On the bustling streets of Jiangnan, all kinds of shops are scattered, and the stalls on the streets are placed with gadgets belonging to Jiangnan.

A very simple stall stood in front of a man, the man's skin is like white jade, the eyebrows are sketched like mountains, such as condensed hibiscus, lips like cinnabar. A pair of eye-catching Danfeng eyes, flowing, charming, and the color of the glass. A long black hair, the evil spirits are scattered on the shoulders, without a trace of restraint, full of wildness. The man was dressed in a white coat, and he stood so lazy as he stood in the stall. The whole person was full of suffocation.

"I rely on!" Feathers looked away from the eyes and looked at the blue secluded gongs and drums. "There is no such thing as a younger sister. You will be too undressed. You look at the women below who are drooling." I will wear it to me in the future, I will wear it to me!"

At this time, Feng Yi Xuan, Lan You Nian and Yu Liliu were sitting on the second floor of a tea house. They looked at Jing Wu’an, who deliberately pretended to be the coquettish. They had already investigated the name of the second lady named Qian Jing. Han is the most favored child of thousands. The home of a thousand families has four children, but Qian Jinghan is a favorite child of thousands of homeowners. Because this child is born to a favorite woman of thousands of families, Qian Jinghan will grab men in the south of the Yangtze River. No one dared to ask, it is because thousands of Jinghan have too much favor in thousands of families.

"Hey! Flowing away from my brother, you are also a beautiful person!" Blue mourning joked, today she deliberately let the blue songs dress up for Beijing Wu'an, originally she was prepared to make it herself, but Feng Yixuan was jealous. She had to give things to the blue songs, let them dress up for Beijing, but the effect is very amazing.

"Of course, I don't want to be beautiful, but I have to follow the peace of mind today. If the woman is not safe, the princess will abolish her!" said Yu Wuan, who looked at the following. He can't let his man let other women smash, but it is difficult to think of what Lan Yu thoughts are.

"Reassure, if the uncle brother is really eaten tofu, leaving your brother, you can do it directly!" Lan Youn’s arm supported his chin and looked at Jing Wu’an below. Although she needed tears, it was not the only way. How can we not let friends around us be wronged for their own affairs.

“Nothing is not so easy to eat tofu people!” Feng Yixuan looked at the blue singer around him and said that he and Jing Wu’an have known each other for so many years, and Beijing Wu’an can sit on the position of the military division at a young age. You can know the extent of Beijing’s black belly.

At this time, pedestrians on the streets were riding gallops, and those vendors were afraid to rush to collect the things on the stalls when they saw the woman riding the horse at the front, so as not to be kicked by horseshoes. The stall.

The smile of Beijing’s Wu’an mouth is black, and if he doesn’t come, he can’t stand it anymore. He’s dressed up too much today, and he’s become a rare animal. Look at the street with a woman who is full of flowers, Jing Wu’an I feel deeply that it is most lovely to be displaced from home.

Qian Jinghan has not been out since the day he was beaten. Today, she really couldn’t stay, she took her family out to play. From afar, she saw a very handsome man with a suffocating presence. Qian Qianhan thinks that such a man is what he needs, and he is not at all comparable to the obedient men in his own house.

Qian Jinghan drove the horse to the side of Jing Wu'an, saw the face of Jing Wu'an, and had a determination to conquer this man, and Qian Jinghan also found that the man was on the street that day. The man who came to see Chen Qianhan’s interest in Beijing’s Wu’an was even more interested. The men she had been watching all the time had been obtained. Jing Wu’an was the first man who did not get it immediately. Qian Jinghan became more and more I want to get it.

Jing Wuan looked at Qian Jinghan who was in front of himself. Although Qian Jinghan was very arrogant but looks good, a goose egg face, big eyes just like Jing’an, the upper body Rose purple satin water red koi, embroidered with dense patterns, the plaque is encrusted with real pearls, the outer cover of the Phnom Penh 琵琶襟 袄, is a pink Xia 绶藕 silk satin skirt, the whole person is just like a smile to welcome the spring breeze Very charming.

"The son, I haven't seen it for many days! I don't know how the son is thinking about it?" Qian Jinghan jumped off the horse and pulled the horse to the family behind him. He came to Jingwu'an and looked at Jing Wu'an with a melody. Said.

"What the girl said, this son can't understand!" Jing Wuan wants to throw away the thousands of quiet culverts that are very close to him, but thinks that the poisonous Beijing ignorance of the younger sister’s body has to endure. Showing a very sullen smile.

Qian Jinghan stretched out his fingers and touched the chest of Jing Wu'an, but it was let go by Beijing Wu'an, and let the plume on the teahouse flow to crush a few cups, but the movement of Jing Wu'an did not make Qian Jing Cang anger is giving birth to more interest.

"This lady said that let you go to Qianfu, let you be the guard of this lady, are you willing?" Qian Jinghan asked, if other men, she had already given people back, but thought of the beauty of the day. Such as the woman's means of immortality, Qian Jinghan is still somewhat fearful.

Jing Wu'an looked at the eyes of Qian Jinghan, and there was a arrogance and anger in his bones. He said in a light way, "Thank you for the girl's kindness, no need!"

The refusal of Beijing Wu'an not only did not make Qian Jinghan angry, but looked at Jing Wu'an even higher. Qian Jinghan did not encounter the man who dared to reject himself because of his identity. She saw more obedience. His own man, he was a little scared or tempted to come to his side, but... Qian Jinghan looked at Beijing without uneasiness, and his heart was slightly interesting. This man is different.

"How can you not agree without security? This way you can mix into the thousand government, so you can find out the tears of the heart as soon as possible!" Yu asked inexplicably, after all, they did not want to get close to Qianjinghan. God tears? Why don't you know how to use such a good opportunity?

"Thousands of tears are what Qianjinghan knows, so how can Qianjinghan tell others so easily, the more easily people get, the less likely they are to be rare, so no brothers do this, not just no Pushing Qianjinghan further, but more attractive to her!" Blue 幽念 analysis, also knows the meaning of Beijing Wu'an refused, had to sigh that Beijing Wu'an is really smart, made such a decision in a split second.

Without the blue sacred thoughts, Qian Jinghan appreciatively looked at Beijing Wu’an and said, "Since the son is not willing, then this lady is not forced, but this lady wants to ask the son to have a cup of tea. I don't know if the son can be willing?" Qian Jinghan's attitude made many people think that the sun came out from the west, and the second lady of the thousand families would have been like this.

Jing Wuan looked at the tea house on the second floor and smiled and said, "Yes, but this is the son of the son, please ask the girl to drink tea. How can the woman please?"

The fact that Jing Wu'an has regressed and retired has made Qian Jinghan even more like it. Qian Jinghan even thinks that it is good if he marries such a man, even if this man is only a bodyguard, even if this man does not have a strong family wealth.

Lan Younian looked at the following thousand Jinghan's eyes and knew that Jing Wu'an really seduce this sly woman. Blue mourning said to the feathers, "Let's go back, you must be optimistic about your brother." !"

Saying that Lan You Nian and Feng Yi Xuan disappeared into the tea house and went to their two worlds. As for Beijing Wu’an, they believed that he could do well. If he could not do anything with this, he would For the military division.

The wing wing that left the teahouse came to a famous river in the south of the Yangtze River with a blue mourning. A beautiful painting of red gauze was floating on the river. As long as it was hung with a red painting, it was Jiangnan. The paintings of the famous brothel women, and the luxurious paintings of the gauze of other colors are the boats of the rich children.

When Feng Yixuan came to the lake with blue mourning, he stopped a very beautiful painting in front of him. The painting was engraved with beautiful patterns. The whole painting was pure and innocent, and it looked extravagant.

After seeing the painting, Lan Younian found that the darker ones had already waited there. Lan Youn smiled and asked, "Are you ready?" Jiangnan is a water town. If you don't come to Jiangnan, you can take a picture of the lake. It is a kind of regret. Although Lan Yunian knows but has not said it, he did not think that Feng Yi Xuan was so careful.

Wind Wing Xuan nodded. When he was about to come to Jiangnan, he asked what the fun of Jiangnan was. So naturally, I knew that the lake in Jiangnan was very pleasant, so I asked them to buy a painting and decorate it. Fan, Feng Yixuan looked at the secret ability of their secrets.

Into the paintings, all of which were covered with thick soft blankets. The blue sorrow went up and felt very comfortable. There was a guqin in the middle of the painting, although it was not a light water piano that was given to the blue nymphs by Feng Yixuan. It is also a rare piano.

The blue song and the blue dance stand on the side of a low couch and are preparing fruit and some food. The blue sacred look is very appetizing.

Feng Yi Xuan sat on the low couch with blue sorrow and looked at the various colors of the paintings coming and going from the lake. The mirror-like lake was covered with dripping ripples, and the breeze blew through the smell of the lake. An elegant piano sound was heard in the paintings of the brothel.

"Miss, do you know? I just watched a circle, and our paintings are the most beautiful!" The blue dance said with some pride that she had followed the lady to Jiangnan, but at that time she was doing things, far away. I looked at the beautiful paintings of a ship, but I didn’t think that their paintings were just a show.

"Yeah, miss, you don't know how many eyes are looking at the outside when I am painting with the blue dance. I can't wait to pull us down!" Lanqu also said that the scenery in Jiangnan is not bad. It’s awesome, it’s just a fascinating experience.

Lan Younian leaned on the shoulders of Feng Yixuan and listened to the blue dance and the blue-curved voice. He smiled and laughed. The surrounding of the painting was covered with white gauze, but it was unexpected. It is this kind of gauze that can't be seen from the outside, but Blue Nian is sitting in the painting but can clearly look at the scenery outside.

But not all the beautiful things in the world will be seen by others, but many people want to see...

"The master, there are two paintings slowly approaching!" The dark one went out from the painting and went into it.

After listening to the blue singer, he stood up and came to the veil of the painting. He looked at the two paintings near the painting. One painting was hung with a bright red gauze. A woman stood outside the painting and looked away from the distant blue I don't know what the woman looks like, but I look at the many sons who look at the painting and know that the niece of this painting is also famous in Jiangnan.

The other painting is very luxurious, and it can be said to be comparable to the painting of his own. The man who stood outside the painting and stood by several family members, the blue singer knew that the painting was sitting in the painting. A person with a high weight.

"Don't bother!" Fengyi Xuan came to Lan Younian and embraced the blue sorrow and returned to it. He carefully peeled the grapes for the blue secluded, and there was nothing in the accident.

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