After all, Peter's knowledge of biology is not comprehensive enough. The only advantage is that after the fusion of souls, his learning ability has been greatly enhanced.

In order to improve the brain-computer interface technology, Peter read a lot of information about biological information collection.

In order to further enhance the effect of the desperate virus and develop a perfect gene repair agent, of course, high-intensity"make-up lessons" are indispensable. After reading countless genetic engineering papers, Peter finally found the direction of strengthening the desperate virus.

And after continuous attempts, Peter developed a gene repair agent based on the desperate virus.

Unfortunately, although the effect of this gene repair agent is very good, Peter has not been able to eliminate the overheating problem caused by the high-speed metabolism of the human body during use.

If he continues to spend a long time on research, Peter believes that he will definitely be able to eliminate this defect in the gene repair agent in the end.

But this approach is really a bit of a loss in Peter's opinion. After all, from the perspective of effect alone, there is no more room for improvement in the gene repair agent.

In order to solve the overheating problem during use, in addition to starting with the agent itself, you can also find a way to solve the problem from the user.

The reason why the overheating problem caused by high-speed metabolism is dangerous is that under such high temperatures, the user's body will become very unstable.

This situation is like the birth and death of cells, which is in a very fragile dynamic balance. The influence of a little variable may cause this fragile balance to collapse.

The result of the collapse is naturally that the user becomes a human bomb and bursts out an ultra-high temperature explosion of more than 3000 degrees Celsius.

But if there is a way to control the temperature of the user's body within a safe range, then this problem will naturally be solved.

And Peter chose this solution.

He designed a high-speed heat exchanger that can transfer the high temperature generated instantly at a very fast speed, so as to ensure that the temperature in the heat exchanger can always be constant within a smaller range.

After testing, even an object with a temperature of 5000 degrees Celsius can be cooled to 200 degrees Celsius within one second through this high-speed heat exchanger.

This temperature is definitely fatal for an ordinary person.

But for a person who uses a gene repair agent, 200 degrees Celsius is definitely a very safe temperature.

After all the problems are solved, Harry's treatment can officially begin.

Peter arrived at the agreed location early today and made the final adjustments to the high-speed heat exchanger.

Then he checked the other instruments and equipment in the room one by one to ensure that everything would be foolproof after the treatment began.

Now, everything is ready. Harry changed into special clothes and lay in a cabin filled with liquid.

This cabin is the core part of the high-speed heat exchanger. The liquid inside is a special solution that can conduct temperature at a high speed.

At the same time, this special solution will also provide Harry in the cabin with the oxygen needed by the body.

The treatment officially began. Peter slowly injected the gene repair agent into Harry's body, then closed the cabin door and waited for the agent to take effect.

After a while, through the reserved porthole on the cabin, a beam of bright red light could be seen shining from inside.

The appearance of this strange phenomenon proves that the gene repair agent injected into Harry's body has begun to take effect.

At this moment, the values of various monitoring instruments in the laboratory all soared instantly, especially the thermometer on the high-speed heat exchanger, which showed that the temperature inside the cabin had reached 150 degrees Celsius.

Fortunately, the value on the thermometer stopped steadily after reaching 200 degrees Celsius, indicating that the high-speed heat exchanger was operating normally and Harry was not in any danger at present.

During the entire treatment process, the exclusive doctors of the Osborn family were very nervous. The vital signs displayed on various instruments were too scary. If

Peter had not been firm in saying that everything was fine, he would definitely stop the treatment from continuing.

But the tormenting time will always pass. As Harry's various values returned to normal levels, this gene therapy can finally be declared over.

However, Norman did not relax after hearing the news.

The doctor was the same. As soon as Peter announced the end of the treatment, he rushed to open the cabin and helped Harry out.

Then he quickly drew blood from Harry's veins and took it to the genetic testing instrument next to him to start the measurement. It was not until the doctor turned to look at Norman and said that Harry's genetic defects had been completely eliminated that Norman put down his heart.

Harry, who was gradually recovering from his initial weak state, felt extremely magical about the changes that had taken place in himself.

"Peter, am I hallucinating? Why do I feel so light and full of strength?"

As Harry spoke, he stretched out his hand to pinch the metal armrest of the chair under him.

But what he never expected was that he only squeezed lightly and left five fingerprints on the metal armrest of the chair.

He widened his eyes, looked at his palm in disbelief, and looked up at Peter, wanting to get an answer from his friend.

Peter was not surprised at what happened to Harry. Seeing the look in Harry's eyes, he responded calmly:

"This is not an illusion, you have really become bald and stronger."

Hearing this, Harry reached out to touch his head in horror, only to find that his original hair had disappeared!

Peter continued to explain calmly:"Although the gene repair potion did not give you any extraordinary powers, it greatly improved your physical fitness during the treatment process."

"If nothing unexpected happens, your current physical fitness has reached the limit of the human body. However, if you want to maintain it for a long time, you must ensure a certain amount of training every day."

"As for your hair, don't touch it, it has indeed fallen out. Not only your hair, but also the hair on other parts of your body should have fallen out."

"In the cabin of a high-speed heat exchanger, your hair is not strong enough to withstand the temperature difference. But don't worry, it will grow back later."

Harry looked at Peter silently with resentment in his eyes.

He suspected that Peter must be jealous of his handsome appearance, so he took away his thick hair, but he had no evidence.


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