"Do as I say!" Chen Mo said with great confidence.

The traders all sighed, nodded yes, and went down.

But as soon as they went out, these traders began to mutter:

"Miyagi will definitely be finished this time!"

"Chen Mo is such a douchebag, can't he see that the other party is playing a price tug of war?"

"Young and energetic! I'm afraid that my fortune was too strong before, I didn't suffer any losses, and I got carried away. Don't look down on us old people, just wait, he will suffer!"

"Don't talk about it, you're still taking other people's wages!"

"I won't get it soon! After this time, we probably have to look for a job."

None of these veterans are optimistic about Chen Mo, and they all think that Gong Shi will be completely cold in Chen Mo's hands.

Not long after the trader left here, Chen Mo received a report from his assistant:

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zheng Yihong from Changteng Capital, Mr. Liu Lin, Vice President of Yike Group, and Zhou Cheng, Chief Financial Officer of Yida Real Estate Company, would like to meet you."

Chen Mo frowned slightly:

"Want to meet me? I'm not familiar with them at all. What's the purpose of meeting me?"

"Forget it, call them up."

Soon, Zheng Yihong, Liu Lin and Zhou Cheng came to Chen Mo's office.

As soon as the three of them came in, they chatted for a while.

But soon, Zheng Yihong couldn't wait to reveal the purpose of the trip:

"Mr. Chen, I heard that the Gong Group has not been doing well recently?"

"Mr. Zheng, Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhou, let's talk straight, everyone is a businessman, and time is precious." Chen Mo said.

"Haha, I like to make friends with a straight-forward person like President Chen!"

"Then, I won't be verbose!"

"As for us, we want to buy several projects from the Gong's Group."

Zheng Yihong said with a smile.

"Oh, how to buy it?" Chen Mo asked with a sullen face.

Zheng Yihong: "Changteng Capital wants to buy the Diwang project and bid 1 billion!"

Liu Lin: "We, Yike, want the project of Chengbei Commercial City and bid 200 million!"

Zhou Cheng: "Yida wants that project in Jinlin Community, the provincial capital, with a bid of 300 million!"

Chen Mo suddenly laughed.

Angry and laughing!

Gong's Group hasn't collapsed yet!

He Chen Mo hasn't been defeated yet!

Can't wait to suck the blood of Gong's group?

The three projects of Diwang, Chengbei Commercial City and Jinlin Community are the three most valuable projects of Gong's Group.

The prices offered by the three companies are all much lower than half the auction price!

"Three, Gong Shi is not yet bankrupt!" Chen Mo sneered.

Zheng Yi said: "Mr. Chen, we are all smart people, so don't pretend to be confused!

The He family is going to snipe the Gong family. Isn't it a matter of time before the Gong family goes bankrupt? "

"Take advantage of this time, quickly package and sell the project, so as not to lose too much."

Liu Lin: "Mr. Chen, the He family is not something you can fight against. If you go down with the He family, not only will the company be acquired, but you may lose everything yourself, so why bother?"

Zhou Cheng's words were the most unpleasant: "We are willing to take the risk of offending the He family to buy your project because of our friendship with Gong Zong.

Otherwise, even if you give us money, we will not come! "

Chen Mo was very happy: "So, I sold the project to the three of them with a broken bone. I have to thank the three of them?"

Zheng Yihong smiled charmingly: "This is what we should do."

"Fuck off!!!"

Chen Mo was not polite at all, and greeted the security guard directly.

The three were chased by security guards, and they scolded:

"Chen Mo, you will regret it if you don't sell it to us!" "Just hold on! In the end, even if you kneel in front of me and let me buy it, I won't buy it!"

"Humph! The end of the crossbow!"

Gong Ziyuan came over and said worriedly: "Brother Mo, you don't give face so much, I'm afraid that they will join this battle when they go back, making Gong's losses even more ruthless."

"Whether you are polite or not, at the moment I reject them, they will definitely fish in troubled waters when they go back and stir up the battle.

In that case, why be polite? "

Chen Mo sneered: "They are smart, it is best not to enter the game, otherwise, I will tell them to taste the taste of huge losses!"

Not long after, the assistant rushed over to report:

"Mr. Chen, President Xu Jiaying of Yangcheng Eternal Group wants to meet you!"

Gong Ziyuan was slightly surprised!

Eternal Group, the largest real estate company in Yangcheng!

The scale is more than ten times larger than that of the Gong Group!

And it is said that this time Yongheng Group has also actively raised financing to prepare for listing. The industry is generally optimistic and thinks that Xu Jiaying may be the future real estate emperor!

What does he come to do?

At this moment, the office door was pushed open.

Xu Jiaying entered the door hand in hand with a beautiful, mature and sexy woman.

The beautiful woman had a beauty mole at the corner of her eye, and Danfeng's eyes were very charming. It should be Ding Mei, Xu Jiaying's wife.

"Mr. Xu is here, welcome from afar!" Chen Mo said politely.

Xu Jiaying nodded with a smile, and sat down without waiting for Chen Mo to speak.

Immediately afterwards, the beautiful woman next to Xu Jiaying pushed a document in front of Chen Mo.

"This is?" Chen Mo frowned.

"This is a piece of land in the center of Yangcheng City. The auction price is only a little worse than the Diwang project. We want to use it to exchange it for three projects under the name of Gong's Group." Ding Mei smiled: "At the same time, we also want to talk to Chen. Always make friends."


Chen Mo glanced at her with a half-smile but refused, "I won't change."

Ding Mei's expression remained the same, but a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

The Eternal Group is high above the ground, and there are countless big Xia Guo capital bosses behind it. When has it been rejected like this?

Gong Ziyuan asked in a low voice with some heartbeat:

"Brother Mo... why don't we change it?"

"I took a look at that piece of land. It's really worth a lot of money. If it's developed, it won't be much worse than the Land King project. Maybe it can still occupy a part of the market in Yangcheng!"

"Also, the Eternal Group is not easy to mess with."

In fact, Gong Ziyuan didn't say a word.

That is how Chen Mo guarantees that he can get the house in three days?

He just offended Changteng Capital, Yida and Yike, and now if he offends such a behemoth again, it will be worse!

At this time, Xu Jiaying, who has always been high and did not speak, said:

"This piece of land, in fact, I have signed a contract with the land department before, but I don't know why, it was auctioned.

As for me, I don't want to go through legal procedures, I just hope that you can return the land, Mr. Chen, and Xu someone must be very grateful! "

"What if I don't pay it back?" Chen Mo said flatly.

"That is to be the enemy of my eternal map!" Xu Jiaying's face changed, and he said decisively: "Our eternal group's goal in the next few years is to be the first in the country!

And it has received the full support of the Land Department and the industry leaders!

No one can stop it! "

"If anyone wants to stop it, the end will be extremely miserable!"

Xu Jiaying looks amiable and amiable, but at this time, his words are murderous, and his eyes are even brighter!

In an instant, the air in the entire office seemed to condense!

Gong Ziyuan's face turned pale.

Several assistants and high-level executives on the side were shivering.

Only Chen Mo was under enormous pressure and faced Xu Jiaying's anger.


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