Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 749 The Battle Of Fate Between The Shang King And The White Dragon King Begins

"24.5 billion 24.21 million!!!"

boom! ! !

When Li Chungang finished reading the championship results, the audience was almost like a boiling kettle!

The voices are full of people, and the boiling is against the sky! ! !

"My God, my earth, 24.5 billion 24.21 million?!!"

"Is this sure there is no statistical error? Like adding a decimal point or something?"

"This champion is about to complete the assessment of 5 people by himself. It's too perverted, too evil!!!"

"Zhuge Wan'er's performance is already beyond our rockets. My dear, this champion is more than twice that of Zhuge Wan'er!!"

"Otherwise, how could the commander-in-chief give him his most precious Ares ring?"

"Our assessment is really just an assessment. Others' assessments are not only assessments, but also get so many honors. Hey, people are more popular than dead people!"

"If you can get this kind of honor, I'm afraid that even the third test will not be accepted, right?"

"By the way, who is the champion?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was curiously patrolling Chen Mo's team.

"24.5 billion...24.5 billion...24.5 billion..."

After Zhuge Wan'er heard this result, her whole body fell into a state of madness and stupidity.

He kept mumbling in his mouth, muttering the number "24.5 billion".

No one knows the meaning behind this number better than her!

She kept raising money all over the world, selling qualifications, trying her best to make money, draining all her talents and functions, and finally only sold 12 billion.

And what about Chen Mo?

Worked for 5 days in a month, but sold 24.5 billion terrifying results! ! !

When the two sides are compared, the difference, the difference between clouds and mud, can no longer be explained!

It's the difference between gods and ants! ! !

At this moment, feelings of despair, powerlessness, collapse, and shame, which had never been seen before, completely enveloped Zhuge Wan'er!

Looking at Chen Mo, Zhuge Wan'er only felt in a trance, as if Chen Mo's body was constantly growing and growing again!

It's so big that it seems that the whole earth is controlled by his palm!

"Is he... a god?"


Zhuge Wan'er's legs softened, and she actually knelt in front of Chen Mo!

It wasn't her intention.

Instead, I was simply stimulated by Chen Mo's results!

To put it more clearly, that is to be scared to kneel!

"Now, let's invite, the champion of the second assessment, the winner of our Hero Medal..."

When Li Chungang said this, Shang Li was sweating profusely, almost desperate, and almost roared:

"Don't...don't be Chen Mo...don't, don't, don't!!!!"

"Let's congratulate, Chen Mo!!!"

"Chen Mo, come and collect your reward!"

Unfortunately, God did not wish.

Li Chungang's reading was as if Shang Li had been sentenced to death, causing him to collapse all of a sudden, as if his entire body's strength was pulled away in an instant, and he slumped on the ground.

He raised his head.

I only saw that Chen Mo was carrying his hands on his back in a hurry, and in the eyes of countless people who admired and admired, he walked step by step to the center of the hall.

Every time he took a step, Shang Li felt as if Chen Mo had pulled him far, far away.

The two were less than ten meters apart.

But it's like a world away! So far away!

Chen Mo walked leisurely to the position that everyone envied. He wore the golden God of War ring on his hand and the medal on his shoulders. He smiled at Li Chungang and expressed his gratitude.

"Won the first place again, and also won so many honors, what do you want to say?" Li Chungang asked Chen Mo with a smile, his eyes were full of doting.

"I said it before, I never came to advance, I came to take the first place!"

"Now, I feel like my mind has changed."

Chen Mo smiled.

"Oh? What has it become?" Li Chungang asked curiously.

"Just taking the first place in the assessment is too simple for me."

"Now, my goal has changed to there."

Chen Mo pointed to where Shang Ying was sitting, with a provocative smile on his mouth.

Whoa! ! !

There was an uproar! ! !

Everyone took a sip and looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

"What does he... mean?"

"Could it be that Chen Mo's goal is to be a king?"

"And he also pointed to the position of the king of Shang, is it possible that Chen Mo means to push the king of Shang down?"

"That's not to say!"

"It's so daring!"

"I heard that when Chen Mo was in charge of the rescue of the Hong Kong stock market, he had a grudge against the businessman and swore that he would surpass the business king within three years. I just took it as a joke at the time. I didn't expect..."

"Just looking at Chen Mo's two assessment results, maybe he really has the possibility of becoming a king within three years!"

"Hey, this time Naxin didn't come in vain, this good show is coming out one after another!"

"The pressure has come to the king of Shang! Hehe!"


At this moment, King Shang's face was as pale as paper!

Being pointed at the nose by a contestant participating in a new event and saying that he wants to be the king of heaven?

This is simply a disgrace! ! !

If it was another player who dared to say such a thing, Shang Ying might not need to speak, Li Chungang would refute it, and then be expelled from the pavilion.


For Chen Mo, Li Chungang did not rebuke a word!

Instead, he looked at Chen Mo with a smile full of admiration!

Shang Ying was furious in his heart!

However, in front of so many talents, he could only pretend to be very generous, and reluctantly said with a smile: "Haha, there is still a dream, what if it comes true? Young man, yes, I appreciate it very much."

"Not a dream."

Chen Mo shook his head and said very seriously: "After this assessment, I will be the middle level of the Elder Pavilion, and I will do my best to run for the next King of Heaven! Fulfill my oath! According to my plan, at most one and a half years, I will will be on your equal footing!"

"Even, maybe you have to call me a leader!"


Shang Ying's face turned green, he flicked his sleeves, and said intolerably: "Ge Master Li, please announce Chen Mo's business plan for this assessment! I would like to see if he doesn't cheat and is abandoned at home for 25 days. , how did you get 24.5 billion results!"

The air smelled of gunpowder.

There seemed to be sparks between the eyes of the two! ! !

Everyone knows that Shang Ying is attacking Chen Mo! ! !

If Chen Mo's business plan has the slightest possibility of cheating, Shang Ying will do whatever it takes to expel him from the Elder Pavilion and never hire him! ! !

At this moment, the battle of destiny between the Shang King and the White Dragon King officially started! ! !

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