"What's wrong with you, Parker?"

Octavius turned around and found Peter standing blankly at the door, so he asked.

Seeing that Peter still didn't respond, he followed Peter's line of sight and found that Peter was actually staring at the mechanical tentacle he invented.

This made Octavius feel overjoyed instantly. He thought that Peter's performance showed that Peter recognized his invention.

For a genius, there is nothing more gratifying than getting the recognition of another genius.

So he went straight forward and took Peter's arm and brought Peter to the mechanical tentacle.

Then he began to share his mental journey and the various difficulties he encountered during the research and development process, as well as the various innovations and technical details of the mechanical tentacle. Being suddenly pulled by someone also made Peter recover from his previous state of shock.

As for what Octavius introduced to him, he was not interested at all.

After all, with the knowledge and technology he currently possessed, if he was asked to design a mechanical tentacle, he was confident that he could make a product with stronger performance in all aspects.

However, when Octavius mentioned the control method of this mechanical tentacle, Peter was instantly attracted.

Although Octavius has given up biology, which he once devoted everything to, the knowledge he has accumulated over many years of immersion in this field will not disappear because of his giving up. The unique control system on the mechanical tentacles he invented is the most powerful proof.

In Peter's eyes, the control system created by Octavius can already be called brain-computer interface technology.

It can be said that the most valuable thing in this set of mechanical tentacles that Octavius is proud of is this set of control systems that combines biotechnology, electronic technology and mechanical technology.

So when Octavius was explaining, Peter listened very seriously and didn't want to let go of any details.

Until Octavius finished explaining, Peter kept pestering him to ask about the key.

And Octavius didn't cherish his own things. In his opinion, Peter was just a high school student who had not graduated yet.

Even if Peter knew the key technology of the mechanical tentacles, would Peter have the ability to develop the value of this invention?

Don't say it, it really is!

That is, Octavius just learned Peter's name today and didn't know Peter's specific situation.

Let him know that Peter is not only the founder of Faraday Future, but also plans to develop a big project with Oscorp.

I don't know if he will be so generous to share his key technology.

But Peter is not a shameless villain. If he really wants to further develop the commercial value of mechanical tentacles, he will definitely not treat Octavius unfairly.

After all, he is not short of this little money now, and as long as the money is in place, for Octavius, it doesn't matter who he cooperates with.

But unfortunately, Peter has no idea in this regard.

The reason why he is interested in the control system on the mechanical tentacles is that he believes that this technology is the most likely to touch the human spirit and even the soul among all the technologies he has come into contact with.

When a person's soul issues an order, his mental power will begin to act on the brain.

The neurons in the brain transmit signals to the body under the action of mental power, and finally the body receives the signals and completes the original instructions issued by the soul.

The magic of Octavius's control system is that it can correctly read the signals originally sent to the body during the transmission of human signals.

And the mechanical tentacles replace the missing parts of the human body to complete the corresponding actions.

Since it is feasible to receive and read the signals transmitted in the human body, what about the reverse?

Is it feasible to use this technology to send signals to the invisible and intangible soul through the body as a medium?

If other scientists in the world hear this idea, they will definitely scold Peter as a lunatic.

But as a traverser who has truly experienced soul travel and absorbed the soul power of the original owner and Tony Stark.

Peter thinks that this idea is not only feasible, but also very feasible.

He still remembers that in the movie"Doctor Strange", there is a scene where Stephen Strange and a wizard bewitched by Dormammu fight in the operating room of a hospital in the state of soul.

During the fight, the injuries suffered by Strange's soul will be reflected in his body synchronously; at the same time, when his body is electrocuted, his soul will also release a strong current.

Everyone lives in the universe under the Marvel worldview. There is no reason why the same thing is feasible in the universe where Strange lives, but forbidden in the universe where Peter Parker lives?

And the green giant in Peter's universe is affected by the drastic changes in his body. Isn't this a perfect example?

If Peter's idea can really be realized, then he may soon be able to make up for the mental loss caused by his previous stubbornness, and merge all the remaining memory fragments of Tony in a short time.

However, when it comes to specific implementation, there will definitely be many difficulties.

Because the control system developed by Octavius is still far behind the truly perfect brain-computer interface technology.

Now this control system must pass through 34 sets of needles inserted into the spine to receive and read the signals sent by the brain.

This method is not only inconvenient to use, but also has certain safety hazards.

In addition, there is a huge shortcoming in this system, that is, it can only receive and read the motion signals in the human body. If

Peter wants to complete his plan, he needs to at least improve it to be able to receive and read the visual signals, auditory signals, taste signals, olfactory signals, tactile signals and emotional signals in the human body.

The challenge is indeed great, but Peter is confident that he can complete it. What he lacks now is just enough deep knowledge of biotechnology, which needs to be made up through continuous learning.

In terms of learning speed, Peter is confident that no one in the world can surpass him.

After figuring out all the principles and technical details of the control system on the mechanical tentacle, Peter has completely opened up.

He tried to gain more knowledge and inspiration from Octavius through communication with him.

Especially after hearing that the other party intends to start research on artificial suns in the future, Peter couldn't help but feel an urge to join this research.

Maybe by combining the strength of him and Octavius, the Ark Reactor that he imagined could really come to this world ahead of time?

But before Peter could express his thoughts, a figure appeared in front of the laboratory door and interrupted their communication.


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