Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1111 Who is the victim?

Others don't know the situation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Wang Ye knows it very well, because the first deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Flamir, was promoted by him and he is loyal to him.

So this week, Flamir reported every move made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to Wang Ye.

As expected by Wang Ye, Gryzlov and others, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not catch the gunman who shot Gryzlov that night. Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs did put a lot of effort and energy into arresting people, those few The gunman seemed to have evaporated and disappeared.

There was really no other way. Yevrogen had no choice but to find a few "scapegoats" to see if they could fool them.

Of course, he also knew very well that the final outcome of this matter did not depend on whether he could catch the gunman, but on the outcome of the struggle "from above" and whether Meddev could save him!

After Wang Ye learned about the situation, he also communicated with Gryzlov privately.

Gryzlov's attitude is very clear, that is, the purpose this time is to "kill" Yevrogen and cut off one of Meddev's "arms", which is also a warning to the opponent.

As for the so-called behind-the-scenes instigator, he has no hope of being able to find out. That is something he will have to sort out after he comes to power, and there is no rush.

Therefore, Gryzlov plans to unite several major factions in the Duma at today's Duma Congress to launch an attack on the Ministry of Internal Affairs, formally initiate the accountability process, and directly request the government to remove Yevrogen from office!

This is a slap in the face to Meddev, asking him to personally get rid of his most loyal confidant.

As long as it can be done, Meddev will be disgraced within the faction and his prestige will be greatly reduced. After all, if you can't even keep your most loyal confidants, who would dare to follow you wholeheartedly...

This approach is actually in Wang Ye's interests, because after Yevrogen is dismissed, the person who can take over his position must be the current First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir!

It was like Grezlov and Meddev had been fighting for a long time. Both of them had their own injuries, but in the end the person who benefited the most was Wang Ye...

A typical "snipe and clam fight, the fisherman wins"!

In fact, it's not that Gryzlov doesn't understand this truth, but he is willing to do it because the situation has developed to this point and he has no retreat.

And letting Wang Ye benefit is much better than letting Meddev benefit!

After all, Wang Ye can be regarded as a good friend of mine, and as he becomes stronger, it will not affect the situation of the general election.

Of course, after he wins the election and takes over the Kremlin, he may have a headache because the Duma and the royal family are too strong, but that will be a matter for the future. He can’t worry about so much right now. Winning the election first is the most important thing. thing!

The two of them had happily reached an agreement in private and were preparing to attack Yevrogen at the Duma hearing. If Meddev dared to come forward as a guarantor, it would not give him any face.

There are now three giants in the Duma. In terms of positions, they are Gryzlov, Wang Ye, and Zhirinov.

But in terms of actual power and influence, they are Wang Ye, Gryzlov, and Zhirinov.

But no matter what, the three of them are currently on the same front, and Zhirinov has joined forces with Gryzlov to participate in the general election. So as long as Gryzlov and Wang Ye have discussed it, the hearing will basically be held. The result is tantamount to being settled.

Not to mention that Yevrogen just brought two "fake goods" here to try to get away with it, even if he really caught the gunman, he wouldn't let him get away easily this time...


On November 3, the Duma building became lively early in the morning, with groups of congressmen walking around and discussing something.

The Duma building is not usually so lively. Today we are here to attend a hearing. As for the theme of the meeting, everyone already knows that it is the focus of discussion in the political arena during this period!

"This time it's really too much! A good old man like our Speaker was almost assassinated. It's simply... unreasonable!

It feels like the security in Moscow recently is worse than it was more than ten years ago. At least there were no high-level officials like the Speaker of the Duma being shot. "

"It's just that, in the past two years, I have often told people that the security in Moscow has become much better, but when this incident came out, it slapped me in the face."

"Haha, have you forgotten that the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has changed now? Public security did get better when Korokoli was here, but now that he has come up, the situation is different."

"How could such a person be promoted to such an important position? Is it just because he has a better relationship with someone?"

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. Who's going to let someone hug me?"

The congressmen talked a lot and expressed their dissatisfaction, although they may not have a good relationship with Gryzlov.

But don’t forget that Gryzlov is still the Speaker of the Duma and represents the face of the Duma. Shooting Gryzlov is not a matter of Gryzlov alone, but also affects the face of all members!

If we don’t teach those people a lesson this time, no one will dare to look down on the Duma members in the future, and even the personal safety of the members will not be guaranteed...

So this time everyone shares the same hatred, not only to help Gryzlov, but also to help themselves!

This is equivalent to the fact that before the start of the conference, the congressmen have already made up their minds and decided to embarrass the Ministry of Internal Affairs...


On the other side, in the headquarters building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yevrogen was preparing to leave for Duma.

His face didn't look good, and he felt even more uneasy.

His intuition told him that this time, he might become the "victim"...

He met and talked with Meddev last night. He even told Meddev that he had found a "scapegoat" to get through. Meddev didn't say anything about his plan, but it was meaningful. He said, "The temporary sacrifice is for the greater good! As long as we can ensure victory in the general election, everything will be possible in the future."

Yevrogen is not stupid. He knows what Meddev means by "sacrifice" without asking.

It is impossible to sacrifice Meddev!

Who else can be sacrificed?

Looking at the aggressive look on the Duma side and the commotion in the political arena caused by the attack on Gryzlov, people of ordinary status must not be able to take the blame!

Maybe only by serving as the "sacrifice" as the Minister of Internal Affairs can the anger of the Duma be calmed down...

It's sad to think about it. It's only been a long time since I took office, and my butt is not even hot yet, so this mess happened.

Yevrogen also wanted to complain, and wanted to tell everyone that he had not yet taken control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and that he should not be blamed for anything that happened.

But it was obvious that no one was interested in hearing his defense...

Although he had already had a premonition, when things came to pass, he could only bite the bullet.

When going downstairs, Yevrogen also met First Deputy Minister Vladimir. The relationship between the two of them had never been easy to deal with, but it was not to the point of breaking up, and they usually spoke in a moderate tone.

This is normal. After all, Vladimir has been promoted all the way up the police system. Naturally, he is not too cold towards Yevrogen, an "outsider". In addition, Vladimir also has a big backer behind him, so he is not afraid of Yevrogen. he.

As for Yevrogen, he had just arrived and was not very familiar with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Of course, he did not dare to take action on Flamir. But after two or three years, after he had secured his position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he I guess I can no longer tolerate Flamir.

It's a pity that I can't wait until that time...

Seeing Yevrogen, a rare smile appeared on Flamir's face, and he greeted cheerfully: "Minister, you come to work so early? Why are you going out on business...Hey, I almost forgot , It seems that there is a hearing in the Duma today, so you are going to the Duma. I heard that the gunman who attacked Speaker Gryzlov has been caught. He has been interrogating in secret for the past two days. Is there any result? "

Yevrogen was personally responsible for the hunt for the gunman, and did not involve anyone from Vlamir's side, because he was afraid that he would act treacherously and fail to do his job!

It's a pity that even if he personally took charge, no one was arrested in the end...

Yevrogen forced a smile on his face and said with a dry smile: "Yes, let's go to the Duma for a meeting. Hey, those gentlemen in the Duma don't understand the hard work of our grassroots workers. Anyway, they open and close their lips. , I have to ask you to produce results, how can work be so simple?"

Flamir laughed and said: "Then I wish the minister good luck, haha."

After saying that, Vladimir turned and walked away. He did not need to go to the Duma Hearing Conference to "stand trial" today, but Yevrogen did not see it, and there was a trace of sarcasm on Vladimir's face.

It seemed as if he was mocking the fate that Yevrogen would face next.


At ten o'clock in the morning, all the participants were already present in the Duma Conference Hall.

On the rostrum, Gryzlov, Wang Ye and Zhirinov took their seats.

Four hundred and fifty members were supposed to be present, but there were actually 426. Those who were not present were on leave for various reasons.

In addition to the people from the Duma, Yevrogen brought several staff from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are also the "focus" of the meeting today. When the meeting begins, they will go on stage to be "interrogated" by the Duma members.

In addition, Meddev and Gorbrev also came to the meeting in person to observe. It can be seen from this that they also attach great importance to this meeting.

Because Gryzlov was a party involved, today's conference was chaired by Wang Ye.

After a brief opening statement, Wang Ye announced with a serious face: "Now, I would like to ask Minister Yevrogen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to tell you the details of the case in detail and give the investigation results of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Yevrogen brought an assistant holding a folder to the podium in the middle of the venue.

Facing hundreds of pairs of eyes in the audience and the solemn atmosphere of the scene, Yevrogen couldn't help but swallow his saliva and felt that his heartbeat was a little fast.

Standing on the small podium in the middle of the hall, he felt uncomfortable all over. He was like a prisoner, surrounded by "malicious" eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief, forced himself to calm down, began to open the folder, and told the Duma deputies about the case.

Of course, in his speech, he emphasized many times that since the shooting, he had almost all food and accommodation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs building, and he also personally directed the special police force to arrest suspects on-site many times.

Several times, I encountered stubborn resistance from suspects, and I was almost hit by a stray bullet...

Naturally, this is showing merit for oneself. Even without merit, there is still hard work to gain some sympathy points.

Fortunately, he fulfilled his mission and successfully captured the gunman who shot Grezlov two days ago, and through interrogation, the case was clarified.

According to Yevrogen, there was actually no one behind these gunmen. It was just that many years ago, when Gryzlov was still a member of the parliament, he promoted a certain bill, and the families of these gunmen suffered as a result. It was a great loss, and they have been holding a grudge since then and looking for ways to get revenge.

Originally, their hatred would not make them take the risk to come to Moscow to commit murder. After all, everyone knew that if they shot the Speaker of the Duma in Moscow, even if they could succeed, it would be almost impossible to leave Moscow alive.

But recently, they saw that Gryzlov frequently appeared in TV interviews and had to participate in the general election to compete for the Kremlin position, so they couldn't hold back. They felt that they were living in poverty, but their "enemy" was Such scenery, this world is so unfair!

After some discussion, they decided to come and take revenge...

The "story" told by Yevrogen sounded quite similar, but many people at the scene knew that these things were definitely fabricated by Yevrogen, and even the so-called suspects This person should also be the scapegoat Yevrogen is looking for!

But how to prove that Yevrogen is lying is quite difficult. After all, he is the Minister of the Interior, and hunting down criminals and handling cases is his profession...

Yevrogen finally said: "The three murderers are now being held in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and are specially guarded by special police. After today's meeting, we will formally prosecute them and strive to end the case as soon as possible and return Gryzlov's debt." Speaker, justice!"

If Yevrogen's "story" is not exposed, then he may escape this disaster!

Even if the Duma talks about public security, relatively speaking, Yevrogen's responsibility will be much lighter. After all, this shooting case was not caused by poor public security, but by you Gryzlov himself. The "cause" leads to the current "result".

If you want to blame, just blame yourself for not being meticulous in your work before and offending others.

And Meddev can now come forward to speak for him. Maybe he can save his job if he works hard.

Gryzlov and Wang Ye looked at each other, Wang Ye nodded, and then gestured to Zhirinov.

Now is the critical moment, but it is not yet time for Gryzlov to talk to Wang Ye, because it is more appropriate for Zhirinov to come forward in this matter.

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