Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 25: God (5)

There are a lot of people who have always wanted to hang on Wang Ai, but not many are so blatant, especially after becoming a super giant. That's why Ram's group trust Wang Ai's character, and of course they trust his skills to be good.

Wang Ai attacked Bayern's defense several times and failed several times. It was inevitable that he would become more impetuous in the stands, but Wang Ai himself calmed down.

Bayern's defense is naturally not impeccable, just as Bayern's defense sees him as indefensible. It’s just that every Wang Ai’s attack method requires certain preconditions. For example, the most undefendable direct free kick requires the opponent to foul first.

With Wang Ai on the field, Bayern's attack came to an abrupt end. I don't know if the former teammates were too afraid of Wang Ai's attack power and consciously retreated, or Guardiola's pre-match arrangement, even "forward" Muller retreated Participated in defense at halftime. At least from the perspective of the scene, Manchester City, who had been passive for more than 70 minutes, turned out to be a counterattack.

I don't know if Mansour, with his hands in his trouser pockets in the stands, can laugh.

However, Bayern's comprehensive retraction finally made the stunned Manchester City regain a little confidence, and it was the home court anyway, so gradually, the offensive improved. During this process, Wang Ai and Negredo simply coordinated. Originally, he replaced Aguero and the shadow striker, while Negredo replaced Dzeko as the center. But obviously, Negredo's body has no advantage in front of Bayern's central defender, and Wang Ai was harassed badly on the outside, so the two changed positions.

In the 82nd minute of the game, Milner made a cross from the bottom, but the ball was rubbed by Ribery who was retreating and defending. Wang Ai had to leave his original position and run forward. Fortunately, it wasn't just him who was shaken. Van Buiten, who was in the front, was also shaken. He looked up at the ball and looked back at his opponent. When he found that Wang Ai made an emergency adjustment and rushed over, he decisively turned around and used his big body. Block Wang Ai's route.

What could be blocked originally, at least according to the experience of countless offensive and defensive drills in the past two years, can be blocked, but there is a summer of 9 seconds 71 ​​between the past two years and the present. In the past, Wang Ai dared not or never thought about it now. , think about it!

Witnessed by all the fans, Wang Ai ran around behind Van Buyten. Bayern wanted to remind the big fool that it was too late. Seeing Wang Ai go around to Van Buyten's side, he jumped up and shook his head first!

The football flies into the far corner!

The TV camera aimed at Van Buiten's shocked and unbelievable face, and he stared blankly at the back of his former teammate behind Wang Ai.

Negredo rushed to the goal, picked up the football and ran back, and everyone ran back to half court without celebrating, there is still a chance!

Re-starting the ball, Milner and Navas quickly passed to the frontcourt, Wang Ai ran back from the penalty area to respond, and Negredo went deep into the penalty area. After Wang Ai got the ball, he ran along the front of the penalty area and tried to take a long shot. Ram blocked tightly in front to prevent Wang Ai from having a chance to kick up. Wang Ai never had a chance to kick up from the left to the middle and from the middle to the left.

Lahm's devotion to duty and Bayern's eagerness are on the one hand, and Manchester City's teammates lack sufficient deterrence. On the other hand, Wang Ai, who returned to the left, reluctantly dribbled the ball to the middle again.

This scene is inexplicably a little joyful, but Wang Ai is not joking. During this process, he noticed the positional changes of both the enemy and the enemy. For example, Negredo has moved to a quite dangerous area, just when people thought Wang Ai was above him. When he had to cut inside, Wang Ai suddenly used the gap in Ram's footsteps to quickly send a straight pass when he moved to the third position.

Negredo took advantage of this opportunity to complete the anti-offside step and hit a ground ball on the side of Neuer's leg, chasing the score to 2:3.

Now it's Bayern's turn at the top. They know better than anyone how powerful their former teammates are. After the restart, the action became a lot bigger, and there was a lot of anger in the previous game.

In the 88th minute of the game, Boateng was sent off for a direct free kick against the goal.

Manchester City has several takers, and at this time they are all looking at Wang Ai, waiting for his expression. It's not that they lost the courage to make free throws, but that Wang Ai became their backbone through actions in the tough game where they lost confidence, so they couldn't help but have the privileges on and off the court that any big-name star has.

Wang Ai didn't think much about it, and after realizing that his free throw shooters were subconsciously waiting for him, he took the initiative to step forward.

The goal is less than 30 meters. In Wang Ai's opinion, it is similar to a penalty kick. He just calmed down a little and stepped forward and kicked. The left foot is raised high, like the flying of a football.

Foot down, ball in!

The human wall formed by six former teammates and the goal line formed by one former teammate seemed to be empty!

For more than ten years, he has only practiced in the morning and at night, and such a football champion Ai has played hundreds of thousands of times.

The mood that had been suppressed for an hour and a half at the Etihad Stadium was finally released, and the song of the melancholy moon sounded in the stands. Wang Ai has always wondered how such a lonely and melancholy song is related to football, but at this time, he seems to have some insight.

In just 17 minutes, he went from a 3-goal lead to a 3:3 draw, and he was also sent off. Bayern finally realized that it is necessary to defend against his former teammates. If he does not defend, he can be killed by him, but defense alone is not enough. He will still be killed, and he has to attack!

As a result, the last five minutes of the game ended in pieces. Wang Ai didn't get any good opportunities, and Bayern's attack was fruitless. Both sides could not hide their regrets and ended the game.

After the whistle sounded, Wang Ai stopped and took a deep breath, turned to look at the tired half-dead Ram, the two smiled at each other, and hugged deeply. Afterwards, Xiaozhu, Ribery, Robben, Muller and others all came up to hug Wang Ai. In the end, Neuer all came from afar to hug and talk to Wang Ai, causing Manchester City teammates to be unable to join the team.

Wang Ai walked off the turf surrounded by dark red, and did not reunite with light blue until near the player tunnel.

Manchester City players and fans generously forgave Wang Ai's "betrayal", and even in turn applauded the deep friendship between Wang Ai and the Bayern players, which made Wang Ai feel a lot brighter.

"There is one more game, which is the complete end of me and Bayern." Back home, Wang Ai sat in the third floor master bedroom and drank tea.

"Why do you feel a little Manchester City's melancholy?" Xu Qinglian teased: "Why, do you want to change the style of play? Mr. Super Giant?"

Wang Ai did not deny it: "It's not that I want to change, but it will inevitably change. No matter what the reason for Manchester City's choice of the team song, it will inevitably be affected by the ideological purpose of the literary and artistic works, so I will too."

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