Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 6 Chapter 367: Forehead God (7)

Taking the flowers, putting on the gold medal, and accepting the encouragement, Wang Ai straightened his waist and raised his hand.

Wherever he looked, the audience cheered and waved. Even Kang Siming, who had been detained beside Ai Xiaoqing with a bitter face, knew that Wang Ai could not see her, but she was still excited and desperately greeted the crowd in the arena. The one in focus, the figure that seemed to be the descendant of the gods, waved his hand.

At 6:30 p.m. on September 8, the Xinwulihe Stadium was elated for Wang Ai alone.

Wang Ai's tall and straight figure remained in the flickering lens, rapidly expanding to all areas that could spread.

After the award ceremony, Li Jinzhe cautiously asked Wang Ai's mobile phone number. Wang Ai called him on the sidelines and said goodbye after saving each other.

Quietly going out to board the car, Wang Ai was still wearing the borrowed coat of the Liaoning delegation, and forgot to return it. The people in the car could only exchange glances excitedly when Wang Ai was still silent. This is not fear but respect, a tribute to a legendary athlete who can not only become the world's number one in football, but also raise the height of the Chinese people in running and jumping.

"I want to sleep for a while." Back in Hutoufang, Wang Ai looked at Xu Qinglian.

Xu Qinglian opened her mouth and said nothing: "Okay, I'll call you later."

"Yeah." Wang Ai took off her shoes and turned on the bed, pulled the blanket and turned over to close her eyes.

Xu Qinglian bit her lower lip and looked at Wang Ai in the blanket. She was going to the 100m final at nine o'clock in the evening. She is sleeping now... The unscientific and unscientific people can't take care of it. Now I don't know how many people are shouting at the new Asian long jump record Not scientific. Since Wang Ai was unscientific in the first place, and unscientific to the present, he can only continue to be unscientific for the sake of being conservative.

It doesn't matter anyway, doesn't it?

"My man has long been in the annals of history. One more item and one less item no longer affects his historical status." Xu Qinglian went downstairs with a little pride and showed off to Kang Si, who finally ran out.

Kang Si lowered her head hesitantly and muttered something in a low voice, but Xu Qinglian didn't hear it clearly, so she raised her chin curiously: "What?"

"I mean, I mean..." Kang Si pursed her lips, gasped, and finally her voice turned into a very low voice: "I mean, can you give me a little bit?"

This time Xu Qinglian heard it clearly, stunned for a moment and then laughed non-stop: "Is my red deer finally an adult?"

Kang Si asked nervously: "I only need one-fifth, one-tenth, a little bit."

Xu Qinglian shook her head and picked up Kang Si's left arm, looking at the Rolex on her left wrist: "I don't even have one, only you, don't you understand?"


"You're not afraid of him, you're afraid of me?" Xu Qinglian was keenly aware of Kang Si's subtext, and suddenly sighed: "Afraid of me for what... Don't you know that we have always reserved a place for you? want?"

Speaking of this, Xu Qinglian looked up at the stars in the sky, then looked back at the still quiet Hutoufang, and then looked back at Kang Si: "Want to go up? Today? Now?"

Kang Si's eyes widened, and she took two steps back subconsciously: "No, no, I mean I'm not ready."

"I don't think so." Xu Qinglian sneered and swept her gaze over Kang Si's mature figure.

There was a fever on Kang Si's body: "I mean, the Spanish side..."

"Oh?" Xu Qinglian thought for a while: "Are things going to be alright?"

Gu Ling

"Well." Cons lowered her voice: "The Queen told me last month that Crown Prince Felipe had promised to give me a knighthood in recognition of the W Foundation's contribution to Spanish philanthropy over the years after he ascended the throne."

"Is it just a knighthood?"

"The queen said that this is a compromise. She has already communicated with the Greek royal family. At that time, the new king will replace the Greek royal family with my princess, and the Greek royal family will not admit or deny it. Anyway, I have no brothers and sisters, only me. Kang Si shrugged: "My child can't inherit, even a daughter. But it is possible to get the title of a non-royal duke, all this is still uncertain, roughly this is the case, it depends on the future foundation and royal funds. cooperation.”

"Princess?" Xu Qinglian circled around Kang Si: "Princess? Do you know what the princess' treatment will be in our family?"

"I, I'm still Cons, after this is done, I'm Lucia!"

"But the title of the princess is not fake. It has documents, crowns, and records."

"I'm Lucia, a fisherwoman from Seville!" Cons emphasized.

"Haha." Xu Qinglian scratched Kang Si's stubborn chin playfully: "You'll know then, it must be fun."

"You, you really don't object?"

"Why should I object? There is a princess for me to play with, I can't wait."

Kang Si took a step back defensively: "I..."

"Okay, I'm teasing you." Xu Qinglian turned around and took Kang Si's arm: "Let's go, go upstairs and see our man, he will continue to create miracles in a while, representing the Chinese and the yellow race! Wow! I'm good. Lucky!"

"me too."

The two gently pushed open the bedroom door and approached the bed, only to find that Wang Ai was staring at the ceiling with his arms on his head, and only noticed them when they heard the movement: "Hey, Kang Si is here?"

"Well, let's see you. How can I say that I am also your former agent. I heard that you opened up a new battlefield and took a leave of absence to cheer you on. You are really amazing!"

"Really? Thank you very much, did the work go well?"

Xu Qinglian silently watched these two guys pretending to be affectionate: You guys took off the couple's watch.

Kang Si's optimism and firmness dispelled the dark cloud in Wang Ai's heart. He got up and ate some fruit and chocolate. After doing some warm-up actions, he noticed that his body was fine, and then he cared about Kang Si's recent work with confidence.

Since Xu Qinglian left unexpectedly four years ago, and Wang Ai mobilized his secret trump card Li Jun to come out to investigate, Kang Si has gradually left Wang Ai's circle. After Li Jun officially became Wang Ai's assistant in the summer of 2010, Kang Si returned to China for rotation, and it has been more than three years.

She first conducted a survey on the "labor potential of disabled persons", and after traveling all over the three eastern provinces and submitting a thick survey and prospect report to the relevant departments, she successfully retired to join the Northern Light Industry North Papermaking Liaoyang Base. Starting as an ordinary worker, he has gone through a series of positions such as warehouse manager, squad leader, dispatcher, deputy director of the workshop, and deputy director of the base security office. Now he can speak well to the manufacturing industry.

The young girl in the past, except for the same eyebrows, only when she was excited could she notice her detachment from the past. Most of the time, she has become a capable, assertive, and temperament that is in the middle of Huang Xin and Shi Wenjun. cadre.

This can't help but make Wang Ai sigh, and he can't help but ask: "Let you start from a strange job when you return to China, have you ever thought that you were actually exiled by me?"

Kang Si glanced at her left wrist subconsciously, raised her head and smiled: "No."

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