Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 9: Restlessness (9)

The next morning, when Huang Xin came out of the gym on the first floor and passed by the kitchen, he glanced at it. The breakfast was ready, and the man hadn't come down yet. When she got to the third floor, she was surprised to find that the man was "practising" at the window facing the mountains, but the practice is practice, can you put on your pants?

"The breath of nature!" Wang Aisheng turned around vigorously.

Huang Xin sighed, came over and bent over to pick up the clothes and pants on the ground and hand them to Wang Ai's arms: "Are you resting? Are you ready for the game?"

"It's boring, you can't play with me?" Wang Ai muttered to take the clothes and put them on swiftly: "I'm not ready, I just feel that my state is sprouting, and I can start training."

"Well, I don't know if the newspapers bought in the town are not suitable for the exaggerated brushstrokes of English reporters."

Wang Ai took a look at the newspaper and found that it was the "Daily Mail" where Jamie once worked. The headline on it was "Man City Uprising!"

A photo of Wang Ai wearing a national team uniform is specially selected below. The accompanying text description is not so political, but the intention of provocation is quite straightforward: Manchester's red and blue will reverse the status, unless Manchester United put C Luo bought it back. This summer, the entire East Manchester was anxiously looking forward to the negotiation with Bayern. When the negotiations finally landed at 60 million euros, they were anxiously looking forward to his arrival. After a lapse of five years, the Chinese who came out of Stamford Bridge have become stronger. After losing Cristiano Ronaldo a few years ago, another super giant has finally arrived. This is not only a chance for Manchester City, an opportunity for Manchester, but also an opportunity for the Premier League. Chance.

A specially reserved place beside the oak dining table is already full of newspapers. After reading one, Wang Ai took a copy and spread it out. The photo turned out to be a snapshot of Wang Ai coming out of Manchester Airport last night. I don't know how long these paparazzi were blocked.

The text evaluation is not very polite: I came to the United Kingdom from the northwest corner of Spain, and chose Chelsea among the traditional giants such as Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool. After returning to England from southwestern Germany, he chose Manchester City among the invitations from Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea and other teams. It seems that our oriental super giant prefers new bosses, because new bosses tend to make big money, which is more suitable for Chinese people who never participate in morning training.

"This tabloid!" Wang Ai snorted and threw The Sun aside: "Where are the mainstream newspapers?"

Huang Xin pointed to the bottom of a stack of newspapers, from which Wang Ai pulled it out and spread it on the table. This time it was The Guardian. Wang Ai carefully searched for the content about himself. The headquarters is in Manchester.

The core is just two sentences: "Maybe his arrival is a crisis for Manchester United, but it is an opportunity for Manchester to further enhance the status of Manchester football in the Premier League and counter the pressure of the Premier League team in the capital."

The Times also has a part: With the arrival of record bombers, all Premier League records are in jeopardy! We can now look forward to busy work at the FA Archives next summer.

"It's okay." Wang Ai put down the newspaper with relief: "Where's the local newspaper?"

Gu Chi

Huang Xin pointed to the chair behind the two of them. When Wang Ai turned around, he noticed the smile that flashed across Huang Xin's mouth. The headline reads "Entering the Age of Super Giants! 》

What a rough exclamation mark!

The article reads: "Words cannot describe the excitement of Manchester City fans, a 26-year-old super scorer who has just more than doubled the German goalscorer record, will bring great ambition to Manchester City, which has not been smooth for several seasons. What kind of changes may be seen in the China National Games, which he had to participate in the previous rounds of Premier League matches. In this event that was not well-regarded, he actually created a long jump record of 8.77 meters and a 100-second time of 9.71 seconds. Meter record, and the final triathlon. We can't guarantee that he will replicate the miracle in the Bundesliga in the Premier League, but we can now swear to the world: Hey, we have the fastest runner on the football field. , The player who jumped the farthest! Although the latter one is useless."

"...The former one is actually useless. Most of the time, he only needs to run half a hundred meters. At most, he can lead his opponent by one or two positions. But maybe it is these two positions that have helped him complete the unprecedented feat. The feat, a series of near-eternal records. In this way, even if we are as humble as the Chinese, we can say that from now on, the speed of Manchester City will be unmatched! Blue may no longer be just the sky, the sea and the The moon, and perhaps the Zhuge crossbow!"

The newspaper is still decentralizing and doing simple popular science on Zhuge Nu in small print!

So sweet!

"Looks like I'm going to have another nickname." Wang Ai put down the newspaper and said with satisfaction: "How come the British are like us from the Northeast, so they like to call others nicknames? I don't seem to have anything special in my two years in Germany. number?"

"It's a mess, and most of the time, it's still your last name. Sometimes it's a joke to continue your last season in Italy as the 'Emperor of China', and sometimes it's called Augustus." Huang Xin put down his chopsticks and smiled. "If you have a few more seasons in Germany, maybe Augustus will really become your regular nickname."

"Augustus with black hair? Huh!"

"Octavian may have black hair, don't forget that Italians are mostly black hair."

"Okay." Wang Ai shook his head and put down the newspaper to concentrate on eating. He was going to report to the club this morning, and officially met with the owner Mansour, head coach Pellegrini, and of course captain Kompany.

Although the three never saw Wang Ai, they all expressed their friendship through different channels. Mansour even used the UAE Commercial Counselor in China to come to the door to invite him. Wang Ai also received greetings from his trustee when he went to the Middle East to participate in the competition. good impression. In contrast, the Qatari in Paris is a bit slow and only started contacting him this spring.

Pellegrini called Wang Ai after the negotiations between the two sides settled, expressing his welcome and support. Also as a newcomer, in the face of the big-name locker room, we should support each other, so Wang Ai also expressed friendship and respect on the phone.

After all, when Wang Ai was in A Coruña, it was the time when the yellow submarine became famous all over the world. As the captain at that time, although Wang Ai had only seen it a few times from a distance during the competition, he was also very impressed. He is one of the few South American coaches who can be imported from Europe, even though his parents are Italian.

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