Today is the first day of the New York International Auto Show. Peter was eating snacks and admiring the models on the booths of major automakers. He was having a great time.

It was because Gwen was dragged by George to practice close combat skills today, otherwise Peter would never dare to show his LSP nature so blatantly.

The soul of this old driver has been suppressed for too long. If he doesn't take the opportunity to release it, Peter will almost forget that his soul is not actually a 17-year-old high school student.

After walking around the auto show for most of the time, Peter only realized at this time that they were not the only company exhibiting new energy vehicles at this auto show.

You must know that in this era when fuel vehicles are popular, companies that can exhibit new energy vehicles must have already started to lay out in the new energy track earlier.

After learning this news, Peter immediately became interested in this competitor at the auto show.

He wanted to see if the other party really had the same"heroic vision" as him. He also wanted to know what kind of product the other party had produced and whether it would pose a threat to their two companies.

However, not long after arriving in front of the other party's booth, Peter shook his head in disappointment. After learning about the other party's technical route, he realized that the other party could not pose a threat to his own new energy vehicles.

This company, which also exhibited new energy vehicles, is a company from Xiao Rizi, which has an unshakable position in the field of traditional fuel vehicles.

However, unlike the new energy vehicles launched by Peter and others that are mainly powered by electricity, the new energy vehicles launched by Xiao Rizi Company use the technical route of hydrogen energy as fuel.

The advantages of hydrogen energy are well known, clean and efficient.

The product of hydrogen combustion is water, which will not cause any pollution to the atmosphere. And compared with electric new energy vehicles, the speed of energy replenishment is also far ahead.

But if the shortcomings of hydrogen energy are mentioned, it is estimated that the number of people who know about it will be greatly reduced.

Hydrogen is not only expensive to produce, but also very expensive to store and transport. In addition, the characteristics of hydrogen that are easy to burn and explode also make hydrogen energy itself have a high safety risk.

Of course, no matter what the shortcomings are, Peter believes that with the continuous development of technology, they will be solved one day.

The more important reason why he is so sure that Xiao Rizi's new energy vehicles cannot threaten Faraday Future and Geely Auto is that Xiao Rizi has eaten a monopoly on the technical route of hydrogen energy.

Small-time car companies have registered patents for almost all related technologies, attempting to reap the world's car companies through patent protection.

The result is that other people will simply turn the table and stop playing with you. No matter how excellent the technology you develop in hydrogen energy is, if it cannot be promoted, it will always be a castle in the air and meaningless.

Peter's Faraday Future is different. Although the three-electric technology he provides to Geely Auto is advanced, it does not completely block this technical route.

In this way, as environmental protection issues become more and more severe, more and more car companies will naturally join the ranks of producing and developing electric vehicles.

And the more these companies promote the development of the electric vehicle market, the more Faraday Future and Geely Auto can rely on their technological advantages to reap dividends from the development trend.

At this auto show, in addition to Peter, there are obviously people who have the same idea as him.

""Hi!" Peter, who was about to leave the booth of Xiao Ri Zi Car Company, was suddenly patted on the shoulder by someone.

Peter looked back and saw a young and handsome white youth looking at him with a smile.

The white youth was tall, with smooth and natural muscle lines. He was wearing a well-tailored suit, elegant and confident. His face was well-defined, and his blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and confidence. His golden hair was neatly combed, and he exuded a unique charm that made people want to get close to him.

Seeing Peter stop and turn around, the white youth stretched out his hand to him and introduced himself:"Hello, my name is Harry Osborn. I wonder if we can get to know each other and make friends?"

"Harry Osborn?!" Peter couldn't help but be surprised after hearing the self-introduction of the white young man.

Even without mentioning the Spider-Man movie he had seen in his previous life, the surname Osborn is quite famous in this world.

But before today, he and Harry Osborn had never had any intersection. Why did the other party suddenly find him?

Was it a pure coincidence? Or did the other party deliberately approach him with some purpose from the beginning?

Although he was confused, Peter still shook hands with Harry very politely and said,"Hello, I'm Peter Parker. It's an honor for me, a nobody, to make friends with the famous Harry Osborn."

In response to Peter's compliment, Harry Osborn showed a bit of embarrassment on his face and said,"What famous? That's all the legacy of the family and the credit of my father. It has nothing to do with me at all."

"Let's not talk about these. When I came here just now, I saw Parker shaking his head at Xiao Rizi's new energy vehicles. You don't seem to be optimistic about their future?"

Seeing Harry bring up the topic of Xiao Rizi's new energy vehicles, Peter finally understood why the other party came to him.

It seems that his actions just now were too prominent and were seen by Harry, who was interested. So Harry was curious and came to make friends.

Since he knew that the other party was not approaching with a purpose, Peter shared his views with Harry openly.

Unexpectedly, after this narration, Peter was directly introduced to Harry as a confidant.

The reason why Harry noticed Peter's actions was because he himself had a negative view of Xiao Rizi's hydrogen energy vehicles.

Harry, who originally thought that"everyone is drunk but I am sober", was instantly attracted after discovering that Peter shook his head.

It's just that Harry's pessimism is more of an intuition of a big family heir, and he is not like Peter who can clearly and logically list various views.

So after listening to Peter's explanation, Harry just felt that Peter seemed to describe his voice, holding Peter's hand while mocking himself for being tongue-tied. , and at the same time, he was praising Peter crazily.

Looking at Harry's simple and cheerful appearance, although Peter didn't know whether he was pretending or just his nature, his inner good impression of him did increase a lot.

In such a pleasant atmosphere, the two sides gradually opened up as they chatted.

Peter did not continue to hide it and told Harry that he was the founder of Faraday Future.

By the way, he also took Harry to his own booth to observe several new energy vehicles on display at close range.

After listening to Peter's detailed introduction, Harry immediately became very interested in Faraday Future's technology and said bluntly that he would ask Oscorp to send people to discuss cooperation with Faraday Future when he returned.

Unfortunately, Peter's technology had already been exclusively licensed to Geely Auto, so Harry's proposal was rejected on the spot, which made Harry feel very sorry.

However, although the two sides did not reach an agreement on cooperation in automobiles, they became more and more speculative in another field, and finally reached a preliminary cooperation intention at the auto show.


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