Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 11: Faith (1)

After the press conference, Wang Ai, accompanied by Mansour and Pellegrini, went to the City Football Academy after visiting the club. Even better.

Wang Ai was a little uneasy about the boss Mansour coming to accompany him to visit in person. Although this person is not worth mentioning compared to many big people Wang Ai has met, his current identity is not the same. Mansour has the warmth and kindness unique to the Arabs, completely different from the indifferent British, arrogant Russians, and even more socially distanced than the Chinese.

Fortunately, Mansur accompanied Wang Ai to visit, and regretfully said that he still has something to do, and he will have the opportunity to chat with Wang Ai in the future.

Mansour was gone, and Wang Ai was obviously relieved to see that both Pellegrini and Kompany were secretly relieved. Of course, a boss who is too cold can be unnerving, but a boss who is too warm can also make you uncomfortable. Because everyone understands: the boss's enthusiasm is to hope you do your job well.

The more enthusiastic, the higher the expectations. Not to mention the relationship between the capitalists and the proletarians, it is not good to live up to the expectations of others, especially those who practice sports.

Fortunately, the boss finally left, and the rest of the people felt much more at ease. Kompany enthusiastically helped Wang Ai to allocate boxes for the lounge and gym, and showed Wang Ailuo to show off the restaurant, swimming pool, sauna, and physiotherapy room. And Pellegrini actually accompanied him with such a smile, without saying a word, without the nervousness of being in power.

After Kompany had shown off enough, Pellegrini talked to Wang Ai in a soft-spoken manner, and only after Wang Ai's reminder did he take him to the team doctor's office to check his physical data. Then he took Wang Ai to his coaching room. The topic was still very broad, mostly referring to things in the past. He just talked like this. After half an hour, he slowly talked to Wang Ai about his coaching ideas and Ideas for Wang Ai.

There are not many parts about Wang Ai, the main introduction is his understanding of the team and tactical arrangement.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Pellegrini finally ended the conversation with Wang Ai, and went downstairs from him in person. Wang Ai glanced at the teammates who were training on the inner court from a distance and went out to the car.

"How is it?" Huang Xin asked with concern when he got home.

"It's all good." Wang Ai sat on a chair on the lawn in the front yard of his new home and recalled for a moment: "The boss is very interesting, the coach is also very interesting, um, the captain is also very interesting."

"Then I'm relieved, you were a super big name on TV just now."

"Oh? It means that I can't get out of the super giant and the rich boss? I can't get along with the domineering captain? In fact, I think it's okay, how can I say that I can score the best, as long as I don't invade their interests range, they don't have to offend me."

Huang Xin smiled: "Are you going to practice this afternoon?"

"The coach didn't say, I said I would go tomorrow afternoon, and he didn't object." Wang Ai looked down at his formal suit: "Is this dress too oppressive?"

"It's you who is so oppressive, you surpass everyone in history, at least in one way. And these people are now your managers, managers, coaches, and it's normal for them to be in awe of you. What you said , because love can do it, they are fans first and then stars."

Strontium Valley

"Why didn't Mueller do this? He joked with me the first time he saw me?"

Huang Xin smiled without saying a word, just looked at Wang Ai so straight, and said after a while, "Thinking of Munich?"

Wang Ai exhaled and shook his head: "Don't think about it, don't think about it. Hey, this coach is very interesting, I didn't say it just now? I have never seen his temperament in a coach, you say I have experienced it. There are a lot of coaches, right? There are dozens of them both at home and abroad, from Gao Instructor Liu Gui, to Mai Gui, our family's Wang Gui, Zhang Gui, and then Tang Gui and Ma Gui, anyway. No one has his temper. Not even Wenger, as far as I know."

"What's it like?" Huang Xin asked curiously.

"..." Wang Ai frowned and thought for a moment: "It's not easy to describe, let's put it this way, you know that most of my gentleness is faked, and a little bit of tolerance, but he is not, he seems to be real .I feel like I'm talking nonsense in front of him and he won't stop me rudely. You say he can bear it, I don't think so, eh, have you heard of him arguing with the players? ?"

Huang Xin thought for a while: "I really haven't heard of it."

"That's right, the coaches I've experienced have been very hot one game at a time. He's no, he's an interesting guy."

"Don't you bully him? It's your coach anyway."

"How could that be?" Wang Ai smiled and said, "But you're right in reminding me that such a person who is easy to retreat will indeed slowly let the people around him cross the line."

"It will make the players more and more disrespect him, especially after the ups and downs in performance?" Huang Xin's keen analysis: "Although I have never been a coach, the coach is actually the leader of a team. A leader with a soft personality will indeed make People are like spring breeze, and if they have the ability to work, they will have a high prestige for a period of time. But if there is no strong means, such teams often lack cohesion and lack of ability to withstand difficulties.”

"You think Ferguson's is better?"

"At least in football, leaders need a strong will. The players are not very old, in their 20s, they are still practicing their body, and they don't think much. The strong will of the coach will reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles, some irrelevant and older I can figure it out now, but I couldn’t figure it out at the time.”

Seeing Wang Ai listening attentively, Huang Xin continued: "I have analyzed Pellegrini's past, he is a person who is very good at art, and a person with great methods, especially on the football field, he is a master tactician. His name is true or not. But here is the problem. Skills have limits and rely too much on them. Once the skills are unfavorable, there is no room for them. When the coach loses the tactical method on the court and cannot win the game, either stimulate the creativity of the players and let them Play independently on the field, or suppress the players' personal thoughts to get through the low tide. Mancini belongs to the former, Ferguson belongs to the latter, and Pellegrini is just Pellegrini."

Under Wang Ai's gaze, Huang Xin smiled: "It sounds a bit like Mourinho. It's not his temper and method, but his personality. Even if one is public and the other is low-key, it is unique."

"Then I'm lucky enough to meet two such coaches." Speaking of which, Wang Ai shook his head: "Why are you thinking about this, I may not have as long as him here."

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