Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 3: Restlessness (3)

Outside the camera, Huang Xin, accompanied by Li Jun and his guards, looked at the interview site, and Li Jun muttered softly: "Every time it's like a cross talk."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Huang Xin looked at Li Jun: "Such a relaxed conversation atmosphere is conducive to consolidating the unique and friendly image of the doctor. Why, you don't want to do it anymore?"

Li Jun sighed and raised his head: "I still have to do it, the salary is high."

Huang Xin smiled and shook his head. The whole family couldn't do anything about Li Jun's hobby. He had a heart to become Sherlock Holmes.

In the camera, the interview is still going on. After teasing Lao Duan, Wang Ai still answered the question head-on: "Yesterday's final was not very smooth, everyone saw it, and I was not prepared in this regard. I have no experience, so my emotions have been hit, and I feel that if there is no change, I may not be able to escape."

"So, you said to your lover, help me?"

"You guys even know this?" Wang Ai narrowed his eyes again.

"How many people have you forgotten to pay attention to you? Someone was taking a picture with a mobile phone beside you at that time. Wasn't it not facing you when you suddenly ran over? There are videos on the Internet now!"

"Oops!" Wang Ai rubbed his thighs with both hands: "What a terrible era this is!"

"So isn't it an old saying? Public figures must pay attention to their influence in every word and deed."

"Okay." Wang Ai spread his hands: "My relationship with my fiancee is very good. At the third start, I felt that my state was not good, and I had nothing to do, especially when I was in a hurry. So I went to her Then he forgot about everything and finally ran out."

"As a professional athlete, you should know the meaning of 8 meters 77 in the long jump and 9 seconds 71 ​​in the 100 meters, right?"

"Two Asian records."

"…That's it?"

"No? What else could it be?"

"Aren't you pretending to be calm?"

Wang Ai smiled: "I must have been excited at the time, but isn't this the next day? I have broken a lot of records and won a lot of championships in the global sense. Even in the European League, because the opening of the league has It's global in nature. So, two Asian records, maybe something I'll always be proud of when I retire, but now, at least now, it's not enough to make me uneasy for long."

"But that's a huge breakthrough in China's track and field career." Duan Xuan said incredulously: "I heard that the Chinese track and field community might hold a seminar for you?"

Wang Ai nodded: "I heard that too, but it's normal. The front-line workers are responsible for exploring and making progress in practice, and the second-line scholars are responsible for summarizing and refining. Each has its own division of labor and does not mean anything. The sense of achievement should come from long-term work and long-term efforts in a certain industry, so that emotionally, there will be a transition and a normal progress, instead of jumping in accidentally like me, my emotional progress is not complete. I think that once Zhang Peimeng and Li Jinzhe have made a breakthrough, that relationship will be sincere, strong and lasting."


"Everyone noticed that you and Zhang Peimeng and the others chatted with Li Jinzhe and the others for a while after the run. What did you guys talk about? Can you talk about it?"

"Simply exchanged the experience of the game and expressed mutual admiration."

"So will you represent China in track and field in the future? You have the best running and jumping results in the past few years?"

"Probably not... Well, it's possible. But I won't focus on track and field, and I won't increase the proportion of this aspect in my daily training. My central work is still football." Wang Ai looked at Duan Xuan and explained a little more. Sentence: "This is because for many years the focus of my work has always been football, and track and field is only a small part of it, and switching careers will cause huge waste. It is also because my experience in track and field is very poor, and it is too late to start from scratch. At the same time, China There are a lot of talents in the track and field, and sooner or later results will come out. Maybe I have already been surpassed by others before I can practice my career change, so after a comprehensive consideration, football is still the main focus. In terms of track and field, I can only play on behalf of the country if it is needed by the country. As a Chinese athlete, I have nothing to say.”

Seeing that Duan Xuan was still unfinished, Wang Ai smiled: "Old Duan, I'm 26 years old. I'm not a teenager from more than ten years ago. I can dare to think about everything and walk any road. When an athlete reaches my age, consider The angle of the problem is different.”

Duan Xuan looked at the smiling young man, the former boy, and felt depressed for a while.

Fortunately, he quickly adjusted and said with a smile: "If you were to assume that you started running and jumping when you were a child, what height would you get now? Will it break the world records for these two? Will it be in the BJ Olympics? Go up and compete with Bolt?"

"When I was a kid? No track and field coach came to me when I was a kid?" Wang Ai laughed: "The first one who came to me was Gao Gui, so I played with him."

"What do you imagine? If so?"

"Well..." Wang Ai frowned, raised her head and thought for more than ten seconds, then shook her head and said, "It makes sense that I didn't come to see me, I also went to school when I was a child, and the physical education teachers in the school are actually sports spies with our national characteristics, such as Scouts or something, once they find a talent, they will contact the sports school. As I recall now, in fact, when I was young, I was not very good at running and jumping, and even I was not talented in football. I just practiced early and practiced diligently, so it appeared Out."

"You didn't even have the talent for running and jumping when you were a kid? So how did you break records? I mean what was the process like?"

"Is the process? It's probably related to my experience after I arrived in Germany." Wang Ai still thought about it before answering: "I went to Germany at the age of 13, and I was just about to enter puberty. It may be the diet and training during that time. , Life has made me make great progress in running and jumping, but I still can’t tell the specific reasons, it may be in various aspects, or it may be that the potential in this area suddenly emerged after entering adolescence? I’m not sure.”

"Did you take the test then?"

"I have played, but I haven't tested it, at least not like track and field. For example, we also need to practice running in training. Sometimes people are happy and imitate track and field athletes to do 100 meters or something, but it's just a joke, I also I don’t know when I will suddenly be able to do it, I have been practicing football all the time.”

"Then when did you first discover it? Is it recently?"

"That's not true. I remember the first time I found out about Qu Bo."

"Qu Bo? Qu Bo of the national team?"

"Yes. After the 2002 World Cup, I was not called by Director Shen to participate in the 81 Olympic Games? The Asian Games and the Olympic Games, because the positions are relatively close, and I also went to the Premier League at that time, so the relationship between the two of us is relatively good, and it happened that he ran It's faster, and I told me several times to let me test it."

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