Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 30 you are not allowed to go

When Fengyixuan and Lanyoun returned to the capital, the two did not breathe a sigh of relief, and Fengyixuan was taken to the palace by the road father, saying that it was the emperor’s call! Even if you don't have to think about it, you can definitely know what is going on, or you won't be worried about how to eat it.

The wind wing Xuanyuan took a few blue sentences and flew to the palace. In fact, Feng Yixuan, who was returning to Beijing, had received some news, but in order to be afraid of disturbing the mood, he was worried. I haven't said it all the time, but Feng Yi Xuan doesn't know that Lan Nian Nian actually knows a little, but the information of the ruthless pavilion is indeed not as good as the ghost domain, so Lan Younian knows not much.

"Emperor brother!" When Feng Yixuan entered the royal study room, he saw that Jing Wu'an, Lan Moxian, He Chuyang and others were there. Several people's faces were full of thoughts. It seems that this time is really true. It is very tricky, otherwise everyone will not.

“Well, it’s coming!” Feng Xia’s look was a little tired, but he was very happy when he saw Feng Yi Xuan, but this time it’s not a good time for the two brothers to talk about the old, Feng Xia directly asked “A Xuan Do you know what happened in Xianglin City?"

Feng Yixuan nodded and said, "I received a message that the plague occurred in Xianglin City, but the specific situation is not clear!" Although the ghost domain is very concerned about the things above the temple, but after all, the forces on the rivers and lakes cannot do too much. It’s too conspicuous, and although Feng Xia is an emperor, but there are many forces in his hands, Feng Yi Xuan is sure that Feng Xia knows more than himself. Although no one has reported this on the court, there is no one in the capital. I knew that there was a plague in Xianglin City.

"I have received news that Xianglin City has already had a very serious plague. The entire Xianglin City has been blocked by local officials and cannot be released. If it is not the news I received, I am afraid that when we know it, Xianglin City is already a dead city!” Feng Xia’s anger said that the officials of Xianglin City had not informed the people who were afraid of the above blame, thus delaying the best treatment.

Several people were a little surprised to hear the rhythm of Feng Xia, and Beijing did not comfortably feel that his chin was a little embarrassed. "If other cities can directly seal the city, then whether it is a massacre or a burning city, but Xianglin City But no, we must save Xianglin City!" Don't blame Beijing for being cold-blooded. In their view, it is only the best way to stop the spread of the plague. As for killing many innocent people, everyone here is High-ranking people do not have so much compassion.

Xianglin City is not an ordinary city. Xianglin City is a very important city for the wind country. It is not because of the wealth of Xianglin City, but that it is almost all farmers in Xianglin City, so it is an endless fertile land. Half of the grain and grass are from Xianglin City. If something happened in Xianglin City, plus this time, I can imagine how the soldiers who have no grain can resist the invasion. This is also the reason why Feng Xia and others are anxious, because Xianglin City must be kept.

"I have sent a lot of royal doctors and Yulin army, Axuan..." Feng Xia suddenly did not know what to say. He was on the throne to protect this younger brother, brothers and sisters, etc., but now such a dangerous thing happens. He found that he still needs his younger brother to go to the front line, where the plague spreads, and Feng Xia knows how dangerous there is, but Feng Xia is more aware that he has no confidence to hand over things to others, and he can’t move because of the current The church is not stable.

Feng Yi Xuan took a picture of the wind and the back of the summer, and then said firmly, "I understand!" Although he is ruthless and cold-hearted, but his responsibility is still back, as long as his responsibility and thoughts are not conflicting. Wing Xuan will stand up and take up his responsibilities, and now he has been fighting the battlefield for so many years.

Feng Xia’s grateful nod, the tacit understanding of the two brothers so that the two do not need to say anything to understand each other, Feng Xia know that his younger brother is now a blue and secluded mind and body, but as a **** of war, He also has his own pride and responsibility.

"Moxian and Chuyang go together!" Feng Xia told him that he also has his reasons for doing so. After all, it is good physical strength to go to Xianglin City today, and Beijing Wu’an Wugong is not so high, so It is suitable for the past, but the people of the blue ink string are all very good in the military camp. They will have more resistance to the plague and will not be too tired for long journeys.

"Blue ink string, you go to the soldiers, and will leave tomorrow!" Feng Yixuan told the road, then nodded to the wind and summer, and left the royal study. Feng Yi Xuan knows that time is life, so he has to rush to Xianglin City as soon as possible, according to the former temperament Fengyi Xuan will immediately start, but at this time because of the thoughts, Feng Yixuan needs to explain something to the thoughts, think of In some days, I can't see the thoughts, and the resentment in Feng Yixuan's heart is very serious.

When Feng Yixuan rushed back to the Lanfu Younian Pavilion, he saw that he began to sort out many rare gifts or foods that they bought from the flower country, and then let the blue dance and the blue songs be handed over. The house was sent, and Fengyi Xuan stood there and watched quietly, and felt warm in my heart. His thoughts are obviously a very ruthless and cruel woman, but the people around him are careful and warm. As long as she confesses you, then you can feel her kindness. Maybe it is black to the extreme, it is white!

When Lan Nian Nian divides the things and lets the blue dance and the blue songs go, I look back at the wing wing Xuan, which is on the side of the door. The wind wing is like a star-like sly in the purple eyes, he is tender. The movement of the model slowly got up and walked toward the blue secluded, white fluttering, black silk flowing, and the handsome face was raised like a June sun, dazzling smile.

“Is it tired?” Fengyi Xuan picked up the blue singer and smelled the blue scent. The unique fragrance on the body calmed down the mood that he had just been very upset, but at the moment, Fengyi Xuan did not know how to open it. Not afraid of not understanding, but not willing.

"Fortunately!" Lan Nian said with a smile, and then directly asked "Is there something wrong?" She did not feel the disappointment of Feng Yi Xuan and her bad mood, but Lan Yu Nian still directly asked Come out.

Windwing Xuan will give blue to the face to face, and then frown. "The plague broke out in Xianglin City. Xianglin City is a grain city. I will go to see the plague tomorrow!" Fengyi Xuan said The tip of the nose licked the tip of the indigo sorrowful voice, and the tone of grievances and childishness in the tone "cannot be accompanied by the thoughts, but also for a period of time can not see the thoughts, can not accompany to sleep, can not dress for thoughts. ..."

Listening to Feng Yi Xuan said a lot, Blue You Nian found that it seems that he is really taken care of by Feng Yi Xuan, even if they are blue songs, they do not have such a meticulous care for themselves. Lan Younian listened to Feng Yi Xuan and said that he also seems to be very reluctant.

"Is it better for me to go to Xianglin with you?" Lan Yu said with a bright eye. Since Feng Yi Xuan can't bear himself, he can't bear the wind wing Xuan, then she can't go to Xianglin, she believes her identity today. It is very easy to mix in the team.

But what happened to Blue is that Feng Yixuan suddenly raised his face and said "No!" Then he seems to feel too heavy in his tone. Fengyi Xuan puts a light voice and explains, "There is too dangerous, you are not allowed to go. !"

Does Wind Wing Xuan not want to go with him? No, he is very hopeful! However, Feng Yixuan really cares about the safety of his thoughts. He just came out of the ghost gate. What he has to do now is to protect his mind and protect this treasure. How can she be willing to accompany her?

Blue secluded snorted and pouted, and the hair of Fengyi Xuan spoke "Xuan, you let me go, okay? I will miss you in Beijing, and I can confess my disciples, I can definitely protect them." my own!"

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the present and the soft look of the heart is also a soft, almost promised, but still firmly back in the heart of God, Feng Yi Xuan looked funny and said "you determine your medical skills are very good ?"

Lan Younian was a little embarrassed to spit out the lilac tongue. The master's six apprentices were really incomprehensible except for the ghosts. If they were to deal with general medical skills, they really talked about medical treatment. Not enough to see.

"How bad is the medical technique is better than many people. I swear I will protect myself!" Lan Younian said, raising his hand to do the swearing look, watching the wind wing Xuan heart itching, Directly blocked the chattering little mouth.

"Hey..." Blue Nian Nian sang the wings of Fengyi Xuan, looking at Fengyi Xuan with his watery eyes, but did not know that the blue sacred thoughts of this kind made the wind wing Xuan unable to hold, and finally the two men pondered In the middle of the night.

Although I didn’t really eat it, I felt a lot better for the wind wing Xuan who had dispelled *. After the middle of the night, Feng Yi Xuan did not sleep. After cleaning up and cleaning up, Feng Yi Xuan looked like that. I missed watching it all night...

No matter how much the wind wing Xuan is sad, but the morning is still quietly coming, and the blue mourning is also awake at that moment, for fear that Fengyi Xuan will not say goodbye, but Lan Younian sees sleeping next to him. When the man is looking at himself with his eyes open, Blue Nian is like a cat and licks the chest of Feng Feng Xuan.

“Ready to go?” asked Lan You Nian. Although he really wanted to go with Feng Yi Xuan, he could better understand the concern and protection of Feng Yi Xuan. If other people may be disgusted, but they feel insecure In terms of the blue sacred thoughts of love, Feng Yi Xuan’s metamorphosis of possessiveness and desire to protect makes Lan Yu’s thoughts safer.

"Yeah!" Fengyi Xuan nodded, then dressed as usual for the blue mourning, and then accompanied the blue secluded morning breakfast, it seems that there is no difference, but the time is much earlier, usually At this time, Lan Youn is still asleep.

After the two had used the breakfast, Windwing Xuan took the blue hand to the outside of the capital, where many guards and doctors had been assembled early, a total of several thousand people, the blue sitting in front of the front Ink string and He Chuyang.

"Remember to eat, you can't always eat so little... The weather is getting colder. I want to wear more clothes. I have put the cloak on the left side of the closet. If it is boring, go to the palace or Go to Wu’an where to play, don’t be naughty and run... I like to buy anything, not to be wronged...” Feng Yixuan said a lot like thousands of people in front of the old mother, many guards have begun to open their mouths, this is still the Is it a sorrowful Pluto? It is a gentle gentle gentleman!

Feng Yixuan said a lot, and Lan Yunian listened quietly. The well-behaved appearance made many people think that the two of them were fathers and daughters. The picture was so much love, so many guards began to take the initiative. Red hearts.

"Is it all remembered?" Fengyi Xuan sang the long hair of the indigo lingering, and he was reluctant in his expression.

Lan You nodded, she knew that this time she should not worry about Feng Yi Xuan, this man has his own battlefield, where is his shining place.

"I will wait for you to come back, do you want to know it well?" Lan Youn said softly, such a gentle blue singer makes Feng Yixuan decide that he is the husband who wants to go far, and the thought is 叮嘱Wife.

"Yeah!" Fengyi Xuan nodded, and then in front of the crowd kissed the blue fortune of the forehead and immediately sat down on the wind, the whole team began to advance with a wave of arms! He is afraid that if he looks at it again, he will not go to Xianglin at all. He will not care about any plague, so Fengyixuan can only refuse to leave the capital!

Lan Younian stood on the hillside outside the capital and watched the team get farther and farther until he couldn't see it, then he regained his gaze. Then he said to the dark three who stood by his side, "Go back!" The talent just left, but the blue mourning is I feel that I am already thinking about it.

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