Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 396: Forehead God (6)

No one expected that within ten minutes after Wang Ai suddenly broke the Asian and Chinese long jump records, Li Jinzhe would break it again!

Lao Jianfeng, who had already adjusted at this time, joked directly in the live broadcast: "I want to call Captain Wang Grandpa!"

"Why are you being so polite?" Han Qiaosheng teased very unexpectedly.

"No, no, I mean, didn't you realize that our record has been broken one after another since Captain Wang came? If I remember correctly, the men's 100m has surpassed the original record by five times so far, and this long jump is twice again. , exactly seven!"

"What does grandpa mean?"

"The gourd baby! One person brought seven gourd babies."

In the roar of laughter from the people who listened to this commentary, Li Jinzhe, who had finished dancing, took the initiative to walk to Wang Ai's side: "Thank you, I might not be able to break through without your help."

Wang Ai smiled: "I have a third jump."

Li Jinzhe laughed at himself: "It doesn't matter, I have broken the Asian record anyway, even if it's just a few minutes."

Wang Ai fell in love with Li Jinzhe, patted his arm and turned to prepare for his third jump.

When Wang Ai was facing the direction of the bunker and preparing to start with a calm expression, the main field suddenly became quiet again, and the needle could be heard falling. The family in the stands could even hear the voices of the strangers around them subconsciously pressing their breaths, and they could only feel that they were worthy of their hometown.

Wang Ai exhaled heavily, and then took a deep breath, without any superfluous expressions, he didn't start the race!

Run, run, run!

His running is different from that of ordinary long jumpers.


Probably because of the brief exchange with Li Jinzhe just now, Wang Ai was stimulated. The relaxed mood of his original exhibition match was gone, and his chest was full of aggressive ambition!

Wang Ai's figure rowed across the stands and across the galaxy, like a big bird struggling to break free from gravity. His high-jumping figure, his high-spirited neck, and his will to never admit defeat drew thousands of people. Thousands of hearts. When his figure fell from the highest point full of strength, beauty, floating feeling and even graceful fall, people's eyes were directed at the light yellow flat sand pit!

Exactly how far has yet to come, because the finish line has been surrounded by standing referees and staff. People can only anxiously recall the afterimage in their minds. It seems that Wang Ai has an obvious stand-up action this time. This is... the stand-up pose he used for the first time!

It's the first time I use it, is it because I'm in a hurry to use it? Well, what is the result!

It's so frustrating, hurry up!

It seems that in response to people's calls, the people around the landing point dispersed. In the sights from far and near are the smiles of the referees, the staff celebrating Wang Ai, and Wang Ai himself turning around with a sigh of relief. The body looks to the sidelines.

On the electronic scoreboard on the edge of the bunker, a horrifying statistic is engraved: 8 meters 77!

Valley Desert

8 meters 77? 8 meters 77?

8 meters 77!

This is an astonishing event that is no less than the breaking of the 100-meter Asian record. It quickly covered thousands of TV screens to vent the director's mood and inspire the audience's mood.

Switching to the scene again, after the crowd dispersed, Wang Ai raised his head and gradually calmed his breath. When he walked to the sidelines, Li Jinzhe stepped up and opened his arms to embrace the football giant: "Congratulations, you are amazing."

"It's up to you." Wang Ai nodded calmly.

Li Jinzhe looked at the direction of the sand pit and nodded, silently making preparations.

I don't know if it was Wang Ai's too fierce performance that made Li Jinzhe unacceptable for a while, or whether he did his best in the second jump just now, or because his old injury has not healed. In short, Li Jinzhe's third jump was also good, 8 meters 44... The dust settled .

Wang Ai also hugged Li Jinzhe, turned and walked to the lounge. The reporters surrounded by them scrambled to speak up, like a group of animals waiting to be fed. Wang Ai could only suppress the impatience in her heart and listen to a few boring questions such as "how are you feeling?", and she chose a few from the alternative answers without thinking.

The reporters were slightly satisfied, but Wang Ai was impatient to the extreme, and he desperately needed to be quiet.

Fortunately, Wang Ai's coaches and defenders all saw it at this time, stepped forward and politely blocked the crowd and sent Wang Ai into the player tunnel.

In the lounge, Wang Ai put down his disguise completely, and his face with his eyes closed was full of irritability and majesty, making bystanders stunned. Only Xu Qinglian rushed in and sat next to him regardless, grabbing his hand, making the other athletes who were going to change clothes rather uncomfortable.

Just as no one dared to disturb him at this time, no one dared to express any objection to her coming. At this moment, the cruel side of competitive sports is fully revealed. Many athletes who have practiced long jump since childhood for more than ten years, face an outsider, an outsider who violates discipline, but dare not say anything against it.

The subject and the guest are reversed... Whoever is stronger is justified!

After a full ten minutes of silence, Wang Ai's body slowly relaxed. At this moment, the staff carefully reminded that the award ceremony was about to begin. When Wang Ai opened his eyes, he found that there were people from the doping testing center waiting silently...they, who were usually rampant, actually waited for ten minutes without saying a word!

"Thank you, blood or urine?"

"Urine will do."

Wang Ai nodded, took the test tube, and walked towards the toilet, the people in front of him silently dodged. After delivering the urine sample a moment later, Wang Ai walked out of the player tunnel accompanied by the staff and reappeared in people's field of vision.

Standing quietly behind the podium, listening to the still passionate speech of the host at the scene, feeling the warm and hot eyes from far and near. Only 18 cm away from the world record, Wang Ai used a lot of strength to persuade herself to give up the urge to change to practice long jump. Although he no longer has much passion in football, and it seems that the long jump is still a blue ocean, he finally understands that the long jump is also a cruel competitive event, and now everything he relies on is his own physical fitness and consistent training with scientific laws. , and he is 26 years old. Even if technology improves, but physical fitness declines, if the two add up, what is more or less?

No one knew, and Wang Ai didn't dare to take this risk, no one asked him, and certainly no one asked him to change careers.

Track and field events such as the long jump have a higher status, but football has a greater impact!

In Wang Ai's contemplation, the lady of etiquette and the guests of honor came with smiling faces. After Li Jinzhe's reminder, Wang Ai suddenly ascended to the highest podium in the middle. The applause appeared and continued like waves.

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