After two days of moving forward, a white man stopped their way...

"It's you!" Feng Yixuan looked at the ghost carrying a white robes and stood there. Some unexpectedly asked, "Is it for you?" Feng Yixuan knows that Ghost is very medical. Well, if this ghost can go to Xianglin City, of course, it will get twice the result with half the effort, but Fengyi Xuan did not propose it because Fengyi Xuan is very clear that the ghost is waiting for the family, he does not want these people to be surprised, It will be very sad to miss.

When the ghost stood there, everyone felt that it was a fairy, but at this time, the ghost had a temperature when he saw Feng Yi Xuan. After all, this man has been recognized by everyone, is a younger sister. The future husband is gone.

"No, I am here to help you. This plague is very strange. It is very likely to be artificial. Although my medical skills are not as good as those of Master, it is much better than those of the doctors!" said Ghost. He immediately followed when he knew this thing. After all, his practice was to relieve the world, even though he did not have a bodhisattva.

Wind Wing Xuan nodded and then drove the horse to move forward. In fact, from the beginning, Feng Yi Xuan suspected that the plague was artificial. In the history of Fengguo, there was no plague. However, the plague was too coincidental. Xianglin City does not say that the moon country is still watching at this time, it is like someone deliberately, and this time he went to Xianglin City not only to suppress the plague outbreak to save Xianglin City, but also to investigate this time How does the plague happen? It will be a lot easier with the help of Ghost.

The team led by Fengyixuan finally arrived at Xianglin City after four days of rapid travel. Because of the emergency, Fengyixuan’s march was very fast, but fortunately many of the guards here have followed him on the battlefield. The soldiers can be loaded, but the royal doctors who follow them are miserable. The highly respected doctors have already fallen apart after these days of bumps, but none of the doctors dare to say hard work. That is because of the name of Pluto. I don't know, they don't want to lose their lives.

"Participate in Pluto! Have seen the blue son, He Gongzi!" Xianglin City officials slammed down in front of the horses of Fengyixuan. They also received news today that Pluto was going to manage the plague. They wanted to put the plague. Things were crushed, but then the plague became more and more serious and they could not be suppressed. When the wind country knew that the plague broke out in Xianglin City, Pluto had led the army to come here. These days, these officials have been daring. Trembling. Although they are just a local official who has not seen Pluto, but they have heard a lot about the rumors of Pluto!

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the officials who fell down underneath. The whole person was full of elegance and extravagance between the gestures, but in this elegant, it reveals the enchanting charm of the enchanting charm. He was very dissatisfied with these officials, not only because the officials did not report, but also because they did not report to him to leave, so now in the eyes of Feng Yixuan he has given these officials death penalty.

Wind Wing Xuan did not let the officials get up, but looked at the Xianglin City, which had never said the bustling but happy, and now it is full of crying, and there are piles of dead bodies on the streets, the entire Xianglin City. It has become desolate, and there are no people in the rice fields. It seems that this sky is full of dark atmosphere.

"Ink string, you bring people to bury all the dead bodies and burn them!" Feng Yixuan ordered "First Yang, you bring people to isolate those who have not been infected with the plague, those who have been infected with the plague Also isolated!"

"Yes!" The blue ink string and He Chuyang each left the team and left. Each of them took a face towel that was soaked with herbs. This can resist the infection of the plague and start everywhere in Xianglin. Finishing, at this time they are not as gentle as usual when everyone gets together, and it is also the irony of the soldiers.

"Ghost one, you lead the royal doctor to start healing!" Feng Yixuan said to the ghost, after all, the ghost is not his subordinates, count it, he should also follow the name of a big brother, for this ghost one help Wing Xuan is in my heart.

The ghost nodded and then walked into the crowd with his own medicine box. At this time, only the Fengyi Xuan and the guards and the officials who were lying on the ground were left in the place. I really want to give these officials a slap, but I know that if I kill so many officials, there will be a lot of loopholes. There are not so many officials to fill them, and at this time, when Xianglin City is in turmoil, if it is going out again, Things will definitely be unsettled, which is very bad for the country.

Feng Yixuan looked at the officials with a knife, and then they had already let the officials shiver and didn’t even dare to breathe.

Feng Yixuan ignored the officials who upset him. He began to organize the entire Xianglin City with the guards. He had to let Xianglin City recover, so it is necessary to stabilize the people at the moment, and to those who want to picky eaters during this turmoil. The person gave it up.

Many officials looked at Pluto and left a big sigh of relief. It was just terrible. So if Pluto said nothing, they would have felt that their lives were already on the cliff. Now they can’t help but feel lucky that they can get back. life.

"Wang Daren, seeing Pluto like this should not pursue our crimes!" A middle-aged man in an official uniform said to another official.

"The character of Pluto is uncertain, we are afraid.... Is there a dinner to greet Pluto tonight, and adults, look for some beautiful and enchanting women to serve!" The king said to the grown-up, other officials Hearing and smiling, he agreed.

"But the lower official heard that Pluto already has a fiancée and is very fond of his fiancee. It has been said that this one person, we will do it..." and the adults said with uneasiness, after all, rumors are the favor of Pluto to the girl, and Pluto. It seems that it is usually not close to female color.

Wang Daren smiled, and the round belly seemed to be breaking through the official uniform. "Oh, there are men who don’t steal in this world, and they are men of the same status as Pluto! Pluto’s fiancee is the love of the Blue General, maybe This is just the means by which Pluto wants to win over the blue house. Tonight, when the beautiful people are seduce, do you think that Pluto can sit still? When the beautiful people say a few more words, can we not know the crime of not knowing it? ?"

When everyone thinks that Wang Daren is right, they are all the chiefs of the king. Therefore, at this moment, everyone is going back to prepare for the dinner, and the beauty that they are trying to send can be favored by Pluto.

However, at this time, it is being tried to please the Pluto, the wing of the phoenix is ​​in the place where the plague is concentrated. If you encounter the kind of fear, the people who want to destroy the order will always be dealt with in the first time. Feng Yi Xuan's face was cold and cold, and the whole person did not panic and commanded the soldiers to handle the matter. Wherever he saw it, Feng Yi Xuan also had a gentle time.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" A person who was found to have been infected with the plague by a ghost, was forced to go to another place by the guards, who were all infected with the plague. There are doctors in the centralized treatment, although many people are afraid but still very cooperative, but this person seems to be very afraid of death, so they have been reluctant to listen to the words of the soldiers, and ran out under the suppression of the soldiers to prepare to kill The people, in his opinion, he can't live without others and don't want to live.

Feng Yixuan stood before the guards and looked at the people who were like crazy people. They took the sword and killed the sword directly. The blood slowly dripped down the sword and let the people who wanted to resist. They are all settled down.

"The Emperor sent the king to lead everyone to save you. If you do this again, then you don't have to continue to live!" Feng Yixuan brought the sound of ice **** into the ears of the people, so that everyone settled down and understood. The court did not give up, but if they did not obey the soldiers, the court would give up.

In fact, Feng Yi Xuan is doing this to shock the people. Are the people afraid of death? In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, but if they are disturbed by the fear of death, then the entire Xianglin City will be more difficult to control the plague, so Fengyi Xuan is killing chickens and monkeys.

After such a shot by Feng Yixuan, the entire camp was quieter. Those who accepted the ghost check were also much safer. Even many people did not need soldiers to check and the plagues were detected. The people also obeyed the arrangements of the soldiers. At one time, everyone was moving much faster, and the entire Xianglin City people were separated.

When the night came, everyone was busy all day, the whole Xianglin City was quiet, the soldiers came back and forth to watch, in case the patients would appear what scorpions, Fengyi Xuan and blue ink strings, etc. People are arranged to rest at the Tuen Mun Town.

When Feng Yixuan and others returned to Tuen Mun, the officials had already waited there early. The whole door was still brightly lit, and Feng Yi Xuan’s face remained the same, but the royal doctors and other people who followed came to be happy. They were too busy to get tired all day long, but because Pluto was there, no one would dare to talk too much, but at night there is a good place to rest and everyone is very happy.

“See Pluto!” Many officials’ luggage, headed by Wang Daren, said, “Pluto and the adults are busy all day, and the lower officials have prepared some meals for the adults to enjoy!”

The blue ink string and He Chuyang’s mouth evoke an ironic smile. Although they have been fighting with Pluto for many years, they have encountered a lot of such situations. These officials have nothing to do with the court’s loyalty. Now there are still It’s really alive and well.

Feng Yi Xuan did not say anything more. He went straight into the lobby of the backyard of Tuen Mun and began to eat. He didn’t have any meals today, but Feng Yi Xuan still remembers to tell himself to take care of himself, so the wind wing Xuan is ready to use the meal to rest, and strive to return to Beijing as soon as possible.

When everyone followed the hall of Fengyi Xuan, Feng Yixuan’s face was not changed but his eyes were colder, but the ghost who followed him came up with a brow, remembering the people of Xianglin City, which is now languished. Then look at the luxurious meals in front of you and those who are pleased, the ghosts feel that the court is really disgusting.

After Feng Yixuan sat down, he did not give the officials the opportunity to start eating, but the blue ink string and others did not need to say of course, followed by Feng Yi Xuan, although the royal doctors wanted to enjoy some but looked at Pluto. Quick meals, where they have the courage to be a demon.

"Pluto! The lower officials and others know that Pluto has been busy all day, and specially prepared songs and dances for the adults to drive out!" After Wang Daren finished, he walked into the body and walked a lot of women dressed in a voluptuous body. Come in.

If the wind wing Xuanyuan did not continue to eat, and the women began to dance, they were told today that there are many big people in Xianglin City. They are not the brothel women but the aides and daughters of the various officials, as long as they If you catch anybody, they can go to the capital to enjoy the blessing, so everyone jumps harder.

From the beginning to the end, Feng Yi Xuan did not look at the women, but the woman who danced among the women from time to time looked at Feng Yi Xuan and secretly sent Qiu Bo, but did not get a look of Feng Yi Xuan.

She is the most beautiful of these women, called Qiu Ling. It can be said that she does not know her name in the whole Xianglin City. She is also the daughter of Wang Daren, but unfortunately she is only a woman and cannot be favored by her father. But today my father let himself dress up and tell the honor of today.

Qiu Ling knows that her chance has come. She knows better that the most noble person in the world today is Pluto. It is a king. I have never seen them before. I have thought that Pluto is a very vulgar Chinese character. But today, when I saw Qiu Ling, I realized that there are such handsome men in the world. Pluto is a long-standing man, handsome and handsome, full of beautiful cheeks on the cheeks like a straight willow, eyes with sharp swords, white skin with a healthy glow . Qiu Ling feels that if she enters the eyes of Pluto, then even if she does not have a name, she is willing. Such a man, regardless of his identity or appearance, is a person who will not be rejected by any woman.

Feng Yi Xuan elegantly ended the action of eating, secretly handing a handkerchief, Feng Yi Xuan took over wiping his mouth and hands, at this time some women want to come forward to seduce Pluto, but the dark one directly The decapitation was solved on the spot. The woman who had just been charming had no breathing for a moment. This made other women scream in horror. Even Qiu Ling was afraid to tremble and stopped her preparation for the journey to Pluto. pace.

“Who is the banquet tonight?” Feng Yixuan went to the door and asked.

Wang Daren is only fascinating to come out and kneel down. "Yes, it’s the next official!" He didn't think that Pluto would say that killing people would kill people. It didn't indicate anything, it was terrible!

"Dark one, solved!" Feng Yixuan left the hall to rest after he finished, he did not have the leisure time to manage these things.

"Rare life! Ming..." Wang Daren has been solved by the blue ink string before he finished speaking. They have been dissatisfied with these officials for a long time. At this time, Qiu Ling, a woman among women, looked at her father’s death but there was no point. Distressed, and even the thrill of revenge, but I thought that I would not have a backing in the future, and Qiu Ling looked away from the Pluto, and her eyes flashed envy.

"Let's go!" Blue ink string said to He Chuyang and Ghost, they have already used the meal, so there is no need to stay any longer, there are still many things to deal with tomorrow!

"Yeah!" But there will be no one in the hall for a while...

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