Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 4: Restlessness (4)

"When was it measured?"

"Well, in 2006, right? I was young when he told me at first, how old was I when I was preparing for the Olympic Games in 2004? 16, my body hasn't grown up yet, you see my photos at that time I was still relatively thin, I didn't have the slender body that I have today. So even if he told me at that time, even if I really ran, I couldn't run fast. Later, he always joked about this with me, and I really ran with him once. ."

"How much did you run that time? I mean in '06, um, when you were 18?"

"Uh... ten seconds, two or three, right?"

"That's close to the national record, isn't it?"

"We really asked at that time, close is close, but there are many close ones. The 100-meter record in China's electronic timekeeping was created by Zhou Wei in 1998. When we ran more than 10 seconds and 2 in 2006, it was 8 years. later."

"How many times did Qu Bo run?"

"The fastest one seems to be 10 seconds 5, nearly 10 seconds 6."

"That means you didn't consider changing careers at the time?"

"Yes, although my grades are good, but there are so many like me who can't even break the national record, why should I change careers?"

"You didn't expect to be able to run faster and jump farther later?"

"Yes, no one can think of it, right? If you can think of it, when I compete with Qu Bo, no one will be watching. If there is a chance, the track and field team will come to me long ago. Besides, I have also tested the running aspect. In fact, it has never been serious.”

"When did you find out then?"

"In 2009, when we were preparing for the World Cup in Shenyang, I met Qu Bo again, and he joked about it with me again. He was like that, he caught a joke and never let it go. Then I Tested with him again."

"How many?"

"The fastest one is 9 seconds 95, usually in the early 10 seconds, and it's within this span anyway."

"Is this enough?"

"What? Oh, the national record is definitely enough, but I'm pretty erratic. It's good to get 10 seconds in once in ten runs, and 2 out of 10 seconds if it's not good."

"I mean, should the track and field team come to you this time?"

"Well, when Director Du Zhaocai heard that he specially sent a team to come here, my situation was grasped at the time. Although my extreme results are indeed...well, it's okay, but instability is the biggest problem. For example, I Participation, the preliminaries and the semi-finals are all thresholds, it is difficult for me to guarantee that I can enter the finals to win glory for the country, it is very likely to waste a place."

"Then when did you stabilize?" Duan Xuan said frantically: "Your progress is so simple. I think other track and field athletes may solve the problem in half a year. You have been procrastinating for many years. .Almost ten years?"

"That's why I'm not a professional." Wang Ai smiled innocently.

Gu Ming

"Come on, when did you stabilize? You ran three times this time, and you got good results. 9.98, 10.01, 9.71."

"Maybe it's just what you said, I stabilized slowly over a long period of time, and there are no key time points or key changes in my memory. After all, we only run 60 meters at most. , the football field is only 90 meters long, why do we run 100 meters? If we must say that it has completely stabilized, it should be the training camp in the past month. Several coaches helped me, um, stabilized at 10 seconds. In the sprint, it is about half and half, that is, running twice and once for ten seconds, which is stable at about three-quarters of the time."

"So your three games are actually considered stable? Then I ask you, in the test before the National Games, how much did you run at the fastest time?"

"9.73...I probably ran into 9.8 less than 10 times this month, and the final performance was really good."

"Why? How much does it have to do with your fiancee's cheer?"

"Did you say it again?"

"I never left."

Wang Ai sighed: "Okay, the factor of my fiancee is the direct cause, that is, I needed an opportunity to re-focus my scattered and depressed emotions. But the fundamental reason is that the one-month training camp made me feel good about myself. The stability of my body in running and jumping has improved, and I know how to play it as stably as possible. Of course, football plays a significant role. There are many critical moments when the heart beats faster in 90 minutes of a game, such as shooting goals. Before, for example, in a fierce confrontation, it requires full attention. The characteristics of football may also be the reason for my long-term instability in track and field, because football is unstable and changeable.”

"I listened to you just now, as if you thought we had great hopes for running and jumping?"

"Of course, don't look at the world records are foreigners, but our top Chinese athletes are very close to them, especially once we have made breakthroughs in methods and experience. I think our material foundation is enough, and the only thing that is worse is the methods and methods. ."

"Then how effective are your methods, including your training experience and what you brought before and after this breakthrough?"

"I can't say this, but it's definitely useful. Because I haven't considered track and field as my main business, and it's too late to think about it. I don't know how I grew up, so I can't learn how meaningful it is. To measure, this requires track and field coaches and athletes to dig together, after all, they are professional."

"Will you support them?"

"Isn't it right now?" Wang Ai asked back and added: "As long as I have time and opportunity, it's all a matter of the country, and I have nothing to keep secret. My training table and my diet table are all fine. Give it to them if they want. But I don't think I'll be able to spare a lot of time to do some testing with them, after all, there's a lot of work in football."

"Speaking of football, what do you expect from a career at Manchester City?"

Wang Ai smiled: "It's no different from the past."

"What do you mean by no difference?"

"That is, as much as the championship can get, I don't dislike it too much, and I believe the fans will not dislike it too much."

"Some people say that you and Ibrahimovic are the most restless among the top stars in international football. What do you think of the fact that you have changed your sixth club?"

Wang Ai looked at Duan Xuan with a smile: "Do I always change clubs, which makes my collaborators feel troublesome? After all, every time I change, the sponsors have to change the posters? You have to change the league?"

Duan Xuan smiled without explaining: Of course!

"Well, there are many reasons for this, one of which is that I don't want to repeat myself." Wang Aisi thought about it: "Looking at the time line, every time I transfer, I have an urgent need. Everyone knows why Bayern went to Manchester City. And for a star in a small football country, every transfer is a ladder for a star in a football-centric world."

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