Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 220: real civilization (10)

After greeting the domestic fans at the camera, and briefly chatting with the two, the three sat around the small round table in a triangle shape. The camera is on the side of He Wei, giving Sun Jihai two-thirds of the face, and Wang Aiquan the face.

"At about the same time last year, you were here for the Confederations Cup. How does it feel to revisit your old place after a year?" He Wei smiled and relaxed.

"Good place." Wang Ai nodded: "Sometimes I look out from the training ground or the hotel bedroom. It's really different from the scenery in China. The people here are very happy and often dance at every turn, which is rare in China. Yes, unless it's a square at night."

Wang Ai finished speaking very quickly, and He Wei and Sun Jihai immediately understood that Wang Ai was implying that the square dance has become more popular and controversial in recent years. , what are your personal expectations?"

Wang Ai put his hands on his thighs and crossed them. Hearing the sound, he turned to look at Sun Jihai: "What do you think, Brother Jihai?"

Sun Jihai gave a "sarcastic" smile, and his face was serious and he seemed to be mocking someone: "It's all this time, why are you still hiding it?"

Wang Ai and He Wei looked at each other, and decided to ask him less next time: "Like my teammates, I have to work hard to realize everyone's wishes. But let's talk about it first. If it doesn't come true, we must have done our best."

"What's the probability?" He Wei asked.

"...Why, you want to buy lottery tickets?" Wang Ai made a joke before shaking his head a little seriously: "Seriously, I don't know, everything will be decided after the game starts and the game is in progress. The current eight teams, Each team has the strength of a champion, and each team will do their best to win. This is not a game of chess, but a dynamic process. Especially for me, it is difficult to make accurate predictions.”

He Wei nodded: "I'm going to play with Messi soon. Is this the first time you've played against each other?"

"I can't remember, how many times?" Wang Ai shook his head: "Actually, there may not be many, but it feels like a lot when everyone talks together."

"The Argentine coach said that he has found a way to deal with the Chinese team. He believes that Messi will further prove himself in this game. What do you think?"

"Let's watch the game." Wang Ai answered very briefly.

He Wei was a little puzzled by Wang Ai's brevity. Sun Jihai interjected and pointed to Wang Ai to He Wei: "General's demeanor."

Wang Ai and He Wei laughed together, and He Wei continued: "Some people say that Messi can replicate Maradona's success with a Hercules Cup. How do you evaluate these two Argentine stars?"

"My view is similar to everyone's, two great strikers and midfield playmakers. They wrote football legends, pushed football to a higher level, and are symbols and symbols that cannot be ignored in the field of mass media in our time."

"What about yourself?"

Wang Ai was startled, then frowned, and shook his head for a few seconds: "It's hard to describe, oh I mean, it's hard for me to describe myself, because I will have a certain difference from everyone's perception, and this matter is based on everyone. ."

"But everyone's evaluation of you is not stable, and even varies greatly."

"I'm not happy when I praise it, and I'm not angry when I belittle it. Only the result of the historical test is the final evaluation. It's still too early." Wang Ai looked at the two friends calmly: "Just like my evaluation of Messi, In fact, it is too early. He is 27 years old like me, and there is still a long peak in the future. I will update everyone's views on him at any time, so let's look forward to the future."

"Someone said..." He Wei deliberately looked down and said, "Many of your goals are worthless. After all, 4:0 and 1:0 are the same."

"The value is multi-faceted, and the influence of football itself cannot be pure." Wang Ai made a gesture: "At the last moment of the game, the winning side adds another goal. It is indeed of little tactical value. In fact, This is not the case. Because whether it is a league game or a cup game, victory always comes first. When the overall situation is determined, it will consider saving physical strength to prepare for the next game. But apart from the tactical aspect, what about the spiritual value? Business What about value? Winning one or two goals is called a small victory, three or four is called a big victory, and five or six will be recorded in the history books. In the arena of the World Cup, the strong compete for the hegemony, and I am afraid that they will get less, and who is afraid of getting more? ?"

"There is also a view that, in terms of etiquette and courtesy, you should save a certain amount of face for your opponents, and don't always make the gap too big. What do you think?"

"Good intentions..." Wang Ai pursed his lips: "But it's pedantic, everyone will calculate the world from the perception around them, but pay attention to the differences in the world, some rules that are common in China do not apply in the world. For example, in China The society will definitely get people's respect if you don't do things, because people think that if you dare to let your opponent go, you have the strength to not fear the opponent's retaliation. But in many places outside China, if you don't do things absolutely people will think you don't do it. Absolute strength. You see, the same thing has completely opposite views. In modern football, we are latecomers and do not have the accumulation to change the rules, so we can only follow the rules.”

"If you could decide, what kind of victory would you consider the most perfect?"

"Of course it is the kind of winning and graceful in line with the beautiful imagination of Chinese society, just like a hero's point." Wang Ai said with a smile: "But it is very difficult to achieve this, too much pursuit of this kind of perfection will end up. May lead to defeat. Between victory and grace, victory is always more important, just as procedural law cannot harm substantive law, no matter how perfect procedural law is, it is putting the cart before the horse if factual justice is compromised for the sake of procedural beauty.”

"Are you too obsessed with winning for professional reasons?"

"If the skin doesn't exist, how can the hair be attached? The world is very cruel." Wang Ai paused: "Our China is a highly civilized society, and most of the wars in history are defensive wars. But many places are not, the winner is all Take, the loser loses everything. Therefore, the real civilization is victory. There is a view in historians that the defeat of the Song Dynasty by the Liao, Jin and Mongolia is the victory of barbarism over civilization. I disagree, because civilization is not equal to culture, and military civilization is also civilization. Many military failures are rooted in political corruption. What kind of civilization is corruption? Some of us are frightened by the tragedies of modern history. Our nation used to be full of vigor and pride, it used to be clean and efficient, and it led mankind. Our 5,000-year history of civilization is a history of victory. Without victory, there would be no us and no civilization."

In the thinking of the two, Wang Ai added: "Don't be afraid of what victory will bring. Victory must be more than defeat. At the node of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must get used to victory and dare to win. This is our nation. the norm.”

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