Reborn on Top of Football

Vol 7 Chapter 221: Rights and Responsibilities (1)

Wang Ai's interview with frequent golden sentences has long been a high-quality program of the sports channel. He often expresses some views that are not in line with the mainstream under the broad sports topic, but he has repeatedly led the public opinion and solved the myth. So although he is still regarded as a sports star at the public level, some departments and some people prefer to regard him as a vigorous philosopher.

Whenever his interviews appear, there are bound to be various analytical articles. His golden sentences will become the main points of media and online discussions for a period of time, which will be repeatedly quoted and analyzed, and some of the popular ones will even become the words used by important people and even government reports.

Most of the thousands of literatures around the keyword "Wang Ai" on CNKI come from this way.

This interview has the same effect. Wang Ai seems to express a point of view casually, but in fact he is redefining "civilization" and challenges the definition of civilization contained in the "savage victory over civilization" that has become almost mainstream in the past. A rough summary of Wang Ai's point of view is that "winners are civilized, and losers are barbaric", which is too subversive and too utilitarian!

On a sunny afternoon in Brasilia, the three guests of honor finished the interview with a relaxed chat. Wang Ai got up and shook hands with the two: "Then I'll go back, it's time to go to the training ground."

Saying goodbye, sending Wang Ai out of the small conference room, watching his figure disappear into the corner of the corridor, He Wei hurriedly returned to the conference room to call BJ's house without talking to Sun Jihai. For Lao Sun, what Wang Ai said just now seems to be very powerful, but I don't know how powerful. He himself was very interested in history and often read books in his spare time, so he understood the sensational nature of Wang Ai's words.

Maybe the public will not be very enthusiastic, but it is a depth bomb in the academic circle.

While calling He Wei, there was a lot of resentment in his heart: Xiao Wanger, can you tell me in advance when you are doing something? It's always so cold to throw out a job that people can't take... But it's not enough to not take it. It's safer to blow up the academic circle than to blow up the common people. Even if you are a scholar, you won't be able to rebel for ten years. .

It was Zhang Bin who answered the phone at bj's house, and compared to the anxious He Wei, Fatty Zhang was much calmer: "It's okay, you don't know that in the past, what he said was much better than now, I tell you, in my In my impression, he is the only one who has directly attacked the views of those outside in our national media, and won cleanly."

"Which time? What?" Listening to Fatty Zhang's calmness, He Wei also became interested, and the topic became skewed.

"On that occasion, he was interviewed by Bai Yansong." Fatty Zhang said with a sigh: "Later, I heard from the Academy of Social Sciences that his views were highly praised by the above, and even considered to be a refinement of some theories. Eh, You know the saying that science and technology are the primary productive forces? It’s a typical theoretical point of view, right? But did the previous understanding of this sentence basically stay at the technical and scientific level? In his interview, he said 'change the government, Materials cannot be changed, and workers and peasants are required to produce. This sentence not only defeats the political attacks on us by those outside, but also refines and improves the theory, and maintains and strengthens justice. Compared with this, he The drizzle I mentioned just now, you think about his expression at that time, did he look relaxed? He didn't take it seriously at all, and he had a solid heart. Since he had a solid understanding of his views, it means that he had been thinking about it for a long time. There must be a set of theoretical support behind it, as well as a solid response to this sentence. People who dare to say it will not be afraid of your scolding, and he has never lost a quarrel over the years."

"So powerful?"

"Haha." Fatty Zhang sneered: "I bought a philosophy book after that interview and read it for several years. He's still like that, except for his speech. So, don't think of him simply as a superstar, Don't think of it as a doctor with a mixed education, he is really capable, and he is a theoretician who plays private interviews in the football circle."

"Then cut it normally?"

"Don't, how can I cut it normally? It needs to be focused!" Fatty Zhang emphasized: "There weren't many people watching tonight, and everyone was adjusting their sleep in the second half of the night, but many people must have watched it. I It is estimated that tomorrow... oh, there will be a reaction on the Internet now, it will be hot tomorrow, we have to put his words in the air. You don't need to worry about other issues, he has said so many things that come out, but he has never let him submit the manuscript, and he Let him directly say that you still don't understand? The above trust him, not only in his moral sensitivity, but also in his theoretical literacy. Although some of his things are different from those of the public, in principle they are not questionable."

"I see." He Wei breathed a sigh of relief: "How did you say he did it? Sports are so good, and theory is so good."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Bin really had the leisure to chat with him: "I really asked him, what he said was that he is really good in football, and academically he is only average. Many views have been made for a long time, but those theorists have not People know each other, and their opinions are only circulated in the upper classes and small circles. He is different. He is a popular star, and he spreads it to the public. Are you like our buddies who usually read academic monographs? They are dry and astringent. He is different, he The understanding is very deep, and I am willing to use the language of the public, so the level may be similar, but the impact is one heaven and one underground."

"I said." He Wei smiled here: "I think I can understand it at a glance at my level. It is better than me but it shouldn't be too much stronger."

"Haha." Zhang Bin sneered: "People are humble, do you really believe it? It's what he said is true, but it's not a skill to talk about such boring things, isn't it? Hurry up, it will be dawn in a few hours."

He Wei agreed and wanted to hang up and suddenly remembered another thing: "When we were chatting just now, he complained that his daughter-in-law had to come with a child, do you think we should do it? The child of the football king, this is a blast. point!"

"Daughter-in-law? Which one?" Fatty Zhang asked casually.

He Wei was dumbfounded for a while: "...Just that classmate of his, Dr. Xu."

Zhang Bin thought about it for a while: "... This is not good, he might not be happy with the marriage of his son. However, can you give a few more shots, Brazil can't cover the hot weather at all, right? He still wouldn't be able to cover the hot weather, right? Don't blame us, hehe."

He Wei snickered and hung up the phone, but he didn't think that the call came back half an hour later, and he heard Zhang Bin's order in a complicated tone: "Let's let go of his daughter-in-law, the timing is not right."

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