Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 12: Faith (2)

After lunch, Wang Ai and her family continued to clean up the room, and entrusted Huang Xin with all the third floor, so that she could clean up the master bedroom according to her own wishes, and went down to the gym on the first floor to adjust the fitness equipment.

The Munich set was left in the Samaria Manor. Anyway, with the frequency of Wang Ai's use, especially under the joint training of many fitness-loving guards, the wear and tear was almost the same. After Leoni suggested buying a new set because of the trouble, Wang Ai, who has always been stingy, didn't say much.

Busy until the evening, Wang Ai came to the restaurant and just sat down and said, "I'm still too optimistic, and my physical strength has not recovered."

Huang Xin pushed a plate of English fried fish in front of Wang Ai: "Eat a little fat and add more."

Wang Ai didn't refuse. He picked it up and chewed: "It's delicious, but I don't always eat oily food. It's good to eat it once in a while."

"Don't worry about the competition." Seeing Wang Ai's delicious food, Huang Xin persuaded: "This summer, you have hardly rested for a day. Others have to prepare for at least half a year for the Confederations Cup, East Asian Cup, and National Games. The competition, you finished all three months."

Wang Ai nodded while eating: "I used to think that I should be in a state of long-term exhaustion of physical energy and deep fatigue in all aspects. But I woke up this morning and felt good. Fortunately, after tidying up the gym, I found that my physical fitness was not good."

"The club won't be in a hurry, right?" asked Li Jun, who was at the same table. "Before you came, the club did a long promotion, including the sponsors, who were looking forward to it. You should also be ready for product promotion in all aspects."

Wang Ai raised his head and said succinctly: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the contract doesn't stipulate how many games I have to play."

Huang Xin thought for a while: "The advantage of Manchester City is that the first-line lineup is very strong, but the disadvantage is that the bench is not enough. Now that the league has just started, it is not a big problem. As long as the doctor's training attitude is good, and he communicates well with the coach, the game can be postponed for half a month. There is no problem, this half month is just a pre-match training."

Li Jun squeezed his small eyes: "So, the salary is not a white-collar worker? I calculate, the weekly salary is 350,000, the four-week salary is 1.4 million, the euro is 2 million, and the RMB 20 million."

Wang Ai rolled his eyes: "Before tax!"

"Oh, 45 income tax, that's a weekly salary of 192,500 pounds, tsk tsk, Yaya Toure is only 220,000, before tax."

"What is a super giant?"

"The boss may not care, but the manager can wait?"

Wang Ai shook his head and stopped talking. Today is Huang Xin's cooking, all of which he likes to eat. He doesn't want to pay attention to Li Jun, an idiot.

On the contrary, Huang Xin was full and patiently explained to Li Jun: "Dr. came back at noon and chatted with me for a while, we think that Pellegrini is a person who has a good way, but he lacks a strong will, and he himself may not be clear. For him or the current Manchester City, the biggest role of Dr. is not to win every game, but to ensure the victory of major games. In the past few years, Manchester City mainly missed major games in order to fail to become the strongest in Europe. Now The league has just started, and there is nothing too important except the Manchester derby in ten days. We can all wait and wait for the doctor to recover."

"What about that person's record?"

"You said it too, it's a personal record, the club doesn't care."

"Messi has scored five."

Wang Ai raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound, but continued to eat without saying a word. Huang Xin continued to analyze slowly: "The Ballon d'Or at the end of this year should be for a doctor. Messi is too late to work hard. If the three of them don't win the championship, they can only see individual performance. Besides, this is the Premier League, and there are many matches with La Liga. Even if the doctor delays three, four or even five games, it is more calm than in the Bundesliga."

Only then did Li Jun understand Wang Ai's current competitive situation. To put it simply, with the arrival of the World Cup year, the super-giant war that dominated the core events of global football in the past two years will move from the European Golden Boot to the World Cup. Not only will Wang Ai's attention be diverted, but so will the other two. The three super giants have been famous for many years and are at their peak. As far as they can see, no one else can attack them except each other. Although Wang Ai won the grand slam in football, because of unexplained factors such as skin color and nationality, he would not be able to kick the other two down, but the other two won't be able to kick Wang Ai down either.

Gu Qi

So when their battlefield moved to the higher stage of the World Cup, it did not change the rules of their competition: super giant civil war.

Last season, the three broke the two major league records respectively, and left the others far behind. For example, Wang Ai can top the sum of the second to fifth goals in the Bundesliga, and Messi can top La Liga alone. In addition to Ronaldo, the sum of the second to fifth goals, even Ronaldo can top the three. In this way, their super-giant status is as solid as a rock, no matter how the three of them fight with each other, it is nothing more than the super-giant's own status and ranking. Therefore, the joint feat of the three of them last season unexpectedly lowered the intensity of competition among the three and provided some room for compromise.

Therefore, Wang Ai was not in a hurry.

But these subtle differences that happened in the present moment and among the top three players in football were really not something that a half-hearted guy like Li Jun could detect in time.

"Tell me, do you want to spend money?" After dinner, Wang Ai took Li Jun to the backyard, looked at the high and low hills not far away, sat down and took a sip of water: "You rarely feel how much money I make. interested."

Li Jun said twice: "This summer, I went to the trace identification center of the Ministry of Public Security with the master of the criminal police team. Hey, there are good things there, I told you the same thing... Anyway, you lend me some money, from my salary. buckle."

"What are you using that thing for? Can you use it?"

"I want to do research."

"If you don't borrow it, how can you have the time to fix that thing? Is there still less work around me?"

"...Then I will receive my salary in advance."

"As for what? Can't wait for 20 days?"

"Not 20 days, but 200 days."

"How much?" Wang Ai jumped up: "Eight-month salary? 160,000 yuan for you to buy a toy?"

"I've made up around 100,000 by myself."

"How expensive is he?"

"Yeah, but he's so expensive, so we can only buy a second-hand one, otherwise the Ministry of Public Security has it? We can only go to the Ministry of Public Security for identification if we want to solve the case. Gotta line up."

"We're still not good at some technology, eh, eh? What am I telling you about? Don't borrow it!"

After a while, Li Jun strolled away contentedly, Wang Ai looked at his back and sighed, walked to the front yard under the tree and sat beside Huang Xin.

"What are you two discussing?"

"He wants to add a piece of equipment to the LY City Public Security Bureau. The Ministry of Public Security has it, but he doesn't have enough money to borrow it from me."

"Let Northern Light Industry come forward, it has always been a co-construction unit anyway."

"I'm not worried about this." Wang Ai shook his head: "Li Jun, this bastard, can't keep it."

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