Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 395: Forehead God (5)

Compared with the 100m, people don't expect much of Wang Ai's long jump, only some diehard fans are still hoarse with others Amway: "He runs so fast and the long jump must be able to break the record. Do you use force?"

As the first in the preliminaries, Wang Ai was ranked first in the final three jumps. When the referee indicated that everyone could try the jump three times, Wang Ai chose to give up. He felt that his mental and physical strength, especially his love for the long jump, which could inspire him to go all out, was only enough to consume three times.

This is a bit metaphysical, but it is Wang Ai's true feeling. Of course, the referee didn't say anything about it. If you don't want it, forget it, and the coaches on the sidelines didn't say anything. This was all discussed in advance.

However, Wang Ai gave up trying to dance, but it became mysterious in the eyes of various commentators and even some foreign reporters. They competed to make various reliable and unreliable interpretations.

At 19:01, the three trial jumps of many long jumpers had ended, and Wang Ai had been sitting on the grass next to him with his eyes closed. In order to shield the hustle and bustle of the scene and soothe the turbulent mood, Wang Ai chose to think about profound philosophical issues, so that when he was notified and opened his eyes, his eyes were not only calm but even a little indifferent.

Wang Ai walked to the runway calmly. After the referee signaled to start, he took the initiative to take a few steps back, and then let out a deep breath and lowered his head to run!

Faster, faster, faster! When approaching the springboard, switch the stride, lean forward with your upper body, and take off with a single pedal!

Still squatting, still gathering legs early...

In September in Shenyang, the cool night wind blew Wang Ai's shirt and brushed his face. He saw the countless flashes on the opposite stand like stars in the night sky. Wang Ai closed his eyes subconsciously, feeling the soaring free from gravity, feeling the slightest, momentary, intoxicating and a little daunting freedom.


Wang Ai fell to the ground, his feet slammed into the sand, his hips sank, his body bowed, and he actually stood on a horse stance.

This time, even the staff holding the broom was stunned: Captain Wang, you really worked hard to make the long jump, or else the **** would be at least half a meter shorter when you sit down!

good job!

I'll see how far I can jump... uh, uh? ?

The referees next to them all stood up and looked closely at the edge of the bunker. The two footprints were clear, and the bunker behind the footprints was even. One of the referees lowered his head and wrote something, and the other one looked up at Wang Ai, who was standing by the bunker, and exhaled before raising his voice amid the noise of the audience: "8.52 meters! A new national record! A new Asian record. If there are no other questions...congratulations, Captain Wang."

"Thank you." Wang Ai nodded and left. He knew what the referee meant. When the referee had raised the flag to indicate that it was valid, he was talking about doping.

With the emergence of new data on the electronic scoreboard, the unremarkable mood of the audience who had been popularized by various commentators suddenly fluctuated. The previous record was 8.40 meters, and now it is 8.52 meters!

Increased by 12 cm!

…new national records, new Asian records!

Gu Ma

Wang Ai didn't say anything to the cheers from the audience, and ignored the complicated eyes of other opponents. He still returned to the grass where he was sitting just now, and continued to adjust with his eyes closed.

As if all the hustle and bustle had nothing to do with him, as if everyone's eager eyes were isolated, he let tens of thousands of people on the scene and hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV enthusiastically chat with others, discuss a lot, point and point, and let them vent. The surging passion in my heart.

Soon, the second round came. Because the first jump Wang Ai broke both the Chinese and Asian men's long jump records, Lao Jianfeng, the last Chinese record creator and today's commentator, did not know how to explain it during the live broadcast, and was even speechless for a while. So at this moment, Wang Ai actually enjoyed a huge football treatment: his second jump was specially reminded by a staff member.

Standing more than forty meters away, Wang Ai took a deep breath calmly, lowered his head and started, still at the same speed as the wind, still with accurate pedals, and flying, but this time when he landed, Wang Ai didn't stand still, leaning forward and lying directly on the ground. On the sand, at this moment, he clearly heard a few sneers coming from the direction of the athlete.

The results are naturally not very good, 8 meters 27. Although this result is enough to win the gold medal in many competitions, and it is also the second best result after today's round, the other athletes are probably under too much pressure and have forgotten sportsmanship.

Wang Ai's face is not very good, it's too embarrassing, he ate a mouthful of sand, especially when he ran to the side of the court to rinse his mouth, it was not only the athletes who laughed at him, but also all the people in the stands were laughing. Consideration, let alone respect. It may be that Wang Ai's image is usually too mild and too civilian, so everyone doesn't think there is anything wrong with laughing at him.

It was Xu Qinglian who knew him. She knew that the man was just thinking about it, not that he had no temper. If a series of accidental factors were quickly added together and exceeded his resolution speed, he might suddenly explode unexpectedly.

"Don't be angry." Across the iron fence, Xu Qinglian quickly comforted her.

"Well." Wang Ai still looked bad, looking at his coaches: "That's it, okay?"

The amiable middle-aged coach was about to nod his head, but the older coach suddenly said: "Little Wanger, your second jump is really bad, but I have seen your progress. When you landed, you wanted to correct the first jump, right? Want to stretch more and jump further, right?"

Wang Ai was still rinsing his mouth, but his movements slowed down.

The old coach squeezed Xu Qinglian out of the way and grabbed Wang Ai's arm: "You have already broken the national record and the Asian record, so don't think too much, this third jump should be an exhibition match, okay? Let's just be presumptuous, okay? Let's open our eyes and see how talented you are as an amateur athlete?"

"Exhibition match?" Wang Ai put down the bottle of pure water.

"Just dance and play!" The coaches encouraged Wang Ai.

"That's right! Dance and play!" Xu Qinglian encouraged Wang Ai.

"Okay!" Wang Ai loosened his shoulders, turned around and went back.

When the referee saw that he was back, he withdrew his gaze and turned to Li Jinzhe, who was making preparations. He couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart: Wang Ai was born and jumped 8 meters 52! The only advantage Li Jinzhe has is his age.

However, Li Jinzhe soon proved the dignity of a famous general with his actions. Under the watchful eyes of the referee and Wang Ai, Li Jinzhe jumped 8 meters 53 in this second jump!

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