If we talk about what Oscorp is best at, it must be biotechnology and medical technology.

As the next generation leader of Oscorp, Harry has been exposed to relevant content in this area since he was a child under the arrangement of Norman Osborn, and he knows a lot about these two fields.

So as the content of his conversation with Peter continues to expand, it is inevitable to talk about these two aspects of knowledge.

As for biotechnology, Peter can be considered to have a better understanding because he has integrated Tony's memory fragments and read a lot of research materials on cross-species biological gene synthesis technology from Gwen before.

As for the knowledge of medical technology, except for some basic medical common sense and first aid knowledge, Peter can only be said to have six orifices of seven orifices - nothing.

Although Peter doesn't know much about medical things, somehow, he and Harry are quite enthusiastic when communicating about this aspect.

Because during the communication between the two sides, an inspiration suddenly popped up in Peter's mind - a chubby white inflatable medical robot appeared in his mind!

That’s right, it’s the Baymax in Big Hero 6, who is loved by everyone for his cute appearance and kind nature and is known as the"cute god".●─●)!

Peter was very impressed by the movie"Big Hero 6". When he watched it in his previous life, he was attracted by its exquisite plot and exciting soundtrack.

Especially the loyal, gentle and considerate inflatable medical robot Baymax in the movie, which melted the girlish heart of this otaku.

So when Harry talked to him about the various medical technologies developed by Osborne, combined with his plan to develop an artificial intelligence program later, Baymax's soft image immediately emerged in his mind.

Before, because there was no medical knowledge and technology in the fused Tony memory fragments, Peter did not think about it at all.

But think about it carefully, the research and development of many products is not all done by oneself. As long as you can make money, it is not a bad idea to find a reliable partner.

Just like the inflatable medical robot Baymax, although Peter does not have complete technical information in his memory.

But he can completely select other technologies that can achieve the same function from the fused Tony memory fragments to replace it.

As for the huge medical knowledge database required for Baymax's medical diagnosis, it can be handed over to the Osborne Group, which has more experience in this area.

Even after the development of Baymax is completed, Peter can directly throw all the remaining production, listing and sales to Oscorp.

And his Faraday Future only needs to wait for the sales dividends every quarter according to the pre-agreed profit-sharing ratio.

As soon as this plan came out, Peter could no longer suppress his excitement and talked to Harry about his ideas.

After listening to Peter's description, Harry was also very excited, and he decided on the spot to reach a preliminary cooperation intention with Peter.

But what Harry didn't know was that Peter actually had some little tricks in his heart, which were not revealed in the previous conversation.

You know, in the movie"Big Hero 6", Baymax is a medical robot.

But under the transformation of the male protagonist's bear child, he turned around and became a Terminator. It

's just a matter of adding a set of combat armor and combat chips. Peter can't handle the black technology of the iron suit, can he handle these two pediatrics?

Speaking of it, although"Big Hero 6" does not belong to the worldview of the Marvel Universe in terms of setting, it is a real Marvel adaptation movie.

So, it shouldn't be considered an intrusion to let Baymax appear in this Spider-Man parallel universe?

With a new goal in mind, the two teenagers no longer wanted to continue wandering around the auto show.

One hurried back to his company to discuss the joint development of an inflatable medical robot with his father.

The other returned to the laboratory at home as quickly as possible, sat in front of the computer and started typing code.

Putting aside the development of the medical knowledge database, which Peter is least good at, the software and hardware development of the rest of Baymax is not difficult for him.

The tasks that Peter needs to complete are mainly three parts: the AI intelligent program as Baymax's soul, the hyperspectral scanning lens as Baymax's eyes, and the carbon fiber skeleton and polyvinyl alcohol skin as Baymax's body.

The function of the hyperspectral scanning lens is to enable Baymax to have the ability to perceive the world and complete diagnosis.

Peter plans to further develop the lens of the holographic projection device he made before, and superimpose more commonly used hospital inspection instrument components on the lens.

This allows Baymax to collect more information and data from the outside world, thereby improving its accuracy in diagnosis.

The carbon fiber skeleton and polyvinyl alcohol skin are relatively simple to develop. For the polyvinyl alcohol skin, you only need to complete the design drawings of Baymax on the computer, and then you can manufacture it through 3D printing. The carbon fiber skeleton is a little more difficult, involving a lot of knowledge of mechanical structures and physical mechanics.

The most difficult and also the most critical part to develop is Baymax's AI intelligent program.

If the previous two hardware items determine the lower limit of Baymax's final product, then the AI intelligent program determines where Baymax's upper limit will be in the future.

Peter's plan is to develop Jarvis, the smart butler first.

With Jarvis' code as a reference, Baymax's intelligent program can be completed faster.

More importantly, with Jarvis, the smart butler���Playing auxiliary on the side.

When Peter develops various hardware such as combat armor and functional chips for Dabai in the future, the development efficiency will be greatly improved.

As for the super lithium battery as Dabai's energy, there are also charging packs used to store Dabai and charge Dabai.

Because the technical content is too low, Peter didn't even put them in the task plan.

Super lithium batteries can completely use the technology previously used in new energy vehicles directly on Dabai. It only needs to reduce the volume of the battery pack a little to fit perfectly. The two most important components of the charging pack are nothing more than the coil winding for wireless charging and the high-speed air pump for charging and deflating Dabai.

Peter's plan is to make a design drawing casually, and then throw it to Geely Automobile to help improve and produce it.

As Peter's first partner, and China is Peter's spiritual homeland, he will naturally not forget to take care of Geely Automobile if there is a project.

And with the perfect supply chain in China and the terrifying production efficiency of Geely Automobile, Peter estimates that if he sends the drawings today, the other party will be able to pack and mail the finished products tomorrow. Peter doesn't need to worry at all, this is the most important factor


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