Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 27: God (seven)

The atmosphere on the training ground was very happy. Aguero and Silva were the main players and they liked to talk and laugh. Under their leadership, Negredo, Milner, Yaya Toure and even Kompany joked from time to time, and even the relatively indifferent Slavs Dzeko and Jovitic had to become more lively.

When Wang Ai arrived, the afternoon training was just about to start. After Wang Ai changed clothes and shoes, Pellegrini also came to the training ground to organize everyone into groups, and the training began one by one.

As long as the training is not tense, everyone is still talking and laughing, Pellegrini does not care, other assistant coaches or club managers who occasionally wander over, etc. This kind of relaxed atmosphere is comfortable, but Wang Ai and everyone can only say that they are familiar with each other now, but they are not friends, so he usually just listens to the excitement and does not participate. No one would drag him to make a joke. Once they communicated with Wang Ai during training or competition, their attitude was more formal.

Even Li Jun noticed this kind of reserved and indifferent attitude. When the sun was setting and walking home, he couldn't help but ask in the car if it would affect the cultivation of tacit understanding.

"We just need to understand each other on the field." Wang Ai said flatly, looking at Ferrari, who was galloping past the car window.

"But you were not like this in Bayern?" Li Jun said suspiciously: "I remember you just went to Bayern and played with everyone?"

"Well..." Wang Ai thought for a while: "Maybe it's because Bayern has Robben, and Luo Tongliang before? They are more accepting of me, unlike here."

"You mean the Manchester City players reject you? Do you? Dare?"

Wang Ai shook his head: "It's more of a feeling than a clear opposition to my league. Let's put it this way, if the superstar is 5, the superstar is 4, the star is 3, the main force is 2, and the bench is 1, then What level do you think Robben, Ribery, and Muller are?"

"4." Li Jun replied immediately.

"So, what about Aguero, Dzeko, David Silva? And Negredo?"

"...4? It seems to be 4 too?"

Wang Ai shrugged: "Strictly speaking, Robben, Ribery, and Muller are 4.5, and they are between superstars and superstars, that is, they are just a breath away from the three of us, and even this breath is not enough. There is not much difference in the image. For example, Robben's bald head, Ribery's big scar, Muller's stupid, you look at the three of us? Cristiano Ronaldo's image is similar to that of pop idols, Messi is like Diablo The dark gold equipment here is low-key and luxurious. I'm...strong and gentle. The three of us are not only strong but also have no shortcomings. Overall, they have a fatal attraction to the outside world. The only thing they lack is this, so they can't achieve super business. Ju, can only be wronged at the superstar level."

"So, they feel that there is not much difference between them and you can play, a little awe and distance, but it is not a big problem. Compared with you, these ordinary superstars in Manchester City are far worse in all aspects, so they can't play for a while. go together?"

Wang Ai nodded his head silently, and said after a meeting, "I have read Cruyff's biography before, and it said that when he was in Barcelona, ​​he often only trained for half a day and attended various business activities for the other half. This is also a complicated mentality. Do you think I am in the same situation? He was not super giant in his time, and there was this kind of problem between superstars and stars."

"I think you can consider taking the initiative to break it. If you want to better unite your teammates and go up together, it is better to have more tacit understanding with each other."

"Well, you're right, but it takes time." After Wang Ai said a word, he stopped talking until he went home. After dinner, Wang Ai continued: "Now the relaxed atmosphere of Manchester City has created a loose, positive atmosphere. The culture of the team, but untested. I came with a rare sense of tension, and they, my current teammates, have mixed and contradictory attitudes towards me."

Huang Xin ate slowly, ignoring what Wang Ai said. Leoni listened with her ears, and was still flipping through a book of materials in her hand. Xu Qinglian looked a little tired, and leaned on the high-back chair with a loss of appetite, listening to Wang Ai and Li Jun chatting.

Li Jun hummed, hoping that Wang Ai would continue to analyze.

"There are two precautions for me. One is that after I came, these people who were originally regarded as the core and the treasure felt pressure, whether it was Aguero, Dzeko, Silva or even Yaya Toure, after I came, they It's second-rate, and can no longer enjoy the club's almost indulgent care. The other is my frontcourt all-rounder, I can play in each of their positions, and no one knows which position I will be in, and they... ... After a few training games with the team, I have no illusions about putting me on the bench."

"There are also welcomes. Among the main players, only Aguero is younger than me, half a year. The second youngest Joe Hart is also older than me by half a year, but in terms of individual achievements and collective honor, they are not as good as me. To this As I get older, I have an assessment of my status, level and even prospects in the football world. Not a child can dare to think about anything. So my arrival is a rare opportunity for those who are beginning to think about their historical status. , is an opportunity to cross levels and break down barriers.”

"Both on guard and welcome..." Li Jun pondered while eating: "What does this have to do with you not actively integrating into the team?"

"There is only one situation in which a superstar will bow his head, and that is when he is pretending to be seen by outsiders." The multitasking Leoni said without looking up.

Li Jun was even more at a loss after hearing this, but Huang Xin said kindly: "There is no absolutely rational person in the world, especially most of these football players are big kids. If we bow our heads first, they will make wrong judgments, such as us Asking for them, or they are really strong, will affect the tacit understanding in the future."

Li Jun blinked his small eyes: "That is, the super giant must have a super giant style?"

Huang Xin smiled: "This is Europe, where the remnants of the feudal aristocracy still exist. We can't work with the spirit of equality for everyone given to us by socialist China, that will only hit a wall."

"No wonder." Li Jun murmured: "I said how to have two attitudes to the national team and the professional team."

Xu Qinglian seemed to have recovered from the sluggishness at this time, and while picking up her chopsticks, she asked, "Is the starting lineup set? Can you start?"

"I didn't say, it has to be tomorrow. Why do you want to go to the ball?"

Xu Qinglian nodded while eating, then swallowed, "I found that watching football helps relieve fatigue."

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