Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 32 infected with plague, dangerous

In the study room of Pluto, Blue Nian was sitting on a large black wooden chair and carefully reviewed the book on the desk. These folds should have been reviewed by Fengyi Xuan. They are all about the ghosts and the industries in the hands of Feng Yi Xuan. These folds should have been sent to Xianglin City for the wind wing Xuan, but that When the Japanese blue mourning came to the Pluto Palace, I found out that I didn’t want to make Feng Yi Xuan too tired, so Lan You Nian took these things down.

When Lan Younian proposed to deal with these things, no one in the palace of the King of the Kings objected, and everyone was very happy to send those discounts to her, and now even the expenditures of the entire Pluto House are blue and mourning. Processing.

After taking a part of the fold, Lan Younian moved the neck. She was somewhat admired and somewhat distressed. Although she also took care of the ruthless court, in fact, whether it is a few brothers or Blue Blade and Blue Front, they try their best. Help her share, so there is not much effort left by Lan Younian to handle things. However, in the past few days, she helped Fengyi Xuanguang to deal with the Ghost Domain and the Pluto Palace. She felt very tired. What's more, the usual Fengyi Xuan needs to deal with the things of the Chaotang and the military camp. Very hard.

"Wang Hao!" After three knocks on the door, he walked into the outside of the study room, holding a plate of delicate cakes in his hand. "Wang Hao has reviewed it for a morning, or use some cakes to rest for a while!"

The dark third and other people are very happy about Wang Hao’s practice of helping the prince to handle affairs. They don’t want Wang Hao to be tired, but they feel that since Wang Hao’s handling of this Pluto’s office, there will be more people in the future, the former King’s Mansion. The gap between the present and the Pluto is still very large. Today, the Pluto Palace has a warm atmosphere, and this warmth is brought by Wang Hao.

"Well, good!" Lan Younian put down the fold in his hand and went outside to look at the plate. The delicate pastry was a lot better. The butler knew that when she came to the palace, she would have a lot of delicious food in the kitchen. Eat, get the blue now, I really like to come to Pluto.

"Wang Hao, this is the letter of the prince today!" Dark three will give a thick letter to the blue mourning.

After leaving the capital from Fengyi Xuan, there was a letter that was never interrupted, and Fengyi Xuan left for a while. Now it has entered the winter, but Fengyixuan has not returned yet. The plague of Xianglin City has not been controlled. live.

Lan You Nian will also send a letter to Feng Yi Xuan every day. Although she only wrote a few short sentences, she could not compare with the daily letters of Feng Yi Xuan, but the daily reply of Lan You Nian is also very serious.

Blue Nian Nian opened the letter, and the head is still the handwriting of the Fengyi Xuanlong line. Every day, it reads what Fengyi Xuan is doing, then writes about his own thoughts, and finally he is a lot of himself. The embarrassment, in many cases, the blue-winged thoughts of Fengyi Xuan must be a good father in the future. But when that day really came, Lan You Nian knew that he really thought more.

"Wang Hao!" When Lan Younian was reading the letter, the second secret suddenly came in. At this time, the dark second usually did not do anything, not to mention the dark two that ran in and fell on the ground. Both are anxious.

These dark guards under the wing of Feng Yi Xuan are usually quiet when faced with life and death. In general, they are very cold and very stable. But today’s dark second has a dark look that is not followed. There is only one reason for them to be like this. It’s about Fengyixuan. The blue singer is standing up, and there is a hint of fear and fear in the look.

"What happened?" Even if the voice of Lan You Nian is still cold, but the eyes that have begun to tighten, or the alienation of the whole body, let people know that her heart is not as strong as the surface.

"Wang Hao, Wang Ye has infected the plague in Xianglin City!" said the second bite. In fact, when they first knew about this thing, they knew that this should hide Wang Hao. Wang Ye must have thought this way, but the plague is nothing else. What, that is the plague! Even the dark second class began to panic, and this time the prince had fallen, they found that they were the mainstay of them in their hearts, so they told Wang Hao the first time!

The weakened body of Lan Nian Nian’s body was stunned. When the dark three was ready to hold the blue mourning, the blue mourning was standing still. Her face was still white, but she did not show a sense of fear.

“Who else knows this thing?” asked Blue You, who knew that she must not panic or fall down at this time, because her Xuan had fallen, and if she fell again, how could she keep their home? What?

Looking at the steadfast Wang Hao, who is so quick, the second person’s anxious mentality seems to have settled a lot. Wang Hao stood there and they seemed to see the omnipotent Wang Ye standing there. It seems that no difficulty can be allowed. They bowed their heads.

The dark second immediately said, "This thing is known to everyone except the dark one and the ghost one, and no one else knows!"

When Feng Yixuan learned that he was infected with the plague, he not only let the dark ones wait for the sound, but also let the ghosts wait for the blue singer. Feng Yixuan knows better than anyone knows if he knows his condition. Then I don't know how much worry and fear, even if I don't show it.

"I will let the dark one and my brother lock the news immediately. I don't want to hear any news about Xuan dyeing the plague!" After sitting at the desk, Lan Yunian exudes the majesty of the superior. I don’t feel the pity that she usually gives people, sometimes jealousy and obedience!

Lan Younian knows that if the news of Fengyixuan’s infection with the plague is circulated, then not only those enemies of Fengyixuan will be robbed by fire, but even the moon-watching country will take the opportunity to attack the country, and Fengyixuan represents not only It is only a prince, or a patron saint of other countries!

"Yes!" Dark nodded and answered.

"Dark three, you and the dark four have to look after the ghost field and the palace in the recent period!" Blue Yuen said that he was ready to leave.

At this time, the dark three asked "Wang Hao? You think?..." Dark three and others all saw the intention of Lan Younian, but everyone was very worried, what Xianglin City is now, their intelligence is clearly recorded, and Even the princes have got the plague. If Wang Hao is going to do something now, then they don’t have to punish them, and they have no face to live anymore!

Lan You nodded, although he didn't want to talk, he wanted to fly directly to Feng Yi Xuan's side, but he also knew that the people around him were really caring for her. Blue You thought, according to his own irritated mind, "Don't worry, I I will go with the dark guard, and I was originally a poison!"

After the blue singer finished, he left the Pluto Palace and returned to the secluded pavilion to explain it casually. Then he left the capital with the blue front and rushed to Xianglin City, although the body of Lan You Nian was not good and now Still very weak, but because of the high martial arts and the blue anxious attitude, the speed of riding the two is still very fast.

Although Blue Blade and others are eager to accompany the lady, they also know that they need to manage the ruthless pavilion, and the back of the lady will be guarded...

After a few days of non-stop circumnavigation, Lan You Nian and Lan Feng finally came to the gate of Xianglin City. On the wall of Xianglin City, there were many soldiers standing in the mouth. They saw the blue sacred and blue on the horse. When the front, many soldiers stopped them!

"The plague of Xianglin City has been closed, no one can enter! Where are you coming, hurry!" The soldiers yelled at Lan Yuen and Lan Feng, because the plague in Xianglin City would spread to other cities, so When Fengyi Xuan entered Xianglin City, he ordered the closure of the city gate.

Lan Younian took a white dress and sat high, because he was afraid that his appearance would cause trouble, so the blue mourning at this moment veiled only reveals a pair of beautiful eyes, and Blue Front is black. The clothes followed the blue secluded back, and his face was cold and indifferent.

The eyes of Lan You Nian have already exuded the killing, not because of anything else, but because Feng Yi Xuan has been infected with the plague in the city of Xianglin, although it has not been transmitted to the capital, but thinking of Feng Yi Xuan In the heart of Xianglin City, the blue heart of the patient is distressed, and these days, she still receives the letter of Fengyi Xuan every day. Blue is very clear that even if Feng Yixuan is ill, he also does not want to worry about himself. Therefore, Lan You Nian is also a daily reply to the wind wing Xuan Xuan worry, if Feng Yi Xuan knows that he came to Xianglin City, Lan You Nian can think of Feng Wing Xuan worried.

"Let's get out!" Blue Front drove forward. She knew the anxiety and irritability of her own lady along the way. The young lady was very bad at this time. If these people are so embarrassed, they will not let them in. Blue Front does not guarantee that the lady will not directly kill. Many people think that Pluto kills people without blinking, but in fact, Miss is not much more than Pluto.

The strength of Blue Front also made the soldiers angry. After all, the soldiers just obey the above orders, and they are also good for these two women. Today, no one in Xianglin City wants to go in. If you go in, you can’t live. But these two women are so ignorant, the soldiers thought of it and took out the blade to scare the two women...

"What happened?" Dark ones guarded outside the room in Tuen Mun for a few days. I was afraid that something would happen when the master was weak. Today, just like the blue ink string and so on, so he just patrolled in Xianglin City today. It seems that something happened to the gate of the city and I will come to see it.

"A big man, these two women actually want to break into the city..." The soldiers are still ready to continue, but they find that they need to be wooed on weekdays. The big man actually went to the veiled woman in front of the veiled woman. .

"Wang Hao..." Dark one's eyes are a little moist. These days, when the main subject is infected with the plague, the body is weak, and there is no way to heal. The whole person is anxious to the headless flies. Now, seeing Wang Hao came here. I feel that Wang Ye must have hope, because the prince will not let Wang Hao be sad, and now the plague of Xianglin City is so serious that Wang Hao can still come over, and the dark one is also happy for the prince, Wang Hao really loves the prince.

The dark one of the "Wang Hao" let all the soldiers who guarded the city gates scared to the ground, not to mention that the Pluto is a wonderful girl who is praised by everyone, and is still the most favored prostitute of the Blue General, and now it is When Pluto holds the Pluto on the palm of the hand, the soldiers feel that their good days are coming to an end. They didn’t think that there was a Beijing city where the prostitutes would come to the Xianglin City where the plague spread. At the same time, the soldiers felt the future. The Pluto is really affectionate!

Lan You Nian did not dispose of the soldiers, not to mention that the soldiers are also responsible for doing so, and more importantly, Lan You Nian knows that these soldiers are the soldiers under the blue ink string, and Lan You Nian will not do things that make him embarrassed. .

Lan You Nian drove the horse into Xianglin City, and entered Xianglin City to see the current depressed atmosphere of Xianglin City, but at this time, the blue secluded eyes turned a blind eye to those miserable atmospheres, and the heart was filled with the condition of Feng Yixuan. It is led in front, but I always feel that Wang Ye is saved!

I have been coming to the wing of the backyard of Tuen Mun. As soon as I walked in, I heard that there seemed to be a dispute. When I saw it, I saw a woman in a pink dress standing in the courtyard outside the room. I took the medicine and wanted to enter the room, but I was stopped by Ghost and He Chuyang.

"Two adults, the little girl is only worried about Pluto's condition, there is no prostitute here, the little girl wants to go in to serve Pluto, but also hope that the two adults can fulfill!" Qiu Ling said with a low eyebrow and sad, she knows that Pluto has got it. When the plague, I knew that my chance came. At this time, Pluto was the weakest time. If I was not afraid to serve before the plague, then when Pluto is getting better, I am afraid that I can’t wait on the side of Pluto?

"Go away!" said the ghost, frowning. I really don't understand how this woman is so shameless, and Pluto is the little sister's husband. Now the younger sisters are not in them, they will not let other women touch Pluto, but the ghosts know even if they are overnight. They don't stop, and Pluto won't let this woman close.

“What?” He Chuyang saw the blue singer who just walked in and said with surprise. On the one hand, he was happy but very worried. What is the Xianglin City today? Everyone knows very well that a cousin is actually coming. He Chuyang felt his head hurt.

"Little sister!" When the ghost saw the blue mourning, there were not many accidents. They had been with the younger sister for so many years, and more or less knew the character of the younger sister. Now that the life of the prince is in jeopardy, how can the younger sister stay at ease? What about the capital?

Lan Nian nodded and went to the room, but the disgusting voice rang again at this time "Why can she go in?"

If it is a normal blue secluded mind, there will be a mood to play with such a woman who does not know so-called, but now the blue mourning mind is only Feng Yi Xuan, and the worry of these days almost did not let the blue secluded fall, so the blue mourning did not The woman’s words went into the wing.

"Because she is Wang Hao, what do you count?" The dark voice said coldly, and then waved to let Qiu Ling out, so that the woman also rushed to think of the prince, it is really stupid! Don't use Wang Hao to do it. If Wang Ye knows, Wang Ye will not allow it!

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