Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 152: Flamenco by the sea (2)

"That is to say, as long as Kang Si can be a mascot in the future, can the Great Hall of the People really become her dining hall?" Wang Ai couldn't help drooling.

"If you want to, you can do it after you retire. Anyway, as long as it's a major ceremonial event, ask you, the king of football, to come and accompany you to eat and drink, whether it's a host or a guest, it's a matter of face, but I'm afraid you will come. will become a big fat man."

"Hey, I don't feel like eating it every day."

"What are you thinking about?" Leoni hit Wang Ai: "I just found out that when it comes to nurturing women, I, Huang Xin, Tiger, and Xiaomei are nothing. The one who has cultivated the greatest achievements is Kang Si! At most we can be cultivated into entrepreneurs by you, Kang Si, you have directly cultivated foreign politicians! No, I have to tell them!"

"What are you talking about?" Wang Ai pulled Leoni's arm, who was about to get up.

"What are you talking about? Saying that men are biased, saying that men are oriented towards the youngest!"

"No, when did I..." Wang Ai stopped talking, looking at Leoni: "You need to clean up?"

"What?" Leoni raised her chin proudly, and then her face turned pale: "Ah, no, what are you doing..."

The next morning, Wang Ai, who was returning home from the morning exercise, was scorned by Leoni, who looked quite good. The extra training last night was unsuccessful. Successfully made Leoni no longer entangle this matter and promised to appease several other women, unsuccessfully, Leoni wanted to take charge of Kangsi's response to this incident. That is to say, the price of Wang Ai's backyard not being on fire is that he loses the dominance of the matter.

While eating breakfast, Wang Ai was actually quite satisfied while listening to Leoni's question to Kang Si and making various arrangements. It just so happened that he didn't know about these Europeans, so Leoni, a babe, would be the best use of him.

After breakfast, Wang Ai said that he was going upstairs to work and left the restaurant. Leoni, Kang Si, Zhao Dan, Qian Ziqiang and others continued to discuss.

After going upstairs for a while, Wang Ai was drinking tea, brewing feelings, and was ready to write a letter. Over the past few days, Wang Ai probably wrote less than 80 letters, which refer to those that have been revised by Xu Qinglian and Huang Xinti and finally completed by Wang Ai. For letters to foreign dignitaries, Wang Ai has also obtained approval from his superiors through Cha Peixin, and everything is developing in a positive direction.

The circle of closest friends has already been written, followed by leaders, sponsors, and journalists. Unlike writing a letter to a friend, Wang Ai can do whatever he wants. The farther the relationship is, the more attention should be paid to it. The scale, distance, temperature, and anything about common experience must be considered.

While thinking about it, when the door opened, Leoni, Kang Si, Yan Zhu, and Zhao Dan entered the study.

"What's wrong?" Wang Ai looked back at these people in confusion.

It was Leoni who spoke first: "We discussed it just now, and I think it's better for you to report this matter to the country through official channels."

Wang Ai rubbed his face, turned around, got up from the chair, leaned on the desk, picked up the teacup and took a sip. Except for Qian Ziqiang, who was a little curious and calm, the other three were quite calm.


"Zhao Dan's channel is mainly a work report to list the big and small things happening around you, and it is viewed from the perspective of work safety. Just now, Zhao Dan and Qian Ziqiang analyzed that Kang Si will not be safe for you. Work has any impact, so they'll just mention it in their report."


"But the matter itself is no trivial matter. A person who has worked side by side with the country's biggest star for many years, a person who has visited, visited, toured and even worked in local enterprises in China many times. A person who has a deep relationship and deep affection with China. Became a foreign dignitary. If Kang Si wants to meet Minister Wang, it’s totally fine, even if it’s nothing important, she can just rely on her identity.”

Wang Ai looked at the four people and nodded slowly: "So that's how it is."

"So, don't wait for this to be done. The Madrid embassy took the initiative to report it to the European Department, and the European Department reported it to the department. After the department researched and found out the inside story, it would take the initiative to ask you." Leoni said this and smiled: " Of course, it's okay to do this. But you'd better consider your good relationship with the foreign affairs department. Forget about others, you should have this awareness, especially since the knighthood ceremony itself may take the initiative to invite the Chinese ambassador to Spain You shouldn't catch the foreign affairs department by surprise."

"As for it?" Wang Ai asked suspiciously, "Didn't Kang Si say that the main audience for the ceremony were members of the royal families in Europe?"

Leoni looked at Kang Si and then looked at Zhao Dan: "This involves other inside information about this knighthood."

Zhao Dan took over the conversation: "Because you work in Europe all the year round, the relationship between China and Europe has an impact on you, and we will also study it. According to race and ethnicity, Europe is mainly divided into Germans, Latins and Slavs. Germans are mainly It is the top three of Britain, France and Germany. The Latins are mainly from southern European countries such as Italy and Spain, and the Slavs are mainly from Eastern and Northern European countries. The Germans are the most developed and therefore most inclined to the United States. It's basically riding the wall, and the Slavs are fighting against each other. Among them, the Latins obviously have a good relationship with China these years, the Spanish royal family is relatively weak, and the Franco era passed in the middle, so they have a good impression of the powerful and distant China."

When Wang Ai heard this, he understood: "That is to say, the Spanish royal family gave Kang Si a knight, and there is a purpose behind further strengthening relations with China?"

"Our analysis is like this."

"Where's the evidence?"

Cons took over the conversation: "King Carlos met me many times on various occasions after I returned to Spain to work, and the conversations involved China to varying degrees, such as asking me about my views on China, and occasionally talking about him. His own ideas, such as his views on China at different times, started early in his youth. At that time, I didn't think there was anything, I thought it was just the curiosity of the old man. Looking back now, it should be that he had the idea of ​​further improving the relationship between the two countries at that time. Because it is obvious that the 21st century is the century of China, and the situation of take-off is very clear. As a mature politician, it is impossible not to see it. As a peripheral member of the Spanish royal family, I am also a working partner of China's biggest star. His trusted working partner, I think I can easily be seen by these politicians as the link between the two countries."

Wang Ai nodded: "Is that all?"

"Also." Kang Si took a deep breath and said slowly: "The old king has encountered a lot of trouble in the past two years. Crown Prince Felipe has actually gradually taken over the royal power, and the person I talked to has also changed to In addition to complimenting your performance on a daily basis, recently he has frequently mentioned one word to me: AIIB.”

"AIIB?" Wang Ai raised his head suddenly.

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