Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1112 Busy December

Everyone in the audience, including Yevrogen, Meddev, and Gazev, all focused their attention on the rostrum.

Whether the three Speakers will accept Yevrogen's statement is the key.

After all, Yevrogen has now given a seemingly satisfactory result. The gunman has been caught and the case has been clarified. Under normal circumstances, the Duma should not make things more difficult for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everyone They are all "fraternal departments".

However, everyone in the audience also knew that today would not end so easily. After all, before the meeting, Gryzlov and Zhirinov talked to many senior members of the parliament, and everyone knew tacitly what they talked about. .

Although the Duma can legally hold the Ministry of Internal Affairs accountable, it is not directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To initiate the accountability process, a valid and reasonable reason is still needed.

Yevrogen's "card" has been played, and now we have to see how the three speakers on the stage respond!


On the stage, after the three people exchanged glances, Wang Ye and Gryzlov remained silent, while Zhirinov turned on the microphone in front of him and was ready to speak.

His face was also very serious, and he stared at Yevrogen with sharp eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Excuse me, Minister Yevrogen, are you sure that the suspects you caught are the ones who shot Gryzlov at that time? ?”

Yevrogen thought for a moment, but he wanted to find someone to take over such a thing, but he asked his close men to do it himself. Logically speaking, the news shouldn't be leaked. Maybe this old man was scaring himself?

Or just ask casually...

At this point, no matter what, Yevrogen could only bite the bullet and answer: "Of course! The three suspects themselves have admitted that they planned and executed the shooting of Speaker Grezlov and committed the crime. The tools, the two automatic rifles have been found, and the confession has been recorded, none of which can be faked."

Zhirinov chuckled and ignored him. Instead, he turned to the staff waiting aside and told him, "Bring the witness here."

Because the microphone was not turned off, his words were heard by everyone in the hall.

Everyone in the hall looked confused. What kind of witness...

But soon, the staff came to the rostrum with a middle-aged man with short hair who was lean and looked a bit tough. None of the MPs in the audience recognized who it was. Only Yevrogen's expression changed drastically. For a moment, his body started to tremble slightly.

Zhirinov waved his hand and said kindly to the short-haired middle-aged man: "Just tell me what you know."

Then he turned to look at the audience and introduced loudly: "This Davarich is a director of the Seventh Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The arrest of the three suspects that Minister Yevrogen just mentioned was carried out by him. He is specifically responsible. Now, let him tell everyone what the truth is."

The audience was in an uproar. Considering the identity of the short-haired middle-aged man and the timing of his appearance, anyone who is not too stupid can basically guess what will happen next!

Sure enough, Yevrogen suddenly shouted sharply: "Drovich, are you crazy!"

The short-haired middle-aged man named Drovich said sadly:

“Minister, stop being so stubborn!

As an old man in the police system, I really can't stand it anymore. It doesn't matter if we can't catch the real murderer for the time being. We can continue to pursue it until the real murderer is found.

However, you found three scapegoats and made up a set of false confessions to deceive everyone. This is simply...

It is an insult to our profession and identity!

So, after thinking about it, I think I should stand up and expose this ridiculous farce. "

Following Drovich's speech, the audience suddenly became agitated, and the members of the parliament were talking about it, and they all looked at Yevrogen with disdain.

And Yevrogen also knew that the situation was over, his face turned pale and he broke out in cold sweat.

As for Meddev and Gazev, who were attending the meeting, their expressions were particularly ugly.

Originally, they thought that no matter what, Yevrogen had done all the "drama", and it would not be so easy for the Duma to find trouble.

At that time, they can also help to talk, at least to save Yevrogen.

Even if it's the worst, if Yevrogen really can't keep it, then try to get him to resign voluntarily and step down in a dignified way.

Don't think it's meaningless, it's actually necessary.

Because after the general election is over in the future, after Meddev comes to power, he can continue to use Yevrogen. After all, such a qualified, capable, loyal and reliable confidant is not so easy to cultivate.

Originally, Meddev's team was very weak, and there were not many reliable people. Of course, he also wanted to cultivate his confidants, otherwise even if he entered the Kremlin, it would be nothing more than an empty shelf!

But I never expected that the Duma would be so powerful, directly "inciting rebellion" against Yevrogen's confidants, and the person in charge was the one who publicly reported Yevrogen in front of hundreds of Duma deputies. Fake things...

There is really no way this matter can end.

Now Yevrogen has fallen into a cesspit and cannot be washed away. No one dares to come close for fear of being covered in excrement...


Seeing the reaction from the audience, Wang Ye reached out and turned on the microphone and said with a heavy face:

“Hey, I really didn’t expect that Minister Yevrogen would do such a ridiculous thing!

This is simply a scandal that has never appeared in our Russian politics! ~

If you don't have enough time to catch the real murderer, you can tell the truth. The Duma is not unreasonable and may give you more time to investigate the case.


You are doing this now, I really don’t know what to say..."

Of course, Wang Ye’s words are untrue. It’s not that he doesn’t know, but he knows it better than anyone else!

Even Delovich, who was instigated to rebel, was done by Wang Ye's confidant Vladimir.

After this guy followed Yevrogen to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he felt that there was someone above him, so he became domineering and misbehaved. After being caught by Flamir, he betrayed Yevrogen.

Because if he does not come forward to testify against Yevrogen today, then he will go to court and go to jail tomorrow!

Moreover, Flamir promised him that as long as he comes to the Duma to testify today, his past affairs will be forgotten, and he will be transferred to a less busy department, his level will remain unchanged, and he can wait for retirement and receive a pension in peace. .

After weighing the two factors, he made the right choice. After all, he was just a small person. He was involved in the struggle between the two big figures. If he could save his life, it would be the best outcome...

Gryzlov slammed the table heavily and angrily rebuked: "Shameless! This is the minister of our Ministry of Internal Affairs. With such a minister, no wonder the security situation has become worse and worse recently!"

Zhirinov immediately answered: "I propose that the accountability process be initiated immediately and Yevrogen be removed from office! A person like him should not be sitting in this position at all."

The three of them sang in harmony and immediately set the tone.

And Yevrogen now doesn't even have the strength to defend himself. He knows very well that the situation is over and he doesn't have to struggle anymore.

Meddev and Gorbrev, who were watching on the other side, had quietly left the stage. Obviously, neither of them wanted to stay to see the final result, because the result was already determined!


At the end of the meeting, all members of the Duma present unanimously agreed to formally initiate the accountability process, requiring the government to remove Yevrogen from his post and assume corresponding legal responsibilities.

Because his behavior is not only dereliction of duty, but also illegal!

It is conceivable that when the evidence is solid, it is impossible for the government to forcefully protect Yevrogen, and his career is completely ended!

In fact, Yevrogen and Wang Ye have no grudges. If it weren't for him being Meddev's right-hand man, they might not have to bear such consequences this time.

But there is no way, this is politics...

Throughout the entire process, Wang Ye remained hidden behind the scenes. It was Gryzlov who connected the congressmen, and it was Zhirinov who instigated Yevrogen's cronies. Everything had nothing to do with him.

But without his support, it is obvious that all this would not be possible with Gryzlov and Zhirinov alone.

Even if Gryzlov is at a higher level than him, in terms of true strength, he is still far behind Wang Ye.

After the process is completed and Yevrogen steps down, Vladimir will legitimately take over. This is equivalent to Wang Ye once again "taking over" control of a key department!

Although the Ministry of Internal Affairs looks inconspicuous, it is actually very useful, and sometimes it is even more useful than the most core powerful agencies such as the Ministry of Defense.

Because if the Ministry of National Defense is used, then the matter will be really big...


After this incident, Gryzlov's side has completely fallen out with the Kremlin and Meddev, and the conflict between the two parties has become irreconcilable.

The general election has almost become a "life and death situation". It is a matter of life and death!

No matter which side loses, the fate can be imagined. The winning side will definitely not let the other side go...

Grezlov even publicly stated within the Shilavik Group that this faction no longer needed to exist, and that he would truly break away with the people who supported him to form a new faction.

This caused a great shock within the Shilavik group and even spread to the entire Moscow political arena.

Although many people have long seen that the Silavik Group is too large and has too many personnel. It has been declining in the past two years and has long been showing signs of splitting.

But it has actually come to this point today, and it was proposed by Duma Speaker Gryzlov, a faction veteran. This is indeed shocking!

Although the Kremlin was furious about Gryzlov's behavior, there was nothing they could do.

Because nominally, the Kremlin does not join any faction, nor is it a member of the Shilavik Group...

Now Gryzlov is following the formal procedures, leading a group of people who support him to break away from the faction and form a new faction. This is also in compliance with legal procedures, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Because if we really want to talk about procedures, processes, and regulations, Gryzlov is the real expert. Don’t forget what the Duma’s most important job is!


Throughout December, Wang Ye was very busy.

On December 2, Duma Speaker Gryzlov officially announced his resignation, and the general election will officially begin soon. Now that it has entered the "final sprint", he must also resign from his position and devote all his energy and time to the general election.

He resigned, and Wang Ye, as the first deputy speaker, had no choice but to temporarily act as speaker to maintain the normal operation of the Duma before the Duma election.

In addition, the Shilavik Group also officially split. Almost half of the people broke away from the faction along with Gryzlov. They established a new political party called "Just Russia"!

Originally, the official name of the Shilavik Group was "United Russia." Now that Gryzlov has chosen such a name, he obviously means to go against the Shilavik Group.

After a large number of people left, the Silavik Group's vitality was severely damaged, but after all, the foundation is there, so it still cannot be underestimated.

Strictly speaking, it is still the largest faction in Moscow politics!

Of course, in the past, the Silavik Group's strength was far ahead of other factions, but now, it is only slightly ahead of other factions.

As for what the second and third factions are, I still can’t tell.

Nothing will be finalized until after the general election and the Duma general election.

But it is obvious that after the two general elections next year, there will be very big changes in the Moscow political scene, and everything will be different!


In addition to the acting speaker, there is another important thing in December.

That is the hedge fund led by Wang Ye, and it can already clear its positions and leave.

It’s time for all “shareholders” to pay dividends.

After nearly a year of operation, a total of 100 billion U.S. dollars has been invested in the fund, and the total funds in the account now reach 820 billion U.S. dollars!

During the second half of the year, under Wang Ye's guidance, traders seized another wave of opportunities to make big money.

By shorting gold and crude oil futures, Wang Ye successfully achieved his planned goal within the specified time.

Originally, Wang Ye drew two lines, one was when the total amount of the fund reached 800 billion, and the other was in early December.

Fortunately, in early December, the total number of hedge funds successfully reached more than 800 billion.

Without any hesitation, Wang Ye directly issued the order to clear the warehouse and leave!

After a series of complex financial operations, a total of 800 billion was actually transferred. The entire process cost nearly 20 billion US dollars...

This was achieved with the joint efforts of all shareholders. Otherwise, it would be hellishly difficult to transfer such a huge amount of funds.

Now the money has been dispersed and deposited into tens of thousands of bearer accounts in Swiss banks, so all shareholders can't wait to gather in Moscow and plan to officially "divide the spoils"... (End of this chapter)

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