Osborne's recent performance is booming, with a steady stream of money flowing into the company's account every day.

However, such a good performance is not reflected in Osborne's stock price. Instead, the company's stock price has been falling for several days.

There are many reasons for the decline in Osborne's stock price, but there are only two main factors.

One is that a mysterious seller suddenly sold a large number of Osborne's stocks in his hands.

The other is that in recent times, several members of Osborne's management and board of directors have been assassinated for unknown reasons.

The large-scale selling for unknown reasons and the unrest of the company's senior management have caused such a company with great performance to fall in stock price at such a prosperous moment.

However, no one would have thought that the mastermind behind all this is actually Osborne's chairman, Norman Osborne.

His purpose for doing this is also very simple. First, to lower the company's stock price and recover shares by selling high and buying low.

The second is of course for revenge!

Not long ago, Eddie Brock finally sent him an investigation intelligence, which detailed the list of all the people in Osborne who participated in the design to kill him.

Norman had let them live for a few more days before. Now that he had the Book of Life and Death in his hands and needed to suppress the company's stock price, it was time to ask for their lives.

Of course, Norman would not do this kind of thing himself. He only needed to sit in the office like those people, watching everything happen with cold eyes.

His hands would not be stained with any blood, and he was so innocent from beginning to end.

But Eddie Brock's investigation was not over yet.

Because as the investigation deepened, he found that there seemed to be other forces colluding with these insiders of Osborn and participating in the killing of Norman.

However, because all the gangsters who took on this task that day died in the disaster in Harlem, Eddie's investigation was temporarily in trouble. It would obviously take more time to find this external force.

This was not a problem for Norman, and he could wait now.

He just wanted to know which family was so blind that they dared to have such thoughts about their Osborn family.

He injected an inhibitor into his arm. In his current condition, it was not suitable for him to get too excited. After adjusting his state, Norman ignored these things that affected his mood for the time being.

Now Oscorp seems to have fallen into chaos in the eyes of the outside world, but because he has taken control of the company's voice in advance, everything is not as bad as the outside world thinks.

The company is still running in an orderly manner, and even because the voices against him in the board of directors have disappeared, the management efficiency has improved. After

Norman finished processing the documents that needed his signature today, he packed up and prepared to leave the office.

He also had an important matter that he needed to attend in person in the afternoon, that is, his son Harry was about to use the medicine developed by Peter to cure his own genetic defects.

Since he mentioned this matter to Peter in Octavius's laboratory last time, he never asked about it again.

It's not that Norman trusts Peter so much. After all, even the company elders who have a vested interest in him can betray him. The word trust is too expensive for him.

But Norman did not dare to ask Peter about the progress of things frequently, because it is no exaggeration to say that the fate of their Osborn family is in the hands of Peter alone.

Whether he and Harry can have a bright future depends on Peter's wisdom.

Norman was very worried that an overly anxious attitude would make them easily controlled by Peter.

Therefore, whether it was his own problem or Harry's problem, Norman always showed a state of neither rush nor slowness.

However, when he learned that Peter had developed a drug to repair genetic defects, the disguise he had maintained was finally broken.

Because compared to him who was middle-aged, Harry was the only hope for their Osborn family to continue to inherit and continue.

Driving to the destination alone, this was a room that Norman had specially arranged for today's event.

The room was highly confidential, and it was filled with the most advanced medical instruments and body testing equipment produced by Osborn.

All preparations were for one purpose, which was to provide the safest and most complete environment for Harry's treatment today.

Harry and Peter had arrived in the room first, and there was a doctor standing next to them, who was the doctor who served the Osborn family in Osborn Manor.

He only had one task today, which was to carefully monitor every physical data of Harry. If any problem occurred, Harry should be given first aid immediately.

Seeing Norman coming, Harry and Peter greeted him one after another.

Both of them looked very relaxed, and did not show any nervousness because of the upcoming treatment.

Peter was relaxed because he had absolute confidence in the potion he developed, and Harry was relaxed because this guy was heartless.

If there was a reason, it could only be said that he really trusted Peter as a friend.

All the people who should be present in the room today were already present. Without any polite nonsense, Peter began to introduce the gene repair potion he was going to use on Harry this time to the other three.

With the two previous examples of the lizard man and the green troll, Peter certainly would not make the same mistake as them in Harry's treatment.

It cannot be said that the path of seeking power from the outside is completely unworkable, but the risk is still too great, and if you are not careful, you will be assimilated by foreign genes.

So this time when developing a gene repair potion for Harry, Peter decided from the beginning to seek power from within.

Peter's plan is to activate Harry's own potential so that the problematic genes in his body can acquire the ability to repair themselves.

This involves further development of the Extremis virus potion.

The original effect of the Extremis virus is to activate the potential of the human body so that the human body can acquire super strong self-healing and recovery capabilities.

As for the resulting overheating phenomenon, it is actually a side effect of the human body's excessive metabolism after the potential is activated.

Now that Peter wants to use the effect of the Extremis virus to allow the genes in Harry's body to acquire the ability to repair themselves, he must solve two problems.

The first is to strengthen the effect of the Extremis virus so that the Extremis virus can play a deeper role at the genetic level.

The second is to solve the overheating phenomenon that is also enhanced after the effect of the Extremis virus is enhanced.

In order to solve these two problems, Peter consumed a lot of brain cells.


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