Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 8: Restlessness (8)

"It cost tens of thousands of dollars for a meal." After leaving the consulate and getting on the van that Leoni had checked in and had been stored at the consulate, Li Jun complained, "You've lost again."

Wang Ai smiled without saying a word, and Huang Xin didn't seem to understand his new defender Yang Li, so he explained gently: "When dealing with people and institutions, it is best to talk about human relations. Yes, we are going to eat The public account of the consulate's hospitality. But we come to eat for nothing, and it is inevitable that people feel a little uncomfortable. So spending a little money to make this discomfort disappear is conducive to the development of our cooperative relationship. "

The car was heading towards the eastern suburbs. Before coming, Leoni had left a complete road map. Wang Ai had been away from the UK for more than five years, but he had not forgotten his English. At the foot of the mountain, there was a faint goose-yellow light in the night ahead, which was Wang Ai's new home.

The large garage can hold three cars. Wang Ai walked to the door with the luggage and the key: "I can't see clearly at night."

Saying casually, he unscrewed the iron gate of the yard, and as soon as he entered the door, the lady rushed up. Then, VIVI and LILI in the corner also ran over with enthusiasm, which was also sent by the consulate today. The dog is at ease at home, but the cat is a little scared in the new environment, and hasn't gone out.

"Wait for a while, I'll take you out to play when I clean up." Wang Ai touched the dog's head and the cat's neck and spoke for a while before standing up.

This is an independent villa. Because it is located in the border area between the suburbs and the countryside, it is not far from the foot of a hill, so the yard is unusually large. Wang Ai can see at a glance that it is at least five or six hundred square meters. hospital. The exterior of the house is not very clear, but it is not very new. It has been built for about ten years, but it should be well preserved. When Leoni came, she had undergone a systematic cleaning and renovation, according to the living habits, cultural temperament, etc. of Wang Ai's family, so it looked pretty good.

The main building is still a three-story, fortress-style building. There are several steps at the entrance of the main house, there are corridors on both sides, and there are oak trees not far from the window. The two sides of the courtyard gate are external walls, and there is a row of more than two meters across the wall. The green plants formed the second line of defense. Wang Ai knew that among those green plants, there were at least twenty cameras hidden, and there were almost as many on the main building.

It’s just that compared to the sunshine in Spain and the warmth in Italy, the UK is more shady and cold, so the house does not have a terrace and the windows are too small, but the design is ingenious and will not affect the lighting. If the weather is good, you can go to the grass in the yard. If you are interested, you can go out from the back door and walk a hundred meters to the hills and look at the city far and near.

"The lion's vision is still good." Wang Ai strolled in her new home, moving electrical appliances and furniture, opening the refrigerator and freezer to take a look, and went to the gym, restaurant, and kitchen to check it out, and even looked through the back door. Looking at the outdoor swimming pool, he is a triathlete!

The security team leader Yan Zhu was in charge of allocating rooms, Li Jun also lived on the first floor, and the female security guards still lived on the second floor and packed their things. Wang Ai and Huang Xin went up to their real "home" on the third floor. There are eight rooms, four of which have been arranged as bedrooms, two are study rooms, there is a utility room, and the other is vacant.

Wang Ai and Huang Xin are also the most advanced and largest bedroom, which is the master bedroom. Pack up luggage and place the bed. In the next few years, this will be the main activity place for their family. That super wide bed... especially for Wang Ai. !

Huang Xin, who made the bed and folded the quilt, couldn't help driving him away in Wang Ai's laughter: "Go and clean up the study, I'll do it myself."

"You can do it yourself?" Wang Ai got out of bed, and took advantage of Huang Xin's bending over to clean up with a sneak attack, and then left with a big laugh.

glutinous rice

From Tübingen to Coruña, from London to Milan, from Munich to Manchester, Wang Ai's books are more and more, this time it is directly six big boxes. Leoni was very busy when she came to Manchester and couldn't take care of it at all, so she could only seal it up and let Wang Ai come over by herself.

It took Wang Ai more than half an hour to sort out all kinds of books on philosophy, sociology, agriculture, mathematics, and some history. Xu Qinglian's professional books are also placed here, and the other study room will probably be used by her as a research room, because Wang Ai has decided not to go to school to study, but to study at home.

Then this research room will also become a place where Wang Ai will work for a long time in the next few years.

The non-confidential parts of the information were also sealed in various large boxes, and they were sealed by Xu Qinglian himself, and Wang Ai did not dare to move.

After finishing all this, Wang Ai went to the second floor to take a look, and found that Yan Zhu was still in the final debugging of the monitoring equipment. Yanzhu took the initiative to introduce the monitoring system and security system to Wang Ai, and also told him the location of the weapons, including two stun guns, two pistols, three anti-riot guns and a rifle. Five years ago, Wang Ai went from Corunia to Cobham. Since it was rural London after all, it was not enough for Yanzhu and Zhao Dan to have a pistol, so they started to formally purchase other firearms. , the ones that should be left stay, there is almost a class saved.

The guards not only have gun licenses in the country, but also in the UK, which are certified by Germany. Because CY Sports' daily work includes providing security services to contracted athletes, gun licenses and guns are all ways to go there.

Wang Ai was playing with the complicated-looking CZ805, and Huang Xin went downstairs to take a look: "It's better to hide it, if the children find it out, it's a big deal."

Yan Zhu nodded: "The bullets stored at home are all separated. Only the bullets we carry with us are integrated, and they are concealed and locked."

"Well, where's the grenade?"

"Usually we don't carry them, and we usually carry flash bombs. The dozen or so at home are hidden in the utility room next to my room. The boxes are locked and placed on the ceiling."

Hearing this, Huang Xin was relieved, and turned to go to the second floor to check the room allocation of the female guards. Leoni will definitely come, and Xu Qinglian will definitely come. They have to bring eight guards. Although the female guards' accommodation conditions are not bad, they are still worse than those on the third and first floors. So Huang Xin must personally pay attention.

When Wang Ai came back from strolling outside with a cat on one shoulder and a dog in his arms, everyone at home was ready to cook. Putting the dog in the kennel in the living room on the first floor, and putting the cat in the cat den, Wang Ai went upstairs lightly into the bedroom and turned on the light.

"Don't pretend to be asleep!" Wang Ai rubbed her hands together: "I'm going to have jet lag!"

Huang Xin gritted his teeth and propped up his upper body from the bed: "Me? For jet lag?"

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