Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 391: Forehead God (1)

Wang Ai did not give any post-match interviews and quickly disappeared from people's sight. And the media didn't chase much at that time, because in the fourth round, Zhang Peimeng, the current national record holder, did not play yet.

When Zhang Peimeng finished the game with a time of 10.42 seconds, he remembered that, and now he wants to find Wang Ai, where else can he find it?

Liaoning is Wang Ai's hometown, which is evident from Wang Ai's wild card status. And Liaozu is Wang Ai's own company. He stayed at the Liaozu base. From the security guards to the staff, they were all on guard, and no one could come in.

Wang Ai's red and white mobile phones were rarely turned off.

He knew what 9 seconds 98 meant.

Two years ago, Su Bingtian broke the national record with 10.16. In the first half of this year, Zhang Peimeng broke the national record with 10.04. But no matter how you run, the Chinese are still hovering outside ten seconds, not to mention the Chinese, so far no one in Asia has run within ten seconds.

The fastest is Koji Ito 15 years ago, who ran for 10 seconds at the Asian Games in Bangkok!

But if you don't enter for ten seconds, you don't enter. The outside and the inside are two worlds!

"Let's say you hold back your strength." The tiger head room in the night was beaming, and the coaches "blamed" Wang Ai while eating: "We usually have a good mind when we measure, and let you slow down because we know What is the level of your normal performance or even not normal performance.”

"Hey hey hey." Wang Ai ate the stew without saying a word, patronizing and smiling.

At this moment, the screen on the TV in front of him suddenly changed, and the host of the "News Network" program Hai Xia smiled: "In the just-concluded men's 100-meter preliminaries of the 12th National Games, Chinese football star Wang Ai took 9 seconds. The score of 98 broke the national and Asian records, and Xie Zhenye, who was in the same group as Wang Ai, broke the national record at the same time with a score of 10.01 seconds. Please see the scene below."

A bunch of people who were eating focused their attention on the TV, and saw that the screen had switched to the main stand of the New Wulihe Stadium. With a clear gunshot, Wang Ai started running in the outermost lane, and the voiceover began: " Wang Ai started slowly. According to the analysis, he was more worried about running. However, his speed advantage was quickly revealed after the start. After surpassing 7 opponents in a row, he crossed the finish line with the first result. Seeing that he did not take any action to cross the line, and did not know how fast he ran, this also verified the speculation and analysis of the fans for a long time."

Next, Xie Zhenye, who was caught and did not run, was interviewed shyly: "Yes, I played extraordinarily well today, probably because Captain Wang ran too fast. I wanted to save some energy for tomorrow. But, Everyone is running very fast, there is no way to keep it. I didn’t expect to break the record, yes, I will work hard tomorrow.”

When the voice-over ended, the picture was deliberately left for about ten seconds, leaving Wang Ai's stunned expression and the scene of walking near the electronic scoreboard for a group photo.

The screen returned to the live broadcast room, and Haixia faced the camera: "Congratulations to Xiao Wanger for another miracle, he represented the yellow race in ten seconds for the first time, reflecting the higher, faster and stronger Olympic spirit. "

After the news was over, the Hutou room burst into applause after a moment of depression. The coaches, cadres, and guards looked at Wang Ai with eager eyes.

Wang Ai stood up and cupped his hands with a smile on his face amid the applause: "No way, no way."

"As for!" Zhang Guang, a big man in Shandong, sighed.

The applause grew louder.

Wang Ai sat down with a smile and went to eat. The coaches shook their heads: "Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. I don't know how many people can't sleep."

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Wang Ai continued, and the coaches had no choice but to say: "But you have to sleep well, tomorrow is the real show. Although the record is definitely broken, the first ten seconds is yours, but you can go faster. Some, and long jump finals."

When the people left, the Hutoufang became quiet again. Wang Ai stood by the bed and looked at the lights and the quiet stadium outside. Huang Xin snuggled up beside Wang Ai. After a while, Leoni, who threw the trash and arranged for the guard, also came back to catch him. the other arm down.

"As for the two of you?" Wang Ai teased: "You haven't been this good in so many years. Look at you now?"

Huang Xin shyly let go of his arms and stroked his hair: "You don't understand what 100 meters means to people."

"I understand."

"You understand it theoretically, but not emotionally."

"Well... that's right."

Seeing that Wang Ai was silent, Huang Xin asked instead, "Why are you in a daze?"

Wang Ai stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around Huang Xin's shoulders and Leoni's waist, shaking her head: "It's nothing, I'm thinking about how to deal with the media tomorrow."

"Regret?" Leoni asked.

"I can't talk about it, I was running fast, and I didn't take medicine. What's the regret of being open and honest?" Speaking of which, Wang Ai still bared his teeth: "However, the track and field team may want to look at me. And I can't guarantee that I will be able to represent the track and field team in the future. They also have a lot of competitions, such as the Grand Prix, the Asian Games, the World Championships, and the Olympic Games. I can't be too busy."

"Do you really want to have a part-time job? It's a shame that Manchester City has no confidence. You've already quit your job when you switch to a wealthy family."

"I just don't want to be embarrassed. I have to figure out how to reject the enthusiasm of the superiors, the media and the masses."

"I think it's not impossible for you to change careers. Anyway, in the football world, you have already won the Grand Slam, and there is nothing left to win." Huang Xin said half seriously and half ridiculed: "You really want to change careers. , and stay at home for a little more time.”

Wang Ai shook his head: "Not necessarily, they always have to train, fly around, and are not allowed to bring their families. Although there are many football games, I am at home every day and can accompany you every day. The most important thing is that I don't make as much money as football, and it doesn't have such a strong drama and mass base. And I really want to change careers, don't tell me, do you believe that Director Wei can hang himself at my door?"

"The track and field team welcomes you, let them pinch." Huang Xin was rarely lively and funny.

"Don't let it be extremely difficult. The Olympic 100-meter medal and the World Cup champion are equally important in terms of importance. But if the ability to make money is counted, anyway, I think if the leaders really decide to choose between the two, they will definitely let it go. I play football. Besides, the track and field team still has Zhang Peimeng and the others, just in the past few years, but football can’t leave me, you know the next wave of people.”

"Okay." Huang Xin compromised on behalf of his superiors: "As for the gold medal, give it to me to play with."

"It's more than a gold medal." Wang Ai turned around with a lascivious look: "I'll play with you too."

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