The sun has been hung up high, and the beautiful and beautiful room has the sunshine shining. The blue curtains on both sides of the ivory bed are neatly hung on the two sides of the bed. A blue gauze curtain hangs across the curtain and is extremely elegant. The warmth of men and women who sleep on the bed, people feel that there is a fresh air, spontaneous.

Because the two men ran out last night and played a game, after returning, the two men said that it was very late, so Fengyi Xuan and Lan You Nian were both very bright and happy. Lan Younian feels very sleepy, so I don't want to get up, and Fengyi Xuan is Wenxiang Yunyu who doesn't want to get up.

Perhaps the reason why the sun entered the room, the blue secluded eyes opened the fascinating eyes, and the heart of Feng Yi Xuan was soft, and I wished that the blue secluded thoughts would be included in the mouth, so I thought that Feng Yi Xuan would pay. After all the action, Feng Yixuan bowed his head and quickly blocked the yawning mouth. The arms were forced to hold the little man in his arms, and the unfinished pets were all drowned in a warm and lingering kiss. The cold tongue slipped in, the greedy ingestion of her breath, every second with a difficult to shake.

Just woke up and suffered such a stimuli. The blue mind was still confused by the confused little head. With the deep kiss of Fengyi Xuan, the blue mourning voice made a sound of **, and heard the sound of Feng Yi Xuan The whole man's anger was coming up, but when Feng Yixuan wanted to continue doing something, he was stopped by Lan You Nian.

"Missing..." Fengyi Xuan has been esoteric and hoarse voice in the ear of blue secluded, let the blue mourning the whole person is somewhat confused, but fortunately, the blue secluded mind is like a person with a firm heart. Therefore, Lan Younian did not go to see the fascinating appearance of Feng Yi Xuan clothes, and he got out from the wing of Feng Yi Xuan.

"You didn't let me go a little farther last night?" Lan Yu thought with a small white tooth, asked with a fierce little look.

Feng Yi Xuan brow wrinkled, and sure enough, I was looking for my own account, remembering what I said last night, Feng Yi Xuan silently squeezed a cold sweat, but also added a few candles to himself, see It’s really a rhythm of death.

The little girl who rolled to the bed was stunned back. Feng Yixuan’s attitude was good. “I didn’t know it was you, I would never let you leave me!”

Although the attitude is good, Lan Nian Nian still said with a small face, "You don't like me!"

Yes, Feng Yi Xuan looked at the blue face of the little face angry, filled with a smile, how is his little girl so cute? Even anger makes him love to be able to extricate himself, and a smile is full of temptation to himself.

"You don't like me, who else can like me, only you can like me in this world!" Feng Yixuan's voice is very clear, like the sound from the secluded empty valley "Missing, if you still have anger in your heart, hit I am jealous of me, don't you be so good?"

Only Blue Nian Nian can make Fengyi Xuan please. Once the Wind Wing Xuan said that he would please a person, even if he admits that he has never had a problem, but now it is very natural to do it. It seems that it is not important for the smiling face of a woman in her arms.

Lan You Nian is not angry but just talking about playing, and she is not a mistake at all. Feng Yi Xuan did not tell her the identity of the ghost master. Does she not tell Wu Feng Xuan her ruthless son?

"I am not angry!" Lan You Nian pushed open the wing wing Xuan and then began to wear clothes, suddenly thought of something to the ears of Feng Yi Xuan said a few words, then asked with a look of "Xuan, you think this What about the idea?"

"What do you want to be good!" Feng Yi Xuan is unconditionally supported by Lan Yu Nian, and this time is no exception.

"How can I do if my brother does not agree?" Lan Younian said with some distress.

Feng Yixuan looked at the blue and mournful face and began to feel distressed. He said directly, "He will promise it!" Because he did not agree, he also agreed, otherwise he would not mind giving Beijing a little color. Feng Yi Xuan does not feel that there is anything wrong with selling a brother for a woman. It is just a pity for those friends who have made good friends with Fengyi.

Because both of them are getting up at noon, they come to the living room to have lunch together.

Lan Younian today stretched out a cypress-colored plaid weaving group, if it was a fairy, the waist was like a bundle, and the cover was a purple shawl. The soft and beautiful silk was placed behind a jade, leaving only two rolls. The hair is scattered around the ear, and the ear is a magnolia white pendant, her skin is delicate and smooth.

From the blue secluded room, I found that the eyes of the darker ones admired and looked at themselves. Although there was no ambiguity in the eyes, they were still awkward when they looked at the blue sacred, so they stopped silently. Asked in the footsteps, "What do you think of me like this?"

The blue mourning voice just fell, and Feng Yi Xuan was full of murderous eyes and looked at the dark ones. The one who looked straight and quietly lowered his head, fearing that the masters who loved their jealousy would throw them in a bad mood. I went back to the ghost field and got trained.

"Returning to the mother, it is really the identity of the mother is too surprising, so that the subordinates are very admired!" Dark four stood up and said that the people had some admiration for this ruthless son, and now know that the mainland is famous. The ruthless son turned out to be their mother. How many men can such a force be established? But their mother is only a woman, but they can hold up for a day, how can we not admire.

For everyone's sincere worship of Blue Nian, I was glad to accept it. Lan Youn smiled and looked at the dark ones and the ruthless killers who pretended to be small, said, "Whenever I have time to let you and my ruthless brethren We have passed the trick to see who is the most mysterious of the two forces in the rivers and lakes!"

Lan Younian said that the dark ones and the blue blades are all a little eager. After all, everyone is a person who likes to fight, and now they are still playing against each other. More or less, some heroes cherish the hero’s thoughts, and they themselves have long been like this. I thought about it.

"Thank you, Master!" said the dark one and said happily, I can’t wait to play a game with Blue Blade and others.

"Dark one, you can't be too happy, the killer under the lady's hand is not so good, when you have to suffer!" The blue dance sneered in the waist, the tone also contains the worship of the blue mourning And respect.

Although they worship the blue secluded thoughts, but their own masters are more powerful and darker, they are also respectable, so the dark pair of blue-bladed wielding fists, the blue blade and the blue front are not willing to show off the carry-on dagger. I wiped my neck. For a time, everyone was full of fighting spirit but there was no killing.

At this time, it was just to see that Jing Wu’an and Yu’s escaping came together. The blue mourning revealed an unclear light. Jing Wu’an and Yu’s drifting did not know why the back raised a cold air, and the weather in Jiangnan was warm, but they I feel cold.

"No brother, drifting away from my brother!" Lan You Nianwo smiled and said hello in the arms of Feng Yixuan. "Have you used lunch?"

Jing Wu’an had seen the smile on the face of Lan Youn’s face stiff, and there was no good thing in the intuition. I usually care about them when I saw my sister, and more importantly, Feng Yixuan was not jealous. The problem is big.

Looking at the eyes of Jing Wu'an doubts, the blue and sorrowful smiles are even more splendid. "Today, Lanqu made some good meals and left with my brother. Right, I brought a little wine brought from the capital!"

"Really? Thank you, my sister, my brother, I am not good at you!" The plume smiled and pulled Beijing Wu’an and went to the hall. It’s not that the feathers are stupid, and they are all recognized in their own right. The people in front of them will remove those defenses, and the plume is always a straightforward person, unlike Beijing’s Wu’an, there are so many curved roads.

After a few people arrived at the hall, half of the meal was used, and the wine was also drunk. Blue Nian Nian suddenly sighed and looked a little sad. Although Feng Yixuan knew that Lan Nian was installed, but the look was cold. However, after receiving the blue sorrowful appeasement, he only looked down and drank the blue wine and thought that he had just poured the wine for him.

"What happened to my sister? Isn’t Wing Xuan bullying you, telling my brother, I will help you!" asked Yu.

Lan Youn’s mouth and a hook, Jing Wu’an was helpless to eat the meal on the table. He looked at the blue and confusing appearance and knew that there was no good thing, sure enough...

"I need a thing, I want my uncle to help me!" Lan Younian said directly, in fact, if she said that it is a drug in her detoxification medicine, Lan Younian believes that there is no need to do anything. Promise.

"Of course!" Jing Wu'an has not answered yet, and the feathers have promised.

"What do I need? I want to help my sister, I will try my best to help!" Jing Wuan also replied, Blue You Nian is a little sister who needs to be petted for them, since she rarely opens them once. Will help.

"I need tears in my heart!" Blue Nian Nian didn't turn around. "And now I can be sure that the tears are in the thousand, but I and Xuan can't find out who the tears are in, so I need my brother." help!"

When Beijing’s Wu’an and Yu’s escaping heard the “Tear of Tears”, they knew something. The tears of the heart were a scent of medicine. Now, Lan Yunian needs them to guess that it is definitely related to the poison in her body. Nodded, Jing Wuan asked, "What do I need to do?" They often think of the blue poison and the physical poison. Some of them are distressed. I can’t imagine how worried and painful they are in the heart, but they know that this friend is hiding. Very good, in order not to worry about Blue Nian.

Lan Youn looked up and down the eyes of Jing Wu, saying, "You need to have the uncle to sacrifice the hue, to seduce the second lady who met that day!"

“What?” Jing Wu’an and Yu’s screaming in unison, they really didn’t think that Lan Younian had such a bad idea, not to mention that Beijing’s Wu’an didn’t like women, that he liked it and didn’t like the arrogance he encountered that day. The woman, looking at the woman, he wanted to kill, and let him seduce her, Jing Wuan can not be sure whether he will spit.

"I don't want to?" Feng Yi Xuan put down the glass, the eyes are cold but not killing.

Lan Younian also knows that this thing is a bit embarrassing. After all, if Feng Yixuan is to seduce others, she is also the first person to stand up against it. How can everyone go to the right after having a loved one? Let's be diligent?

When Lan Yu Nian was preparing to speak and said it, the plume turned away and said, "I am going!" Yu Yu said that Jing Wuan said, "I won't let myself suffer, and it's just a matter of perfunctory. It's hard to read my sister." Let us do something for our brother, how can we let her down!"

"I refused? What are you panic! No ambition!" Jing Wuan smiled and hit the shoulders of the next plume, then said to the blue singer, "I know what to do, it should be from the woman's mouth. Let's go to the tears of my heart, rest assured, I can do it well!"

Jing Wu'an was originally a black-skinned master, and his own appearance was there. I believe that there is no need to seduce to attract the second lady of the thousand, and Beijing Wu'an can definitely set the tears of the tears.

"Thank you!" said Lan Youzhen, sincerely.

"Too's too far!" Jing Wuan also said with a smile, how to say blue is a younger sister, he will help.

"Why not me, my martial arts is better than no peace, absolutely will not let that color woman take advantage of it!" Yu asked inexplicably, they all know that although Lan Yunian let them sell the color but also just show their face Well, as long as the means are used well, you can get the news without touching it. It won't be fine.

“You?” Feng Yixuan glanced at the feathers and said, “Not too stupid!”

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