After these days, Lan Yu Nian’s careful care of Feng Yi Xuan’s body has been much better. It can be said that Feng Yi Xuan’s plague is now completely better, but because of illness, Feng Yi Xuan’s body is still relatively good. Weakness.

When the body is good, Fengyixuan is ready to get up and handle the affairs, because today's Xianglin City has been well managed by them, but the plague has not been removed. Every day, people are infected with the plague, and every day people die. If this is the case, Going on, Feng Yi Xuan knows that this Xianglin City has really become a dead city.

“What do you want to do?” Lan Younian took the medicated meal into the room and found that Fengyi Xuan was preparing to get up and asked quickly.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at his eyes and flashed distressed. These days, because of his body, he always takes care of himself by himself. No matter how he persuaded her not to give up, now he is not so thin but he is thin. A lot.

Feng Yi Xuan got up and took care of the medicinal food in his hand. Then he negotiated and said, "I am already good. I can't control the outside of the string. You can rest assured that I will take care of myself!"

Lan Nian Nian carefully looked at Feng Yi Xuan and said "Xuan, you can go out to deal with things but can't work, and must also allow me to check the plague with my eldest brother!" Ghost now cares for those infected with the plague. However, Lan Younian is also very worried about seeing his heart, so I want to help, but this time, Feng Yixuan is not good, and there is no such idea, but now she can't look at it like that.

Feng Yi Xuan wants to refuse but thinks about what he once said, and then asks "your body?" After all, the plague is not talking about playing. Although he is coming over now, this process is really not too good. .

"Xuan, you can rest assured that this plague will not infect me at all!" Lan Youn said with a smile, her body has been tempered by many poisons, and because of detoxification, it can be said that many good herbs in this world. She has eaten it. If this also makes a plague infected, then Master does not know how annoyed.

Feng Yixuan listened to this and said that his heart was also slightly relieved. He also knew that if he always kept his mind in this way, although he would not say anything, he might not be happy.

Feng Yixuan stretched out his palm and stroked the long hair of Lan Younian. He said, "Good! But don't let yourself be tired!" Although he is the prince of this wind country, in his eyes, the people of this wind country add up. It’s important to have no hair.

"Yeah!" Blue Nian Nian promised nod, then happy to start finishing clothes for Fengyixuan.

When Feng Yixuan walked out of the door and walked into the camps, the people who were infected with the plague seemed to see hope. After all, they learned that Pluto was infected with the plague some time ago, but now the standing of Pluto is not representative. They also have the hope of living?

Because of the personal arrangement of Fengyixuan, the order of the entire Xianglin City was much better. Even if Fengyixuan did not do anything, the momentum of the whole body shook a lot of people, and the entire camp was quiet.

At this time, Lan Younian was placed in another house, which is all the people who have been infected with the plague. In some respects, many people here are waiting for the dead, but the blue It is clear that many people here are the landowners of this Xianglin City farmland, and because of the illness of these people, the farmland of the entire Xianglin City has stagnated.

When Lan Younian walked into the resettlement house, the people thought that the fairy who saw it, the whole resettlement room was quiet, even the children infected with the plague no longer cried and looked at the fairy sister they had never seen before. .

Lan Younian is still not applied powder today, a black hair was turned into a delicate butterfly 被 by Feng Yi Xuan, the rest of the long hair vertical legs, hair only a sheep white jade butterfly 簪. A unique white dress, the upper body is like a tight-fitting style of cheongsam, the cuffs and neckline are dotted with a flower-like Manzhu Shahua, and the lower part is a long skirt, like the one-of-a-kind Manzhusha. China.

"Wang Hao!" Dark one and some soldiers of Fengyi Xuan saw the luggage immediately after seeing the blue mourning. They all knew that Wang Hao came to Xianglin City. Everyone recognized and admired Wang Hao from the heart. A woman who had not yet had the first had Such love and courage, which makes many iron-blooded soldiers dare not take a nap. Perhaps I don't understand why Pluto loved this Wang Hao so much, but now they understand that Wang Hao is indeed worthy of being so loved by Wang.

Lan You Nian nodded and looked at the soldiers under Feng Yi Xuan, it is easy to find that these are the flanked soldiers of Feng Yi Xuan, because only the soldiers of Feng Yi Xuan will have such an unstoppable momentum, but because of this The busy schedule of time made every soldier smash a lot, even the darkness became messy, and because it was the cause of the plague, there was no woman to help, it was a group of lords, so even if Fengyi Xuan would plan things. Very good, but not careful, many people are still panicked.

"You have worked hard!" Lan You Nian looked at everyone and said, it is not a polite chill, but a real sigh, because these people are the hands of Feng Yi Xuan, so the blue secluded is like the ruthless pavilion.

The dark one waited for a glimpse. They followed the prince for many years. They didn’t know how many lives and deaths they had experienced but never regretted. Although Wang Ye was cold-blooded, he never blamed the brothers underneath but never talked much, but now Wang Hao’s concern But let everyone feel a lot warmer.

"Not hard!" The people replied in unison, but also to tell the truth. They experienced a lot of days of lurking on the battlefield. It was really hard at that time, but now they feel very happy because of Wang Hao’s concern!

The people in the resettlement room were surprised. They didn't think that the future of the high-ranking Pluto was actually coming to the Xianglin City, which is now disgusting to everyone. What's more, now the Pluto is standing on their people who are infected with the plague. In the eyes, there is no trace of disappointment in the eyes, just warm warmth.

Many of the people have got up and bowed, even if they think that Wang Hao seems to be very close to the people, but since the gap between the ancient people and the officials, they don’t want to lose their lives because they didn’t have a gift, and Lan Nian’s thoughts are still slightly smiling. No rejection, because she knew she could not stop their movements.

At this time, a child infected with the plague was also given a gift by his parents, but because the body was weak, the ceremony fell, because the resettlement room was very quiet, so everyone looked at it. Children, many people are very sympathetic to look at the child, thinking that this child is afraid that today can not live, they have seen more examples of those official women who want to murder the people.

But in the eyes of everyone, Lan Nian Nian was always smiling and came to the five-year-old child. She extended her white and transparent hands to help the child. Although the movement was not gentle, it always made people Being able to feel the warmth, the child looked at the blue sacred eyes with a squint, and then suddenly took the hand of Blue Nian Nian and said, "Sister Sister! Are you coming to save us?"

The heart that everyone just put down suddenly got a cold sweat from the action of this child, because the child’s hand is covered with dust and mud, so it can be clearly seen when the child pulls the hand of the blue mind. The feeling of contrast.

The smile of Lan Youn’s mouth touched the child’s small head, and the voice was soft, but the whole resettlement room could hear and say, “Sister is here to help you, so you have to drink medicine to listen to the Olympics! ”

"Well, A Niu will be obedient!" The child nodded hard, and then let go of the blue secluded hand under the pull of his parents.

The practice of Lan Nian Nian’s close to the people has caused many people to let go of their fears and uneasiness. The blue mourning pendulum puts a group of people up, and then Lan You Nian puts down a future prince and a county lord. Shelf, for each person, distributes the pills developed by Ghost.

No matter what Lan Nian Nian thinks for these people, they are all personally involved. There is no shelf for the generals. But if you look at her, it’s impossible, because the blue sacred body’s momentum does not dare to let those The people’s arrogance, the effect of Enwei’s application is that the people like this Pluto more, but in just a few days, the name of Lan You Nian has spread throughout the Xianglin City, and many people are sent outside the Tuen Mun every day. A variety of things to express your heart, you can say that the name of the blue secluded mind is more popular than the prince of the wind!

When Feng Yixuan saw so many people love and respected, Feng Yi Xuan was as proud as the one who was respected, and after seeing it, he fiercely kissed him and kissed him. I can’t help but feel proud of my thoughts.

Today, Lan Younian took the blue front and washed it in the morning. After the plague of Xianglin City was rampant, the good food here did not cause famine, so there was no problem other than the plague.

"Blue County Lord!"

"The county master is good!"

"The county owner is early!"

"The fairy sister's main sister is beautiful today!"

When Lan Yu Nian went out of the door, he saw many people greet each other. The eyebrows were all goodwill. Perhaps the face of Lan You Nian was too deceptive. Perhaps the care of the blue mourning in recent days has made the people see it. Hope and warmth, so now in the eyes of those people, the blue singer really becomes a fairy.

Originally, everyone called Blue You Nian as Pluto, but the blue ink string feels that the sister has not married to Pluto after all. If people know that they don’t know how to arrange their sisters, now everyone will become the blue prince for the county!

Along the way, all kinds of greetings from the people passed. When they were ready to walk into the camps and resettlement houses, Blue Front rushed to "Miss, Dagongzi let the lady go to the pharmacy!"

Ghosts have stayed in the pharmacy for these days and have not come out. Even the food is sent to the blue ink string. Ghosts have carefully developed ways to resist the plague, and today the ghost suddenly finds himself, Lan Younian I feel that Ghost may have found a way to resist the plague.

------Off topic ------

Recently, Jane, who is busy in the flower shop, has not had time to eat. I was still preparing to go out in the spring, and now my friends have left Jane.

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