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"Yes!" Blue Front said, dragging Qiuling on the ground...

In the sales of gold pavilions, there are actually many women who are not selling themselves, and many prostitutes have their own ideas, but the third-class prostitutes in the sales cabinet are the worst, the kind of women are not any The rebellious pick-up does not say that it is still the kind of men who are particularly abnormal, so this Qiu Ling looks like it will not last long.

"Oh, huh..." Lan You Nian smirked, and then pointed to Qiu Ling, who had not passed out, saying, "Take her to the sales hall and tell the third brother that this woman is very smart and should be a third-class prostitute!" ”

Blue Feng carefully observed, and then seriously answered "Generally, you can also enter the eye!" Do not blame Blue Front's high vision, it is really they look at the face of Miss every day, now with the grace of Pluto, look for a long time The most beautiful face in the world, the average woman can't really watch now.

“How is the color?” asked Lan Youxiao with a smile.

"Blue Front!" Lan Younian yelled at the outside, and then Blue Front walked into the room. Blue Front was stunned by seeing Qiu Ling’s eyes lying dead and dead. This woman even dared to think that Pluto was really I don't know what to do, in the eyes of everyone today, Pluto is Miss!

But before I went to Qiu Ling to climb a few cloths, I was opened by Feng Yixuan. The wind wing Xuan did not even look at the eyelids. The human life was nothing in his eyes.

"Blue County Master..." Qiu Ling climbed and prepared to climb to the feet of Lan Younian. If she had just thought about it, then now she looks at the blue-country Lord’s cold and cruel appearance. Qiu Ling is very clear, Blue County The Lord is definitely not a good person, not a woman like a fairy who is rumored outside. This woman is terrible.

"Xuan is mys? You dare to think about it?" The blue whispering tone suddenly became severe. "You may not know that this county lord hates the woman who thinks about the county magistrate. You said, Ben. How should the county owner handle you?"

Lan Younian nodded secretly, this Qiu Ling not only has a beautiful color but also knows how to advance and retreat. Putting down the lower body, Lan You Nian was originally prepared to produce Qiuling’s thoughts for a while, because Lan Yu Nian thought of a better one. way of doing.

"Little girl..." Qiu Ling’s eyes flashed a vicious light, but she still bowed her head and said, "The slave knows!"

"Is Qiu Ling? You shouldn't call yourself a slave? After all, you are not the daughter of an official today. It's just a lonely woman who is so ignorant. Now you look like a famous lady?" Lan You Nian ridiculed, although she usually does not like to speak on her mouth, but who makes her feel good today? So she is happy to talk to this woman to fight her.

"Little girl Qiu Ling..." Qiu Ling really does not understand what the blue county owner wants to do, but looking at Pluto does not seem to reprimand what he just said, Qiu Ling feels that she still has hope.

"What's your name?" Lan Youn asked casually, seemingly asking what a cat and dog.

"It is indeed your fault!" Lan You Nian looked at Qiu Ling who was there, a woman with ambition to climb up. There is nothing wrong with it. Even women who want to get a man by their own beauty are not wrong. But it is a pity that this woman did not have long eyes and dared to think about her man...

Blue secluded and held the palm of the hand to prepare the hands of the hand, the beautiful face suddenly smiled, just like the thousand years of snow lotus blooms instantly, a sweet smile appeared on the glamorous face, such as a pleasant splash of ink, moving My heart is also letting Feng Yixuan’s heart settle down, knowing that this is not angry.

"Missing..." Feng Yixuan's face is cold. Although he knows that he is convinced of his own thoughts, he still feels worried that he will be angry. He is even more disgusted with Qiu Ling's death. He has already considered giving Qiu Ling Throwing it into the dark and tormenting, even dare to provoke the relationship between himself and his thoughts, how can Fengyixuan tolerate it.

"Blue County Master..." Qiu Ling was afraid to look at the woman who did not do anything but made herself feel breathing difficulties, but Qiu Ling was not reconciled. She endured the fear of her heart and said, "Blue County Lord, the little girl has... It doesn't matter that the fault of the little girl..."

Qiu Ling thought that the blue county owner would surely doubt Pluto when he saw himself, so that the temper of the blue county owner who was usually at home would definitely get angry or beat himself, so that Pluto would see blue. The county magistrate's arrogance, and thus seeing his own pity, he can stay in the side of Pluto, but Qiu Ling quietly looked at the blue county master, but found that the blue county owner relied on the delicate flower as the Pluto The chest is like a smile, looking at myself with a smile, and Qiu Ling feels that things don't seem to be good.

The expression of the slogan is very clear to tell the blue mourning, the relationship between this woman and Feng Yi Xuan, coupled with the woman's uneven appearance, more confident, but unfortunately she encountered blue secluded I read, I am very convinced that the blue wing of Feng Yi Xuan.

"Blue County Lord!" Qiu Ling suddenly fell to the ground in horror, and then looked very shyly at the Pluto sitting there, his cheeks were flushed.

Although Lan Younian saw that this woman with a breasted breast was very uncomfortable at the moment of entering the door, but Lan You Nian also knew that Feng Yi Xuan never looked at the woman, and at the moment of entering the room, the blue mourning I have already felt the fluctuations and murderousness of the internal forces. Blue sings clearly that if she did not come back, she was afraid that Fengyi Xuan had killed the woman. But what surprised Lan Yunian was that his own Lord had returned, and the woman in front of her eyes seemed to be not ready to leave yet?

"Missing..." Fengyi Xuan put the folds aside and stood up and took the blue mourning in his arms without hesitation. The two men sat at the desk, and the same stunning appearance combined with the height of the two. The impossible momentum makes two people seem to be inseparable.

Qiu Ling did not think that the Blue County Lord would come back so soon. After all, the Blue County Lord went to take care of the people and they came back at night. Qiu Ling thought that he would climb the bed of Pluto and cook the mature rice. Even if the Blue County Lord came back, there is no way, but now I see the blue county owner standing there, Qiu Ling feels like a clown. The Ming Lan County master did not do anything, but Qiu Ling felt embarrassed, and felt that the Blue County Lord was looking down on himself. Qiu Ling looked at the blue county master and looked at the blue county master after watching the sight of the Pluto. Unlike myself, even if I took off my clothes, I couldn’t get the attention of Pluto. Qiu Ling’s thoughts were even more uneven.

Lan Younian looked at the woman standing there, recognizing that the woman was the woman who was thrown out that day. The woman’s face was red and red, and a pair of big eyes looked at herself with water, wearing a pink lotus skirt. Because the opening of the collar allows Lan Younian to see the waves of the woman's chest, the whole person looks like a water lotus in the beginning of summer, extremely enchanting.

"Xuan, tell you a good news!" The sweet voice with the woman's unique beauty, like the sky around the beam ringing in the room, then the blue sorrow into the room, but in that moment blue The face of Yu Nian’s face was cold, and the smile on his face became cold. At this moment, the momentum of the blue and blue mind was very similar to that of Feng Yi Xuan.

"Hey!" The sound of the door to open the room sounded.

Qiu Ling walked away to Fengyi Xuan, and deliberately pulled her clothes down. It showed the pair of white on the chest, but unfortunately, Fengyi Xuan did not look at it. Xuan’s palm has already transported the internal force and is ready to send the woman directly to see the king!

Looking at Pluto seems to be unmoved, just looking at the fold in the hand, Qiu Ling's eyes flashed unwillingly! She knows that Pluto also knows a man. Since it is a man who doesn't care about the enchanting voice he has studied for many years? Qiu Ling looked at the Pluto who was sitting there and could not conceal the temperament of the king. She decided to go out and she did not believe that this great beauty could not seduce Pluto, and did not believe that there was a man who could not sit still! Although she admits that the Blue County Lord is really beautiful, I am afraid that it is hard to find a comparable in this world, but the beautiful woman will have an annoying day every day. The purity of her own demon and the blue county are completely different. !

There are a touch of disgusting light in the eyes of Feng Yixuan. The knives of the knives are in the Yang Guan, reflecting the cold light of the monks. The sound of Qiu Ling not only does not stimulate any pity of Feng Yi Xuan, but makes Feng Yi Xuan even more Disgusting, more miss the morning of leaving, only the voice of the mind can calm the heart of Feng Yixuan.

"Pluto..." The twirling voice turned a few bends in Qiu Ling's mouth. It was just a title but let Qiu Ling call out the taste of a beautiful snake. If such a voice is placed in those brothels, it is not necessary to look at it. Will make men want to stop.

Feng Yi Xuan looked up and saw that the person is a woman. There is no impression in the eyes of Feng Yi Xuan. At this time, the pair of purple eyes are full of coldness and killing. This kind of killing makes Qiu Ling shake. Suddenly, I was a little scared, because the beauty I dressed up today seems to have no use in the eyes of Pluto. Qiu Ling couldn’t see herself from the pair of purple eyes. Maybe she said that Pluto did not look at herself at all. Ling felt that she was a dust beside Pluto.

Even if Qiu Ling knows that Pluto's cruelty and ruthlessness have seen the means of killing Pluto, but at this moment, seeing such a beautiful Meiwang Qiuling is still heart-warming, not only because of power but also because he wants to get this man, hoping to stay with this man. I hope that this man can treat himself like the Blue County Lord. No, maybe not so much sincerity, as long as Pluto can see himself and have a heart in his heart, Qiu Ling feels that everything is enough.

When Qiu Ling walked in, she saw the Pluto sitting there. At this time, the Pluto did not seem to have the suffocation. It was impossible to describe the temperament and beauty of Pluto. All the prosperous beauty and temperament, the whole body's temperament is more precious, more and more dusty, such as the blue sleeves that have been smashed in the mountains, dancing the natural gas of the mountains, people dare not swear, can only look at his dusty appearance.

Feng Yi Xuan is very clear that people are not thinking, because the breathing and footsteps of the thoughts can not be clearly understood, and the darker ones are even more likely to smack the room without slamming, but the wind wing can also Hearing that a person is a woman who does not have martial arts, Feng Yi Xuan does not want to see what the people want to do, it is sent by the forces of that side.

Qiu Ling softly pushed the door of the room away, but at this time, the wind-winged eyes in the room were flashing cold light. If this is a person who wants to kill the wing wing, the wing Xuan can kill people when they come into the room.

Qiu Ling’s low body slowly came to the door of the largest and best room where Feng Yi Xuan lived. Although she did not see Pluto these days, she slammed the blue lord and lived with Pluto. What kind of fairy is in the room? Didn't he climb the bed of Pluto at a young age? Qiu Ling thinks that people like Pluto must have looked at the blue bed master's bed. Although Qiu Ling is still a place, but she has learned all the means, she can be sure that if she can wait for Pluto today, she will definitely Let Pluto be fascinated by yourself, when the Blue County Lord is nothing in front of himself! The soldiers under Pluto will not look down on themselves anymore!

Normally, Feng Yi Xuan’s room is guarded by people, but because I have been going out to manage the people who have been infected with the plague every day, Feng Yi Xuan knows that the martial arts are clearly ignorant. But I still have to worry about it, so let the dark ones bring the martial arts, after all, the good soldiers hide in the dark to protect the thoughts, so now there are many guards outside the backyard of this door, but the inside is very quiet, but Qiu Ling is just Live in a house in the far backyard.

At this time, in the corner of the backyard of Tuen Mun, sneaking away from a woman, isn’t it the autumn that was scared by Lan Youn in the past few days? These days, Qiu Ling hopes to be able to reach Pluto, but it is a pity that the daily Pluto is either inseparable from the Blue County Lord, or is going out to inspect the people infected with the plague. Qiu Ling has no chance to reach Pluto. She didn't dare to arbitrarily chase. After all, she saw that the eyes of the people were not stunned when she saw the people in the past few days. Although she was scared, Qiu Ling knew that if she missed the opportunity, then she could only be behind this. In the city of Xianglin, she married an ordinary wealthy businessman. She didn't want to, so she had to gamble!

In the backyard of Tuen Mun, Feng Yi Xuan did not go out to visit Xianglin City today, but stayed in the room to handle a lot of official duties. These folds were sent from the capital of the city and he needed to deal with it immediately. Seriously reviewing the book in front of the desk.

Blue Nian Nian went out of the pharmacy with the pill developed by Ghost, and quickly went to the people infected with the plague...

Lan Nian nodded and knew that it was not too late. Now a little waste of time will take away some people’s lives. Although the plague has been controlled a little better in these days, the body burned every day is still pushed by a car. go.

The ghost frowned. "I haven't started the experiment yet. I shouldn't be sure, but I shouldn't leave it. I will take the developed pills first to give the people who have serious plagues a try. How can the effect be? See it!"

“Really?” asked Lan Youn, happily, holding the black pill in his hand and smelling it. A fresh medicinal fragrance seemed to make people feel shocked.

After listening to the blue singer, I was very happy. After all, if I couldn’t control the plague, this Xianglin City would probably be abandoned. It’s not blue sorrowful kindness for those people, but blue sorrow is very clear. The meaning of the country. Because of some knowledge of the previous life, Lan Nian Nian told the ghosts some of the things that inhibited the plague. Those things are not clear to them, so they just hold the attitude of trying, but they didn’t think that the ghosts turned out to be. Really developed a way to curb the plague, Lan Nian Nian thought that the future of Ghost I might be more powerful than Master.

"Little sister, you are here!" When the ghost saw the blue mourning, his eyes glowed, and then he took the blue mourning and came to his side and pointed at the medicinal materials and said, "Little sister, the brother listened to your suggestion." After that, I finally developed a pill that inhibits the plague!" Speaking of medical treatment, the ghost is full of spirits. In the heart of Ghost, except for the younger sister and the younger brother, only the doctor is the ghost. And favorite.

Some dark pharmacies are filled with the taste of various herbs, and the busy ghosts are still wearing white robes a few days ago. The robes are stained with pieces of medicine stains. The scattered black hair seems to be long-lasting. The knots that have not been taken care of, the ghosts at this time have the momentum of the usual high-spirited people, and people feel that they are close to each other.

"Big Brother!" Blue Nian chanted the door of the pharmacy and went straight into the pharmacy.


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