Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 26: God (6)

"It's a bit like Real Madrid." Huang Xin thought about it: "No rush, no rush, general demeanor, but Real Madrid is the calmness of the king, Manchester City... is poor."

Wang Ai laughed; "How is it, how is my performance?"

Huang Xin said: "From the perspective of the game process, it is perfect. But from your personal point of view, you have not recovered to the heyday. Otherwise, Lahm will not be able to guard you, even if there are two central defenders behind him. , it can't stop you."

"Well, it's barely enough, and it will take a while."

"Although you are telling the truth." Xu Qinglian coughed: "But if Xiaomei was here, you would definitely not dare to say that."

"That is, she has to be careful when she speaks to me, unlike you."

"People who are good are bullied by others, and good horses are ridden by others."

Wang Ai's eyes were aimed at Xu Qinglian and Huang Xin, and Huang Xin immediately pointed at Wang Ai: "Shut up!"

Xu Qinglian recalled it and raised her hand: "Shut up."

At this time, Leoni, who was staying at home today, came out of the shower and said while wiping her hair: "What's the matter, let the man shut up? Do you want him to act?"

Huang Xin quickly changed the topic: "What do you think will be the content of the comments from all walks of life tomorrow?"

"The return of the king, the footnote of the return of the king." Leoni sat beside Wang Ai and patted Wang Ai's face: "Let England tremble! Cry and be out of breath!"

"As for that? I have to go anyway, don't I?" Wang Ai glanced at Leoni: "You haven't figured it out yet?"

"I figured it out, but I don't accept it!" Leoni said stubbornly: "With the rapids of the Isar River, let's smash the Premier League into pieces, like an avalanche in the Alps, bury the Premier League! I man!"

Wang Ai blinked and pointed at Leoni in the eyes of Huang Xin and Xu Qinglian watching a good show: "Look, I have only been in Manchester for a few days, and I have become a poet. This is the subtle influence of literary and artistic works on people. Yes or no?"

Leoni's eyes wandered, her hand was on Wang Ai's thigh, she slipped to the ground and raised her head to Wang Ai: "Go and bury the Premier League, my... master?"

Wang Ai suddenly got up and walked behind Leoni, picked her up from the ground and pressed her on the bed, and told Huang Xin, who was leaving, "Come here!"

Huang Xin had no choice but to be placed in the same place with Xu Qinglian. After Wang Ai commented that "people are good at being ridden by others", they could only sigh in vain.

But this was also the last time Wang Ai said that night, which made Wang Ai still dissatisfied when he woke up the next morning: "Your vocabulary is too lacking."

This morning, Wang Ai deliberately took time to browse various newspapers. After all, this is his first major game since joining Manchester City and returning to the Premier League.

"The Guardian" commented: "wiwi seems to have a special ability that has been overlooked, no matter what jersey he puts on, he can quickly become part of that jersey, and people will forget that he is a newcomer. 3 Substitute, 4 goals, the unhappiness caused by returning to the team a month late vanished last night. We can say that this is the activation of his former Premier League memory, but in fact, the Etihad and Stamford Bridge are blue tones. Nothing in common, he didn't even find any acquaintances here."

The "Manchester Evening News" commented: "The super-giant era has really come, and the entire Premier League should thank Manchester City. Just like the whole of Germany expressed regret for Wiwi's departure, his arrival will inevitably raise the upper limit of the Premier League and make the Premier League and La Liga. Fight. If he wins, like the last two years, the Premier League will be worth more than La Liga once again."

"The Times" commented: "The indomitable quality in the impression is only red in Manchester, but last night, it began to belong to blue. Perhaps this is the beginning of the real neck and neck of Manchester City, and we can expect a more balanced Manchester derby. Superstars bring not only results, confidence, but also courage and vision. The victory in the 'wiwi battle' this past summer has given Manchester City what it really needs, even if it pays a huge transfer fee and the Premier League has ever The highest salary, fortunately it's rich enough."

"The evaluation is not bad." Leoni was half-hearted with Xu Qinglian doing scientific research, and was lazy to read the newspaper at this moment: "Have you read the tabloid?"

"Flip it over, it's nothing important." Wang Ai shook his head: "About me, it's either blowing it to death, or scolding it to death, it's the usual way, don't look at it."

Leoni understands: "What about in China? Is the Asian Golden Globe Awards next month or next month?"

"It will be announced at the end of November." Wang Ai said indifferently: "The deadline is the same day as the Golden Globe Awards, and it will be announced earlier than the Golden Globe Awards."

"Can you sit up?"

"Definitely, Asia is so big, there are so many judges, and it's a media award." Wang Ai smiled: "I think it's fair to say that the sports world has done a good thing, and whoever does this kind of thing first Who is it? Although Japan and South Korea are football powerhouses, I feel that there is a problem with this line of thinking. We only want to leave Asia and join Europe, but let us take the lead. We should be regretting it at the moment. We want to leave Asia and join Europe , then it is best to bring a group of Asian countries to appear weighty, right? Who cares about you alone? Japan's national income level is actually on the same level as Portugal, what level is Portugal? Seriously, you are considered real Which industries have a core role in the national economy and people's livelihood are in Japan and South Korea? Cars? Mobile phones? This thing is also a labor force, and the good things are still in the hands of Europe and the United States."

"What about our family? Agriculture, papermaking?" Leoni provoked.

"Don't underestimate these two. Although our papermaking is low-end, our fiber research institute is the largest in the world, right? Our family has applied for the most fiber-related patents in the world in the past five years, right? Although the papermaking itself It is not high technology, but it can breed high technology. Some of our special products have entered the aerospace, aviation, and military industries. The Stupid Research Institute is also second to none in domestic bioengineering. Go on. In the future, China will really talk about the world, and we will also have a share of the credit, more or less." Wang Ai said proudly: "The idiot has surpassed Japan in some aspects, and the fiber has surpassed Japan in 90%, that is On the surface, it is inconspicuous, and few people in China know about it.”

"I'm proud of you." Leoni smiled.

"Ha, that is, hehe, low-key, low-key." Wang Ai still couldn't hide his smile.

Xu Qinglian and Huang Xin, who were working hard over there, also raised their heads and smiled complacently.

After a pleasant morning, Wang Ai, accompanied by Li Jun, Yan Zhu, Zhang Guang and Jin Xun, went to the City Football School for training. The day after tomorrow is the seventh round of the Premier League. The opponent is the tenacious Everton. Everyone knows that Wang Ai will start.

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