The factory building in Hell's Kitchen that Octavius chose has been abandoned for a long time.

After all, with the surrounding environment, it is hard to say whether you can recruit workers. Even if you recruit them, it is impossible for the workers to work for a long time.

At the beginning, this area was flat and had a wide harbor and deep water, so the government designated it as industrial land.

However, due to the impact of public security issues, it was gradually abandoned and became the base for various gangs nearby.

Octavius chose this place as the final place to make the artificial sun.

Because it was originally industrial land, the road traffic infrastructure is perfect, which is convenient for transporting various materials and equipment required for the experiment to the site.

Moreover, the space here is vast and sparsely populated. Kingpin gave an order to all the gangs stationed here to withdraw.

Even if something unexpected happened in the experiment, it would not cause too bad an impact.

In addition, there is an abandoned deep-water port next to it. Once the situation is really out of control, most accidents can be avoided by pushing everything into the sea.

This is also the most comprehensive consideration that Octavius can make under the current situation.

If there are still unexpected changes, he can't do anything.

But in order to ensure his own safety, Octavius still has a trick up his sleeve.

He brought the mechanical tentacles in his laboratory with him among the materials and equipment he transported.

It was the upgraded mechanical tentacle with the AI intelligent program given by Peter.

Although this intelligent mechanical tentacle could not protect him from the gangsters' concentrated fire, it could at least help him escape from the scene as quickly as possible if something unexpected happened during the experiment.

Just as Octavius was making the final preparations for the experiment in Hell's Kitchen, Norman finally received Eddie Brock's investigation results in the chairman's office of the Osborn Company Building.

And the external force that secretly plotted against their Osborn family also surfaced!

But after seeing the investigation results sent by Eddie, Norman's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

This external force that joined forces with the insiders of Osborn Company to launch an assassination against him and attempted to embezzle their Osborn family assets turned out to be the famous Fisk Group?!

What he could not have imagined was that Wilson Fisk, the founder of the Fisk Group, who was well-known in both the political and business circles, was also the biggest gangster boss in New York - Kingpin!

These two pieces of news repeatedly shocked Norman's mind, but after calming down, he gradually figured out Kingpin's purpose.

The other party was eyeing their Oscorp's medical business.

Although Oscorp was slightly inferior to the Fisk Group in terms of overall size, it was in a well-deserved dominant position in the fields of biotechnology and medicine.

Imagine what would happen if Kingpin succeeded in taking over Oscorp's medical business with his power in the New York underworld?

He could wantonly use Oscorp's pharmaceutical department to produce"sugar powder" and could buy and sell human organs under the guise of Oscorp's hospitals.

Kingpin's black empire would completely get rid of its dependence on external forces, and from a middleman and seller who originally earned hard-earned money, he would transform himself into a supplier with bargaining power.

And his title of"underground emperor" would completely go out of New York and step onto the huge stage of the whole country.

It can be said that if the assets held by the Osborn family can be swallowed, it will bring huge benefits to both Kingpin and the entire Fisk Group.

But now there is a problem. Although Norman knows who his enemy is and guesses the enemy's purpose against him, he cannot use the previous means to retaliate against this enemy.

Let alone the killers he hired, whether they have the ability to take the life of a gangster like Kingpin.

Norman estimated that as long as these killers knew that the target he asked them to deal with was Kingpin, they would not only not attack Kingpin, but they might even inform Kingpin at the first time.

Don't overestimate the character of these killers. If they really have this kind of character, can they still do such a bloody business?

So it is definitely unreliable to find a killer. If Norman wants to deal with Kingpin, he can only find another way.

A doctor in Hong Kong who is engaged in the art of explosions once said that people must rely on themselves.

And this time, Norman is also ready to personally solve Kingpin.

Since his second personality problem was solved by Peter, he has never used his ability after transformation.

Since Kingpin has set his sights on the Osborn family, it's no wonder that he uses Kingpin as a guinea pig to test his abilities.

And the only people who know that he can transform into the Green Troll are Octavius and Peter (Norman doesn't know that Gwen also knows this). Even if the assassination fails, Kingpin will not suspect him.

Norman, who has made up his mind, called Eddie Brock and got Kingpin's whereabouts from him.

Then he left the Osborn building unnoticed through the emergency passage in the chairman's office.

In order to avoid leaving evidence, Norman did not drive away in his own car.

He changed his clothes and covered his face tightly with a hat, mask and scarf.

Then he came to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and took the taxi to Hell's Kitchen.

What Norman didn't know was that his old friend Octavius was also in Hell's Kitchen at this time, and happened to be next to Kingpin.

Because Norman had not revealed his relationship with Octavius, Eddie did not mention the existence of Octavius in the intelligence he sent him.

When Norman set out to seek revenge, Octavius in Hell's Kitchen had completed all the preparations before the experiment began.

Now the entire abandoned factory, including all the passages and intersections within a radius of 600 meters, has been blocked by Kingpin's men.

As for Kingpin himself, he hid in a safe place far away, watching the real-time images transmitted back from the abandoned factory through the monitor.

At this point, no matter how reluctant Octavius was, he had to bite the bullet.

The experiment officially began. He stood in the distance, remotely controlling the mechanical tentacles to take out a spherical container from a metal safe.

The spherical container is only about the size of a glass marble, but it contains the key element that allows the artificial sun to continue burning for hundreds or even thousands of years - tritium!

Octavius controlled the mechanical tentacles and carefully placed it on the magnetic restraint device.

When he saw that the spherical container was already stably suspended in the center of the restraint device under the action of the magnetic force, his eyes, which were originally a little hesitant, finally became firm.

Octavius's ambition, which had been buried, was rekindled at this moment.

He decisively pressed the button to turn on the laser beam, and in an instant several laser beams simultaneously shone on the spherical container containing tritium.

【Success or failure depends on this last step!】


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