"Octavius, I'm coming……"

After Norman solved the problem of Oscorp, he rushed here as soon as possible.

However, when he arrived at the door of Octavius's laboratory, he was stunned when he saw the boy standing in front of the mechanical tentacles and turning around to look at him.

Because he knew the boy in front of him.

Not only did he know him, he also specially asked someone to investigate this boy.

The founder of Faraday Future, China Geely Automobile's new energy vehicles that have been popular all over the world recently use the three-electric technology provided by this boy. He and his son Harry are friends who have just met not long ago, and they are also partners of Oscorp.

The intelligent medical robot project that their company has recently promoted with great fanfare was originally planned by this boy.

But what Norman didn't expect was that the person who could help him solve the problem in Octavius's mouth would be Peter Parker.

And the more Norman looked at Peter, the more he felt that the other party's figure seemed familiar, faintly overlapping with a phantom in his memory whose face could not be seen clearly, which made him feel a nameless fire in his heart.

On the other side, Peter, who heard the footsteps coming from the door of the laboratory, was also shocked after looking back!

Isn't this the famous entrepreneur, Mr. Norman Osborn!

Although Peter met him for the first time, he was his friend's father and a famous figure in New York City. Naturally, he would know him.

But Peter never expected that Norman Osborn, who was originally a good Green Goblin, would also start taking hormones?!

Otherwise, how could he swell up like that night?

Those who don't know would think that the Green Goblin is a fan of the Hulk, so he specially COSed.

If Peter had seen any of Norman's characteristics from the Green Giant that night, he and Gwen would not have beaten him like that!

But now that he knew that the Hulk was not the Hulk, but the Green Giant transformed by Norman Osborn, Peter began to feel a little embarrassed.

In this way, many of the human experiments he had originally planned would not be carried out on the father of his good friend.

This still made him feel quite regretful. Fortunately, he got a brain-computer interface technology from Octavius today, otherwise Peter would have lost a lot.

But since the real identity of the Hulk is Norman Osborn, Peter must show a little more performance.

Although Harry is usually annoying, he is still one of his few friends in the world.

Peter naturally doesn't want to watch a sunny and cheerful boy like Harry being involved in a tragic fate.

"Nice to meet you, Uncle Norman. I am Peter Parker. I never thought that our first meeting would be under such circumstances."

After hearing Peter's greeting, Norman came to his senses and reorganized his emotions before responding politely:

"I didn't expect that the friend Octavius was talking about would be you, Peter. This is our first meeting, and I'm sorry to embarrass you in this situation."

Norman and Peter were greeting each other warmly, but Octavius was dumbfounded.

【After all this time, it turns out that you two know each other! Then wouldn't I be a clown as the middleman? If you had told me earlier……】

Octavius was halfway through thinking about it when he remembered that the blame would have to be put on him in the end.

Because when he was facing Norman, he did not mention Peter's name to Norman because of the promise he made before.

And when he found Peter, he forgot to tell Peter Norman's name for a while because things were going too smoothly.

As a result, the two people who were supposed to be introduced by him are now chatting enthusiastically, and he, the middleman, has become a light bulb.

""It's okay, Uncle Norman, you don't have to feel embarrassed. I've heard that you're doing this to cure your family's genetic disease and so that Harry can have a healthy life. This is great and there's nothing to be ashamed of."

Peter was worried that Norman, an elder, would be embarrassed in front of his junior, so he comforted him with a few words.

But in fact, Norman was not embarrassed at all. His words were just a habitual courtesy, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere between the two of them.

As the saying goes,"If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth."

As a person who grew up in a big family and struggled in big capital, Norman would not carry any moral burden on himself.

But Peter's words were just to help him exonerate himself, but he even said that he was great?

After saying this, even Norman, who was thick-skinned, couldn't help but blush.

After all, he had watched the news report that night, and he knew very well how many innocent lives he had killed after he lost control.

If Peter knew that Norman was actually because of him, This statement, which ignored the facts, made Peter blush. Maybe he would even be praised for his high moral standards.

After all, the US government uses its own ordinary people for human experiments, and has killed countless people. What about the few people killed by Norman? They can't even be ranked.

If it weren't for Gwen's identity as a superhero, Peter would not bother to save so many people every day.

After all, in this world, there are only two things in the final analysis:"It's none of my business" and"It's none of your business."

If he had that much time, wouldn't it be nice for Peter to develop a few more weapons for himself and Gwen?

After the pleasantries of their first meeting, the communication between Peter and Norman finally got to the point.

Although Peter had heard from Octavius before, He had a general idea of what happened, but in order to avoid missing some important details, he asked Norman to narrate the incident again from his own perspective.

After listening to Norman's personal narration, Peter judged that Norman's problem was basically the same as what Octavius had said before.

It can be said that although Norman is not the Hulk, he is better than the Hulk.

His problem is the same as Bruce Banner in other universes. Once he is emotionally excited, his transformation mechanism will be triggered.

Once transformed, the body will be controlled by another personality in the body.

It's just that Banner's second personality, the Hulk, is a child who likes to lose his temper.

And Norman's second personality, the Green Giant, is an extremely perverted murderer.

In this way, it is very difficult to solve Norman's problem. As for the problem with Norman, he cannot choose to merge with the Hulk in his body like Banner did.

Instead, he has to separate the Green Giant personality in Norman.

As long as there is no influence of the second personality, Norman's ability to transform can be mastered through persistent training, and there is no need for any"treatment" at all.

Of course, another reason is that it is too difficult to eliminate this transformation ability.

As Octavius said, the huge amount of calculation may not necessarily produce a result without error even with the use of a supercomputer.

Even if Peter takes action, there is nothing he can do about this problem.

As for how to separate the Green Giant personality in Norman, he already has some ideas.


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