The Ghost Iron Suit specially customized for Gwen still uses the black, white and pink three-color scheme, and is equipped with a laser-guided tracking rapid deployment system like Mark 8.

Not only can the suit be remotely summoned through Edith, but the suit can also be quickly replaced without the help of other equipment.

However, considering that Gwen's fighting style is more agile and light, Peter has designed the Ghost Iron Suit to be lightweight.

The material used to make the suit is a metal with a lower density, and most of the weapon configurations on the suit are removed, leaving only the pulse laser cannons on the chest and palm, and a set of floating cannons in the back weapon attachment compartment.

Although this will reduce the defensive performance and attack power of the Ghost Iron Suit, it greatly improves the maneuverability of the suit.

In addition, referring to the"external soul bone-eight spider lances" added to the nano suit designed by Tony for the Dutch Spider, Peter also added similar auxiliary functions to the Ghost Iron Suit.

However, with Peter's current technical capabilities, he has not been able to come up with nanotechnology.

He uses the mechanical tentacles developed by Octavius, but has made some structural upgrades.

He replaced the original ball joints on the mechanical tentacles with a pleated structure similar to the bend of a plastic straw.

This design change not only gave the mechanical tentacles greater mobility, but also increased the ability to retract.

When not in use, the mechanical tentacles can be compressed and retracted into the weapon bay of the Ghost Iron Suit.

Although this method is certainly not as convenient as nanotechnology, there is actually no difference in function between the two.

After completing the Ghost Iron Suit, Peter's three-month summer vacation was running out.

But he also planned to make a suitcase suit for Gwen when he had time to replace her current Ghost Suit.

Although the Ghost Iron Suit is powerful, it always has a flaw that it cannot be carried with you.

In case of any emergency, it takes time for the suit to fly from the spider nest to Gwen.

During this time, Gwen can only use the Ghost Suit she was wearing before.

The suitcase suit can just allow Gwen to deal with this situation. Compared with the Ghost Suit, the suitcase suit also has the advantages of being easy to carry and quick to change.

And in terms of defense and attack capabilities, although it is far from comparable to the Ghost Iron Suit, it is still much stronger than the Ghost Suit.

Of course, the best way is for Peter to get the nanotechnology out as soon as possible, so that he doesn't have to worry about the contradiction between portability and suit performance.

It's a pity that although the relevant knowledge has been in place, the technology tree still needs to be lit up step by step.

Before the end of summer vacation, Peter invited Gwen and Harry to his laboratory.

Gwen was called here to give her the Ghost Iron Suit, and Harry was called here to show off to him!

In fact, it's not just to show off. Another reason is that Peter has been thinking recently, should he and Gwen's superhero duo add some new members?

After all, the two were dating, and suddenly an emergency occurred, and Gwen disappeared with a spider silk. Which boyfriend can stand this?

But if Harry also joins them and becomes a superhero, when this happens again, Harry, the tool man, will be sent directly to the field.

Then Gwen can't stay and continue the date with Peter?

As for why Peter chose Harry, in addition to the fact that it is easier to start with someone familiar, it is more of a recognition of Harry's character and personality.

Moreover, Harry's identity as a rich second-generation is simply the chosen worker for superheroes, okay!

Look at Iron Man and Black Panther in the Marvel Universe, as well as Batman and Green Arrow in the DC Universe next door. Which of these people is not a rich second-generation.

The only condition Harry lacks is probably that his father has not sacrificed to heaven.

But it doesn't matter. Peter can also bring Norman in and let him and Harry form a father-son superhero combination!

When they become famous later, they can also form a Justice League. Anyway, this is Spider-Man's parallel universe, and there is no need to worry about infringement.

As Peter expected, Harry was immediately attracted after seeing the Mark 8 and Ghost Spider suits he designed.

Harry was also very interested in Peter's proposal to make him a superhero. Especially after knowing that Gwen was actually Ghost Spider.

Watching Gwen put on the Ghost Steel Suit in the laboratory and began to experience it, Harry pestered Peter and wanted to feel the feeling of wearing Mark 8.

But no matter what moves he made, Peter never gave in.

Nonsense, this is the new Iron Man suit, the new Iron Man suit he just made!

Peter himself hasn't had time to try it on, so how could Harry, a fool, get involved.

But he also promised Harry that he would make him a unique superhero suit when he has time.

Peter has already thought about it for him. The suit will be in the red, white and blue colors of the American flag, with a five-pointed round shield on the back.

As for Harry's superhero title, is there anything else to say with such an obvious symbol as the five-pointed round shield?

Of course it's called the scapegoat!

Peter originally asked Harry to be a superhero because he wanted him to take the blame for Gwen.


New York, Hell's Kitchen.

This is where all the darkness and evil in New York City gather.

For ordinary people, this is the most terrible hell, but for those villains, this is their paradise.

And the one who rules this place of evil is the King of the Whole World.���The underground emperor of the underworld forces in New York City - Kingpin!

However, today, a person who is out of tune with this place appeared in Hell's Kitchen.

Getting off the black luxury car, Octavius looked at the dark environment of Hell's Kitchen, and then looked at the tall and strong Wilson Fisk beside him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a little regretful, regretting why he accepted the funding from the Fisk Group.

But he didn't expect that the famous philanthropist Wilson Fisk was actually the biggest underworld boss in New York, Kingpin!

If he had known this, he would jump from here and die outside, and would never accept the other party's funds.

But now everything is too late, he has already accepted the money.

Not only has he accepted it, but he has almost spent it all.

Of course, with the support of the Fisk Group's money ability, his artificial sun project has also progressed extremely rapidly. In just a few months, all theoretical research and technological breakthroughs have been completed, and now there is only one last step to complete the project.

That is to truly create the artificial sun!

But according to Octavius' original plan, he did not enter the final stage so quickly.

After all, he had suffered a great loss in cross-species biological gene synthesis technology before, so now no matter what project he is researching, he is mainly stable and safety is the most important.

The Fisker Group was also very patient and met all of Octavius's requirements.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that Fisker's cooperation with Faraday Future just failed, and then they came up with mature controlled nuclear fusion technology.

It was precisely because of this incident that Kingpin, who didn't want the huge amount of money he invested to go down the drain, forcibly took Octavius to his car.

There were only two choices before Octavius, either to be cut into pieces by Kingpin's men and then sink to the bottom of the sea; or to be obedient and successfully manufacture the artificial sun.

What else can Octavius do in this situation? Of course, he is obedient!

However, the artificial sun is too dangerous, and this last step cannot be completed in the laboratory.

So he chose the place of manufacture in Hell's Kitchen, an abandoned factory near the sea.

This is why he appeared in Hell's Kitchen today.


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