Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 33 with you shoulder

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This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

"Good..." What do you say is good, my thoughts... |

"No one is allowed in the future, I will stay with you..." Blue Nian said with a squint.

"Good!" Feng Yixuan used his hand to comb the hair of this thought and his face was gentle.

Lan You Nian Ming Ming knows that Feng Yi Xuan is installed but still distressed, and had to immediately come to the side of Feng Yi Xuan to gently pat the back of Feng Yi Xuan, wait until the wind wing Xuan is better, blue secluded lying On the legs of Feng Yixuan, "I won’t lie to me later!"

"Missing..." Fengyi Xuan wants to spoil, but unfortunately the eyes of Blue Nian Nian are still looking at the wind wing Xuan, Feng Yi Xuan is very clear today, if you don’t let me forget, I seem to be thinking about it tonight. Will not accompany himself to sleep, Feng Yi Xuan had to deliberately "cough..." coughing up, although with deliberate ingredients, but his body is indeed uncomfortable.

Feng Yi Xuan knows that this little girl will definitely find his own account. Now Feng Yi Xuan thinks that he is feeling bad, even if he really wants to die, then he will not let him go alone in this world, because Feng Yi Xuan is very Certainly no one loves to be more than himself, but at the time, I really didn't think so much. I just felt that I should protect my mind from being sad, but I forgot that the two people really need to share the same pains!

After feeding the wind wing 轩, after drinking the medicine, the blue singer slammed the medicinal bowl and put it down. Then he looked at the wind wing Xuan Xuan, you have a long way to go! It’s such a big thing. Don't tell me, hide me! Hey, you are wrong!"

Blue Nian Nian Duan medicine slowly began to feed Feng Yi Xuan, although Feng Yi Xuan is not willing to work hard, but looking at the look of taking care of himself now, Feng Yi Xuan is greedy to enjoy this hard-won gentle .

Feng Yi Xuan did not refute, but only looked at the blue secluded look of grievances. The sick Feng Yi Xuan is actually like a child, but this side only has blue sorrow to see.

"Why don't you sleep more?" Lan Younian put down the medicine bowl and immediately came to the bedside. He took the fold in the hand of Fengyi Xuan and said, "The body is like this. How is it still uneasy?"

When the blue scented medicine went into the room, I found that Fengyixuan had woke up and was leaning on the bedside to look at the fold in the hand, but when I saw the blue mourning, I showed a smile, although he was very Weakness, but after a while, the spirit is much better. Now, it’s better to see your thoughts with your own side.

Ghost wrote a prescription to let the dark go to take medicine, and then Lan Younian went to the decocting in person. This kind of thing can be given to the soldiers. However, Lan Younian is not at ease. I don’t want the King’s House to be a blue house. It is the unsafe Xianglin City. Blue sorrow can't make a trace of danger now eroding to Fengyixuan.

After listening to the blue singer, she was relieved. She had already planned that if Xuan’s condition was serious, then she would let Master come over. Lan Younian believed that Master’s medical skills would surely cure Feng Yi Xuan. Now I heard the ghost like this. Guaranteed, Lan Younian secretly thanked himself for letting Feng Yi Xuan carry out the medicinal bath.

"Small sister, you used to have a medicated bath for Pluto!" Ghost said affirmatively. "In fact, Pluto is now infected with the plague. It is not serious, and it will not lose its life like other people. If you take care of me, I will match it." You can't worry too much about the medicine, Pluto will recover!"

The plague, it is a terrible thing to say, but Lan You Nian does not know why Feng Yi Xuan must have nothing, she can certainly cure Feng Yi Xuan.

“Yeah!” Lan Nian nodded and then looked up and looked at the gloomy sky. “I want to know how Xuan’s physical condition is now? Is there any way to heal the plague as soon as possible?”

The ghost smiled and nodded, then asked, "Is it for the condition of Pluto?" The ghost could not see the worry that could not be stopped in the eyes of the younger sister.

Although Lan Younian is also concerned about the status of the plague, in the minds of Lan You Nian, these people are not as important as those around them. She never had such great kindness. Now they care about the plague because they Today is the people of the wind country, and the wind and summer is the emperor of the wind country.

"Big Brother!" Blue Nian Nian came to the side of Ghost One, and the voice contained fear. Although Ghost was often out of the valley for the ruthless medical clinic, this time the matter is so serious, it is also a matter for Ghost. Difficult "Don't be too tired!"

Lan Younian looked at the wind wing Xuan An after sleeping, gently got up and walked out of the room, just to see the ghost waiting outside, still a white dress, a long hair for the tie is just a random spread on the shoulder, let the ghost It seems to have more temperament, but the tired eyes illustrate the busyness of this time.

Lan Younian heard that Feng Yi Xuan said that he smiled, and then accompanied the Feng Yi Xuan to rest, so many Japanese wind wing Xuan was infected with the plague, but the work was not put on the same, so Feng Yi Xuan is also very sleepy. With the physical condition of today, Feng Yi Xuan is asleep for a while.

"Well, you are with me!" The sound of Feng Yi Xuan's magneticity is a little bit smooth, just like the drop of spring between the stones.

Feng Yi Xuan is as deep as a black hole, and the purple scorpion is deeply gazing at the blue eyes in front of me. The hoarse and **** voice is full of deep love. "I always know the strength of my thoughts, just... I feel bad... "Even if you know that you are very strong, even if you know that you are not an ordinary woman, but because you love you too much, you will always be worried.

"Since you don't, how can you think that I will? Xuan, I don't want to do the syllabus attached to the arbor, and I don't want to pay for Yushu. I just want to be with you, not just hiding in you. Under the wing!" Blue Yu Nian looked at the wing of the phoenix Xuan said the serious.

"No!" Feng Yixuan replied that no matter how he misses, he will not be afraid that he will stay with him and die with his life!

Regardless of the eyes that Feng Yixuan disapproved, Lan Younian directly entered the quilt into the embrace of Feng Yi Xuan. He asked the Xuan, "If you are infected with the plague now, then you will be afraid?" Will you leave?"

This story of Feng Yi Xuan really makes Lan Yuen angry. Although she knows that Feng Yi Xuan is just too worried about herself, she is still not happy. If she is not looking at Feng Yi Xuan, she is now weak and blue. Maybe it's really hands-on.

"I am infected with the plague. You are so close to me, you know that you will also be infected with the plague?" Feng Yixuan said that he also felt a little distressed. He didn't know that he was thinking for himself. He was happy to care about himself. However, in the heart of Feng Yixuan, although he knows that he is a phoenix flying in the sky, he still hopes that the sky is created by himself, because he is too deep in love. I will be so worried.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the blue mourning of the servant, because the veil had been picked down. Feng Yi Xuan also found that the blue sacred thoughts were also thinner. Some of the fleshy cheeks that he had carefully cared for in the past few days also changed. The thinness, Feng Yixuan stretched out his hand from the quilt to touch the face of the blue secluded, then sighed low.

The blue ink string looked at the two people's eyes and there was no other person, and they quietly left the room. Now my sister has come to Xianglin City, the blue ink string, I believe that my sister will take good care of Pluto, they should also take a good look. The plague is gone.

Lan Younian saw that Fengyi Xuan was getting ready to get up and ran to the bed and held down the wing wing that wanted to get up. The red eyes looked very pitiful, and the voice still had a slight cry. "The body is like this. It’s not honest!” He said that he had covered the quilt with Fengyixuan and sat on the bedside watching the man who had lost a lot of weight.

Feng Yixuan did not think that the woman she missed day and night appeared in front of her. Feng Yi Xuan was undoubtedly happy, but for a time she thought of herself infected with the plague and the unsafe Xianglin City. Wing Xuan just worried about what he was going to say, and he saw tears in his eyes and pitiful eyes. Feng Yixuan decided what to worry about and what did not care. He quickly prepared to get up from the bed and push the woman into the room. In the arms.

Lan You Ming clearly told herself that she could not cry, but at this time she still silently shed tears. She felt that she was really planted when she met Feng Yi Xuan. Her tears seemed to be because of this man!

At this time, Fengyi Xuan lay there, usually a white face than the average man, but now revealed a pathological pale, but for a while, I did not see the blue secluded, I found that Fengyi Xuan lost a lot, under the eyes The gray ash is also very obvious. I smell the smell of the room. The blue sorrow is distressed and angry at the same time. The voice also carries a grievance that I don’t even know. "You are all like this. Do you think I can still be alright?"

I heard the sound of Feng Yi Xuan’s coughing, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. The blue-eyed eyes looked at the wind wing Xuan in the first sight. Feng Yi Xuan also discovered the first time. Blue Nian Nian, Feng Yi Xuan's eyes have a happy and excited.

"Missing these days in Beijing is good? Keke..." Feng Yixuan asked, and he coughed up when he hadn't finished talking. Even if he would receive a letter every day, he couldn't stop thinking. And worry.

Lan You Nian wiped her own eyes, she was afraid that she would not help crying when she saw Feng Yi Xuan, she was afraid that Feng Yi Xuan would feel bad. She is even more worried. Once the wind wing Xuan will enter the room, he will find it, but now he has been standing here for so long, he did not find himself, and Lan Nian thought he must be weak. In fact, Lan Younian really smashed Feng Yi Xuan, although Feng Yi Xuan is very weak at this time, but the vigilance left in the bones is still there. As for why there is no blue mourning, just because the blue secluded for the wind wing Xuan is too familiar, is familiar with the bones, so I did not find it. For example, when Songs enters the room, Fengyi Xuan will find out.

"Today's letter has not come yet..." Blue ink string said that the heart is also a bit uncomfortable, who can think of the high above the Pluto will actually be infected with the plague? More importantly, even at this time, what Pluto thinks is only the sister's thoughts. If it is not for Pluto to stop him, he should tell his sister Pluto. Even if Pluto does not say it, everyone will see that Pluto is very Missing my sister.

These days, although Feng Yi Xuan was infected with the plague, but the things in his hands did not stop, more importantly, he was waiting for the reply every day, only at that time, Feng Yixuan’s eyes would be gentle. some.

"Missing today's letter?" Although Feng Yixuan's voice still contains the same breath of cold wind, but Lan You Nian still heard the weakness of this voice, the eyes of the blue and blue thoughts will be red, this Blue mourning has no expression on the way, but now I hear the voice of Feng Yi Xuan, but I suddenly want to cry, not for myself but for the man.

Lan Younian pushed the door of the wing and walked in gently. Before he entered the room, he heard the sound of Fengyixuan and the blue ink string. <!--End of chapter content-->

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