Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 220 Chen Mo's Way To Win

At the Jianghai feast, the four giants attacked the palace!

Chen Mo showed his identity as a dragon master, defeated the four giants, climbed to the top of the river and sea, and became a talker!

Gong's Group's listing was sniped, and it broke when it went public, its stock price plummeted, and its market value shrunk significantly!

Numerous news reports almost detonated the entire financial world!

Even people who don't usually pay attention to the stock market and the financial world have begun to talk about the events at the Jianghai feast.

Because it's so dramatic!

Chen Mo is also like a roller coaster!

You thought he was about to fall to the bottom, but the next moment, he climbed to the top.

You thought he could be as stable as Mount Tai, but the next moment, he fell again.

After the Jianghai feast ended, many people clamored to say that Chen Mo is not worthy of being a talker!

Because he can't even handle his own company's stock price sniping battle, how can he be a financial talker?

These public opinions were temporarily suppressed by Gao Mingyuan and Xiong Zhiwen.

But the two understand that if Chen Mo can't handle this stock price sniping battle, it's impossible to keep his position.

Speaking of people, in the end, you have to rely on your ability to speak!

On the other hand, Wu Chen, after a lot of hard work, finally found out who was attacking the Gong clan group.

Where is the Portuguese city!

After Wu Chen heard the news, he was about to jump with excitement!

Isn't it like playing with such a behemoth to snipe Chen Mo's Gong clan?

So he immediately decided to follow the trend, enter the game, and have a sip of soup!

He called Wang Richard, Zhou Shenglin and Zheng Shuang to the house.

"Three, this time the He family attacked the Gong clan, are you interested in having a sip of soup?" Wu Chen said with a smile.

"How to drink it?" Wang Richard asked.

"You haven't paid back the money you borrowed from the bank?

Just use that money to enter the Gong's stock price sniper war! "

"The ultimate goal of the He family is to kill Chen Mo and then acquire Gong Shi.

There will definitely be a price tug-of-war among them.

As for us, we will accumulate funds at low prices and release goods at high prices. Anyway, Chen Mo is the one who finally takes over! "

"If Chen Mo is smart enough to give up the Gong clan directly, his net worth will only shrink by half, but if he tries his best to protect the Gong clan and invests all his net worth, we can eat a lot of that money!" Wu Chen said.

Wang Richard: "Fantastic, Patriarch Wu! It's okay to be late in repaying the loan from the bank anyway, it means we are using money to make money!

I'm in this game! "

Zheng Shuang: "Haha, Brother Wu is loyal enough, of course I will join in this good thing!"

Zhou Shenglin: "Me too!"

Wait until these people leave.

Fan Bingxin, dressed in sexy clothes, came out, sat in Wu Chen's arms and said:

"Patriarch Wu, isn't that Chen Mo kind to you? Why..."

"There is no father and son in the mall, let alone a person who is not related to me by blood."

Wu Chen said with a smile: "Besides, I'm just following the trend to drink soup. If I don't bite Gong Shi, others will bite."

"Since Chen Mo is kind to me, why don't you give me a little more kindness, are you right?"

the other side.

in the hospital.

Gong Ming's hair turned half white in just a few hours!

Gong Ziyuan sighed outside the ward.

Chen Mo patted Gong Ziyuan on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, uncle is fine."

Gong Ziyuan leaned on Chen Mo's generous shoulders and asked, "What the hell happened in the morning? Why do you lose so much?"

Chen Mo explained: "When Gong Shi was not moving, He Chaoling secretly took the chips, the chips in the market, and the low positions.

Gong Ming pulls high, He Chaoling sells, or even hits low, giving out chips from low positions.

Gong Ming saw that the shipment fell, He Chaoling received the goods, and then He Chaoling pulled it up again, Gong Ming chased, and He Chaoling continued to give it to Gong Ming at a high price.

Regardless of the price of one piece or two, 10% is only a dime or two, and a few rounds are a 40-50% price difference. "

"If you play such a game by He Chaoling, after a few days of playing, the cash flow of Gong's Group will be killed!"

"At that time, when He Chaoling took most of the circulating chips, he was eligible to meet the conditions for the acquisition of the Gong family. At that time, the Gong family was picked by He Chaoling."

"Behind He Chaoling, there is a big hand in charge!"

After listening to Chen Mo's explanation, Gong Ziyuan said angrily:

"Why are people like Wu Chen and He Chaoling being more ungrateful than each other?! It was obviously Brother Mo who helped them! But they..."

"In the shopping mall, the advantage is the first, we just use each other." Chen Mo shook his head.

"Then... what should I do next? Give up the Gong clan?" Gong Ziyuan said worriedly.

Without any counterattack, Gong's stock price will be lowered, and eventually he will be acquired by He Chaoling at a very low price.

Fight back?

The price war can't beat others, and once the cash flow is exhausted, it will eventually be acquired.

In this way, if you lie flat and let the other party play, it seems that you will lose less?

Chen Mo stretched out three fingers and said calmly:

"Three days! As long as He Chaoling is delayed for three days, I have the confidence to turn defeat into victory!"

Chen Mo clearly remembers that in three days, the Hong Kong stock market will usher in a small stock market crash!

It didn't last long.


Very destructive!

The stock index plummeted by 6,000 points!

All stocks are down an average of 31%!

Some are even close to zero!

In the end, it was the Financial Secretary who took action, suspended trading for a week, and adjusted the stock market system and financial regulation, which stopped the spread of the stock market crash.

If He Chaoling listened to her words and stopped early, Chen Mo might be able to let her go.

But now...

Chen Mo wants to play He Chaoling to death!

"In these three days, you have to do two operations."

"First, don't let He Chaoling feel any abnormality, continue to play tug-of-war with her, it doesn't matter how much you lose!"

"Second, borrow money from the bank, buy stock index futures three days later, and go short!"

The full name of stock index futures is stock price index futures.

The money Chen Mo lost on Gong Shi's side can be made back in this slump.

At that time, the share price of Gong's Group should have fallen to the bottom, and Chen Mo's reverse acquisition would be cheaper.

And if Chen Mo guessed right, He Chaoling has an unstable foundation and dare not use the money on He's book to snipe herself. She should be fighting herself with bank loans!

If she can get her book assets insolvent, then she will go bankrupt instantly!

At that time, just dealing with the bank will be enough for He Chaoling to drink a pot!

Of course, Chen Mo summoned all the traders and issued an order: "When the market opens tomorrow, I don't care what method you use and how much you spend, you must give me the stock price to two yuan!"

The traders are all blown up!

"Mr. Chen, if you don't do this, you will lose a lot of money!"

"Now the Gong family is a bottomless abyss, Mr. Chen, you believe me, giving up may be the best choice!"

"Our company's finances can't support such a price hike! It will go bankrupt!"


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