In fact, the solution Peter thought of to solve Norman's mental problems is the same as the solution he intends to use to solve his own mental problems.

That is, through brain-computer interface technology, with the help of the body as a medium, to touch the invisible and intangible spiritual realm.

Simply put, through brain-computer interface technology, the second personality that appeared in Norman's schizophrenia was transferred out.

Although doing so may cause some damage to Norman's spirit in the short term, making him look depressed.

But this is actually the same problem of excessive mental exhaustion as Peter, and it will not cause any irreversible impact in the long run.

As long as you cultivate your body and mind and have a reasonable work and rest schedule on weekdays, you will be able to recover in a few years.

However, the premise is that Peter can perfect Octavius' current control system into a real brain-computer interface technology.

Otherwise, everything is just talk on paper.

But before the brain-computer interface technology is truly perfected, in order to prevent Norman from suddenly turning into a green troll when he is emotionally excited, Peter has to think of a way.

After Peter shared his idea with Norman and Octavius, Norman agreed to Peter's plan on the spot when he heard that it could not only solve his own problems but also retain his powerful abilities.

As for Octavius, he generously stated that he would cooperate with Peter to complete the improvement of brain-computer interface technology and the development of transformation inhibition potions.

After everything was finalized, Peter couldn't wait to start working.

Because once he successfully solved Norman's mental problems, it also meant that his previous problem of mental exhaustion had a solution.

However, Norman hesitated at this time and said,"That... Peter, I know you and Harry are friends, so there is one thing I hope you can agree to."

Looking at Norman's hesitant look, Peter could guess what he wanted to say without him saying it.

"Uncle Norman, are you worried about Harry's genetic disease?"

Norman nodded eagerly,"Yes, I originally wanted to give Harry the genetic optimization serum I perfected."

"But now that I've gotten myself into this state, I don't dare to use the things I developed on Harry."

"So I want to shamelessly trouble you, Peter, to help Harry make a potion"

"He doesn't need to acquire any extraordinary abilities, as long as his genetic defects can be solved."

Peter didn't think that what Norman proposed was a big deal.

After all, Harry's genetic defects were much easier to solve than Norman's problems.

And even if Norman didn't mention it, Peter would find a way to help Harry solve it later.

Peter couldn't help but feel envious of his friend for doing this. Harry, a fool, could actually make such a good friend.

If Harry knew what Peter was thinking, he would definitely call him shameless.

"Uncle Norman, don't worry! Harry and I are good friends, and I will definitely help him solve his problems."

After getting Peter's promise, Norman finally smiled.

Such a smile had not appeared even when Norman knew that Peter had a way to solve his mental problems.

It can be seen that compared with his own situation, Norman is more worried about Harry's safety.

After resolving this episode, the three of them started research and development work directly in this laboratory.

The work Peter assigned to Octavius was his old profession, and asked him to be responsible for the research and development of transformation inhibition potions that can inhibit Norman's transformation ability.

And Norman served as his assistant, helping on the side.

After all, Norman is a top student who can develop a gene optimization serum on his own. Although There were some big errors in the process, but the ability is still there.

Helping Octavius and completing the collection and collation of test data are no problem.

More importantly, with Norman's help, Octavius can draw two tubes of blood as test materials at any time, which greatly improves the efficiency of research and development.

Let Norman, a big capitalist, be both a worker and a test material, this is called killing two birds with one stone.

In terms of exploitation and oppression, Norman called Peter an expert after seeing this operation.

The key is that as the object of exploitation and oppression, Norman is still willing and grateful.

So how does the sentence go?

"What points, he still has to thank us!"

As for Peter's task, of course, it is to be responsible for perfecting Octavius's missing control system and turning it into a real brain-computer interface technology.

It can be said that among the three people's task allocation, Peter's work is the most arduous.

But his work enthusiasm is very high, because in his mind, he has begun to imagine that those sets of crazy and cool iron battle suits are waving at him.

What is the desperate virus? Mecha is the romance of men!

However, Peter's knowledge of biology is still too lacking, and he needs to make up for it through subsequent learning.

So Peter's work tonight is actually relatively simple. He plans to use the materials in Octavius's laboratory to rebuild a set of control system hardware.

After all, Octavius's mechanical tentacles will have to find volunteers for experience testing later, and he can't dismantle the products that others want to use for testing.

Tonight, he will copy a set of hardware and take it away, and then he can carry out research and development in his own laboratory.

With Jarvis's assistance, the efficiency of research and development will be much faster, and he will not have to run to New York University every day.

Because he had learned from Octavius before,���After understanding all the ideas and details, Peter quickly completed the work with the help of the 3D printing equipment and high-precision assembly robotic arms in the laboratory.

Although it was very fast, it was only compared to the situation on Octavius' side.

Peter looked at his watch. It was already half past ten in the evening, which meant that he had been in this laboratory for six hours, minus the time on the road!

Brain-computer interface technology cannot be completed in a short time. With the replica control system, Peter said hello to the other two and prepared to go home.

He came here in Octavius's car in the afternoon. It would be difficult to get a taxi later.

As for Octavius and Norman, the two of them were ready to stay up all night.

Thinking back to his life in his previous life, Peter couldn't help but sigh:"The adult world is really not easy~"

Walking out of the laboratory with a brisk pace, the campus of New York University is still quite large, and it took Peter nearly ten minutes to wander to the gate.

But as soon as he got here, Peter was stunned.

Because in front of him, a figure that was both familiar and unexpected appeared.


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