Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 153: Flamenco by the sea (3)

Seeing that Wang Ai was in deep thought, Leoni turned his attention to the half-written letter of Wang Ai, Zhao Dan kept smiling and leaned against the window sill to look at the initiator of all this, Qian Ziqiang curiously looked at Kang Si occasionally, Kang Si, on the other hand, stood a little nervously opposite Wang Ai.

After a long time, Wang Ai snorted: "AIIB, sigh, anyway, what we want to do in China, the United States will not obstruct anything. Fortunately, the situation is pressing, and the general trend is there. No matter how much trouble, in the end we will It can be done.”

Speaking of which, Wang Ai looked at a few people and nodded: "Okay, I will write this report, but..."

Wang Ai put a hand on Kang Si's shoulder: "Kang Si, are you ready to be the envoy of friendship between the two countries? I mean, not only do you have to attend a lot of mandarin clichés, time-consuming, and time-consuming that you may not like. On official occasions, but also ingeniously and tactfully communicate messages for the dignitaries of the two countries, and try to find a way to bridge the analysis of the two sides, find common interests and carry them forward? Are you ready to take on these important and trivial things?”

Kang Si smiled: "I don't think this job is too difficult, it's basically eating, drinking, talking and laughing, but it's actually far less troublesome than my dispatcher in the northern paper workshop. Besides, I think the common interests of the two countries are really great. , is visible to the naked eye, I don't need to dig it out, I just need to say it at the appropriate occasion. And..."

There were some lucky colors on Kang Si's face: "Moreover, China's diplomacy is really measured, and it will fully consider the interests of the other party and seek fair cooperation. Spain is not a strong country, and it is impossible to propose anything to China. It's a non-point request, so I shouldn't have any trouble in the middle."

Leoni interjected: "She is a descendant of the Greek royal family. She has been tested for DNA. She has been in charge of the w fund and has been working well with the royal family over the years. Kang Si, didn't you say that the royal family will appoint you as the representative of China affairs after the knighthood?"

"It's not the representative, it's the secretary of China affairs." Kang Si corrected a sentence, and said a little shyly: "It's just an idea or something."

Leoni giggled; "In short, the royal family trusts you. At the same time, because of your relationship with the doctor, the Chinese foreign affairs department will also regard you as one of their own. You are indeed one of the few people who can win the mutual trust of the two countries, and You are the youngest of these people."

Wang Ai nodded again when he heard this: "So, Kang Si, are you really ready? Will you be busy with the affairs of the two countries in the future?"

"Yeah! I don't think these jobs are much, and I can do them, and I'm willing to do them." Kang Si nodded: "However, there aren't many jobs. Usually, I still want to be your assistant..."

Wang Ai smiled: "I'll talk about this later. I'll start writing the report now and let the family know as soon as possible. I think the family will be very interested. Maybe the Chinese ambassador will come to visit you soon."

Seeing Wang Ai turn around and sit on the chair to operate the computer, Kang Si pursed her lips and followed Leoni and others out of the study.

At this time, Wang Ailing was like a stream, and he created a new document and began to write: "Hello, leader, I am Wang Ai, captain of the Chinese national men's football team, and I am currently working as a main player in Manchester City Club, England. I recently learned of a The news, I think the matter is not small, so I report it specially."

After writing a paragraph, Wang Ai took a breath and then wrote the next paragraph: "During the 0304 season, when I was working at the Spanish football club A Coruña, I met a classmate, Lucia, because I was studying Spanish literature at the University of A Coruña at the same time. ·Constance, she volunteered to be my Spanish translator, and then transferred to be my assistant. In 0506 season I moved to Chelsea Club in England, she still worked part-time as part of my assistant, and went to England in 0607 season to restart Be my full-time assistant. In 2008, I moved to Inter Milan, Italy, and she followed me to Milan. In 2009, considering her long-term development, I handed over my personal overseas charitable fund w fund to her. During the period At the end of 2011, also for her long-term development, she was assigned by me to return to a certain local company to work and exercise. In all, she has been working by my side for more than ten years. At first, she was able to come to me after an organizational review. A work partner that the organization trusts, and that I personally and my family trust as well.”

Wang Ai wrote this line: "According to our understanding, her grandfather, George, was the illegitimate son of King George II of Greece during his exile in the UK. After the restoration of the Greek royal family in 1944, his grandfather was brought back to China in hopes of obtaining royal recognition. No. King George II entrusted his younger brother Paul I to take care of him before his death, and Paul I entrusted his son Constantine II to take care of him before his death. When Constantine II went into exile in 1967, he entrusted it to his sister Princess Sophia, who At that time, Princess Sofia was the wife of Prince Carlos I of Spain. After George III went to Spain, he married and had children for George IV. George IV and his wife had a disagreement and divorced, and later died of alcoholism, leaving an orphan Lucia Constance. According to her seniority, she is the great-granddaughter of King George II, the grandchild of Queen Sophia, daughter of King George II's younger brother Paul I, the junior of Crown Prince Felipe who is about to ascend the throne, and the same generation as the two daughters of Crown Prince Felipe. The information is endorsed by Queen Sofia and confirmed by biological testing."

"George III, George IV, and Lucia Constance have always had the family task of obtaining the royal canonization for more than 70 years. I learned about it during my work in Spain, but due to the large class difference, it is not I didn't pay much attention. Yesterday Cons (Lucia Constance for short) told me that the Spanish royal family will hold a canonization ceremony for her in the near future, and the title is 'Princess of Coruña'. Because Cons and I have long-term experience of working together , so I felt it was at stake, so I specifically reported to the organization.”

Writing this, Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief, put her hands on the keyboard again and wrote: "According to my conversation with her and the analysis of other comrades around me, we believe that there are four reasons for this knighthood. Limited by perspective, We can only narrowly analyze a few reasons for the organization’s height and level for reference. First, in order to avoid being hit by various discrimination and even political factors during my work in Europe, I set aside some of my overseas advertising endorsement income. w Fund. The actual operator has always been Constance, and there may be some overlapping interests in cooperation with the royal family's charitable activities. So far, the fund is the largest partner of the royal family's charitable activities, and the royal family is obliged to give certain nominal recognition, Just like the Spanish royal family often bestows the title 'royal' on some local football teams."

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