, and turned on the report submitted by Wang Ai.

At the same time, Duan Xuan, who had just finished applauding in the CCTV building, tore open an envelope of ordinary letters.

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