Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 750 Contents Of The Third Assessment That Stunned Everyone

"Everyone must be curious about Chen Mo's business plan, right?"

"How can you sell a War Mother for 24.5 billion in one month?"


Li Chungang pressed a button, and a large screen immediately lowered slowly, projecting a ppt made by Li Chungang himself.

This made all the players on the scene sigh and envy for a while.

You can let Pavilion Master Li explain the case in person and make ppt in person. This kind of treatment is not available to the king!

"First of all, let's look at the first step. Chen Mo first found the business leader of the Shenhou Kingdom theater and told him, bro, do you want a war mother or not? It's free!"

"As soon as this Madha brother hears it, it's free? You can also make a lot of money by selling scrap iron! I want it!"

Hearing this, he burst into laughter.

To everyone's surprise, Li Chungang, the pavilion owner of the immortal style, explained the case in a lively, humorous and easy-to-understand manner, and was not as old-fashioned and boring as everyone imagined.

"Then, our Chen Mo player used a trick to stimulate Madha to publish the news, and the whole country knew about it, making Madha an old sow stuck in the fence - a dilemma..."

Following Li Chungang's explanation, everyone was fascinated!

Selling the mother of war for 0 yuan, and then "selling after-sales service" one after another, treating the God Monkey Kingdom as a crop of leeks?

This operation is simply outrageous! ! !

"Pfft...I can already imagine Madha wearing a mask of pain!"

"This operation is amazing! We sell products at 0 yuan, but our after-sales service is expensive! Hahaha..."

"The key is to arrange it in advance, put Madha on the fire, and make him have to pay for services all the time. This is the key!"

"I'm going. I actually cleaned up some rust and painted a little paint in the first half month? I'm sure I don't have the mental quality!"

"The boiler blew up and Chen Mo went back to Madha for reimbursement... This thick-skinned bullet can't penetrate it!"


Everyone had excited expressions on their faces, and they kept discussing with the people around the details of the Chen Mo plan just explained by Li Chungang, and they couldn't help but admire.

This business plan, from the layout ability, to the negotiation ability, to the psychological quality, to the emotional intelligence ability, etc., can't be successful without one of the various abilities!

After listening to this, Wang Pengpai, the King of Mourning, had a look of fascination on his face, and said with admiration, "It's a rare talent to come up with such a business plan!"

King Wencheng, Liu Wuchang, echoed in agreement: "Who can turn around the gods and monkeys? Even if I waited for the King of Heaven, I didn't have such a demeanor when I was young!"

The king of Langya, Zhuge Trout, looked at Zhuge Wan'er with regret and said, "Since Yu is born, the ancients will not deceive me! I thought Wan'er was a business genius who has not been seen in a hundred years. Chen Mo is such a once-in-a-lifetime business genius!"

Zhuge Trout felt that only the word "Shen Cai" was enough to describe Chen Mo.

Really can not accept it!

Compared with Chen Mo's grand and grand business plan, Zhuge Wan'er's plan seems a little naive and petite.

Shang Ying looked at Li Chungang's ppt with a pale face, his lips were trembling, he wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed it all back.

Saying anything now is useless.

Even the God Monkey Kingdom was cut off by Chen Mo. Anyone who questioned it would appear to be inferior!

If you don't agree with you, try playing a god monkey country!

You can't do it at all!

"This son can't let him stand in the pavilion of the elders! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

Shang Ying secretly thought.

And Shang Li listened to everyone around him constantly discussing and reading the details of Chen Mo's business plan. For the first time, he didn't have any ideas, and his heart was very peaceful!

Chen Mo's terrifying business ability has made Shang Li unable to think of any means to deal with it.

He's numb!

The whole person is numb!

Just like an ant facing a god, there is no other way but to choose to lie down!

Zhuge Wan'er had a pair of beautiful eyes with mist, as if she was about to cry at any time.


So bullying!

Why did this bad guy make 24.5 billion so easily?

I was so tired that I almost lost half my life but only earned half of it!

And...from the beginning to the end, he didn't even take me seriously!

He actually provokes King Shang directly, trying to surpass King Shang in a year and a half? !

Even Zhuge Wan'er would not dare to be so arrogant and arrogant!

"I won't admit defeat! I will definitely win you! Definitely!!!"

Zhuge Wan'er wiped away the tears that were about to flow out, and made a ruthless decision in her heart.

From today onwards, she will be on the same page as Chen Mo!

"King Shang, do you have any comments on my business plan?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

Shang Ying: "..."

Son of a bitch!

You have already made 24.5 billion, what can I say?

Li Chungang came forward in a timely manner to relieve the siege: "Okay, since everyone has no opinion, then I announce that the second assessment is over!"

"The eliminated players, please leave the field, and the 15 advanced players stay!"

The 15 eliminated players reluctantly glanced at the Elder Pavilion and left in a hurry.

Li Chungang looked at the remaining 15 players and said with relief:

"You 15 players can be said to be the best talents of the younger generation of Daxia."

"I hope you can all pass the third assessment, join the Elder Pavilion, and contribute to Daxia and the people."


All the players were nervous.

The first two assessments were more difficult than the first, and how difficult was the third time?

"The theme of the third assessment is: serve the country."

"Each of you will be able to share a loan of up to 1 trillion, and this money can be used at will!"

"In the next month, whoever contributes the most to the country in the economic field and has the greatest impact will get the highest ranking, and so on."

"This assessment, there are no other restrictions, you can use all your personal connections, backgrounds and other resources as you like!"

"There is only one, you have to remember it clearly!"

"The interest on this loan given to you by the Elder Pavilion is very, very high. How much you borrow will be repaid with double the principal and interest after one month! If you still can't pay it, you will mortgage the assets in your own name to the Elder Pavilion to repay the debt. !"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Isn't this the more borrowed, the greater the probability of death?

1 trillion?

If the mother borrowed it all, many people would not be able to repay the interest if they filled in their entire net worth! ! !

"It seems that the third assessment requires a comprehensive review and a correct understanding of yourself. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to advance, but you may even gain your net worth!"

"The more you borrow, the greater the risk! It's better to borrow less!"

"I think so."

"Anyway, you can use your own resources, so why borrow money from the Elder Pavilion?"


Many players have already made up their minds not to borrow a dime.

But at this moment, someone asked:

"Excuse me, Pavilion Master Li, how can he be judged as "serving for the country"? "

This is also the point that other players are puzzled by.


Li Chungang said with a harmless smile:

"For example, sniping at the currency of a hostile country, such as creating an economic crisis for a hostile country, or sniping at the stock market of a hostile country like the Atomic Fund..."

"Oh, of course, if you can make the country's scientific research progress, increase its productivity, or double the grain yield per mu within a month, it's considered "serving the country." "

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, unable to say a word in shock!

Because of what Li Chungang said about "serving for the country", everything is a fantasy! ! !

It's impossible to do! ! !

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