Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 13: Faith (3)

The job of an assistant is not only trivial but also has no future, and those who are a little ambitious do not like to do it. Li Jun is an absolute high-income group among assistants. After all, Wang Ai's food and drink are all owned by Wang Ai. He earns a salary of more than 20,000 yuan a month, and he also has various insurances, but he doesn't like to do it.

If it weren't for the relationship between the two brothers since childhood, plus the money is really a lot, they can't stay for three years. And even in the past three years, his "hobby" has not been put down. Every winter and summer vacation, he must go to the criminal police team. His brother called him an idiot. Two thousand a month, he still went despite his brother's scolding.

That's true love, plus maybe wanting a skill.

The assistant's job was reluctant, probably a little better than Kang Si 1.0. After all, Kang Si really likes to play, and the assistant job was first created at that time. But it's a lot worse than Kangsi's part-time job with the W Fund, and she's not as capable as her. If it compares with the current Kangsi 3.0, it's far worse.

As a saying goes, the enthusiasm and initiative of the work is seriously insufficient. If you say what you say, if you don't say it, you don't say it.

After hearing Wang Ai's reason, Huang Xin nodded indifferently: "Then what do you want to do? Get Kang Si back?"

Wang Ai shook her head in distress: "I want to find her, but she has just been in the manufacturing industry for two years and hasn't gone to agriculture, finance, or sports?"

Huang Xinyi Le: "It's almost done. People's job rotation is a few months or a year. You only need two years, which is not enough, and it takes two years for a place? That's almost ten years. You are rotating. Are you? You're a distribution. In other words, didn't you let Kang Si go back to make her familiar with the family? Do you have some of your own supporters? The purpose has not been achieved?"

"Her biggest supporter is me. Without me nodding, what would happen if she or you had more supporters?" Wang Ai became angry.

"Yes, yes, you are God, you are our master, okay?" Huang Xin coaxed the child.

Wang Ai snorted proudly and was silent for a moment: "Let the little beauty arrange it, let Kang Si take over the work and go to the stupid food. Culture and finance are false, industry and agriculture are real, she is by my side. I don’t need to know about sports for many years. She also has daily contact with the financial aspect because of the relationship between charitable funds, only agriculture, she has to stay for a year, so that she can fully watch in spring and autumn.”

Huang Xin nodded slightly, but found that Wang Ai's eyes were aimed at her, and it was obscure. , have you never touched industry and agriculture? And finance?"

Wang Ai sighed heavily, and reached out to touch the back of Huang Xin's hand: "It's all a child's mother, how can I give it up? I hate that there is too little time."

Huang Xin turned his hand and patted Wang Ai: "You want us to accompany you every day, stay by your side, and you want us to develop in an all-round way. What do you do? How can there be perfection in the world?"

"How can mankind progress without the pursuit of perfection? It is nothing more than reaching a perfection and discovering an even greater perfection. Lenin's communism is still upstairs and downstairs, electric lights and telephones."

Huang Xin glanced at Wang Ai: "Okay, anyway, my hundred or so pounds are already yours, but you are struggling."

Wang Ai stretched out his hand and pulled Huang Xin into his arms, but Huang Xin hurriedly stopped: "Someone, outside."

"Okay, go upstairs!" After saying that, Wang Ai got up and dragged Huang Xin away.

When I got to the third floor, I finally hugged Huang Xin in my arms, and said, "I really miss you, so I can't let you go for a year or two, so let's go home this year to see your children and children. Look at the old man, I don't think I can go home. You go home for me, and then don't come here for the time being. Stay in the country and go to the idiot's food. Kang Si can only be a middle-level cadre when you go to a high-level cadre. Come back in summer."

"I don't need to go to industry or finance?" Huang Xin felt a little hot.

"I thought about it just now, it's not good to go for too long, especially since you are Chinese, you don't need to go deep into Chinese life, not Kang Si's kind, you won't gain more understanding if you go for too long. No matter which part is mentioned when you are researching things, you can understand and participate in it. If you can comprehend more and master more and better in the industry, at least you need to get started. Second, continuous job rotation is not good. It’s better to go to another place next year and then go back next year. If you go to learn something, you can also learn something when you come back. The first three months are previewed and the last three months are summarized. Like me, a half-worker Half-reading, studying while working, has both theory and practice, and mastering the situation is more efficient.”

Gu Qian

"Well, it makes sense."

"Yeah, I'm always reasonable, but I'm also making progress, more than in the past."

"It's not always the case. We all have a first career. For example, the first career of Lion and I is style. Because of this experience, we can go to other industries without saying anything. At least we know how to get started. Silk does not have a first job, so she has to take root. So the past view is not wrong, but the current one is more complete."

"You agree?"

"Do I dare to disagree?"

"I hear you're not very convinced."

"No... ah!"

"I have to punish you, who made you feel weird?"

"No, no, what about the assistant? Would you like another one?"

"If you don't ask me, you can come. Well, this time, when the lion comes back and let her be my assistant, you should be busy reading agricultural materials. It's better to bring some ideas and practice them, so that you can improve more. ."

"When the lions have played enough, you will let her return to China to continue the rotation? Then the assistant will let Qinglian or Wenjun do it?"

"Well, let's do it like this, who made me have more women, who made me have the predestined relationship with women."

"Women's fate, who is always afraid of us running away?"

"So, in order to keep you from running away, I decided to pin you now."

"Nail? Haha!"

Huang Xin smiled and was pressed on the bed by Wang Ai, without refusing or struggling, just watching Wang Ai toss, and when they were almost together, she advised: "Just play for a while, I can't stand you playing until now. Go to bed, it's only after six o'clock."

"Playing for a while is a while!"

Wang Ai did not play until he went to sleep. He divided into two stages. First, Huang Xin was unable to move. He went downstairs to run and exercise. When Huang Xin finally recovered and was about to sleep, he came back. This provoked Huang Xin to call Xu Qinglian the next day to ask for reinforcements.

Xu Qinglian laughed unscrupulously over there: You can't stand it in just one day? When I was in England, I was alone every day.

"It's normal to be unable to get up from the bed, but don't worry, it'll be fine when the cocoons come out."

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