The sky is clear, the blue sky in the autumn is white clouds, the spring breeze is blowing, the spring is warm, the wind is sunny, the red color of Jiaoyang adds a touch of color to the sunny day, and today is also the day of the wind wing Xuan and Lan Younian .

In the garden of Yu Nian Pavilion, everyone only feels fragrant and fragrant, and the grass is so cold and green, and the vines are vines. The grass stalks of the grass are swaying through the stone, trying to grow upwards, and there are many people sitting in the garden, whether they are ghost doctors and five apprentices, or Lan Jianjun with his son and daughter-in-law, even He Taifu takes The family has been waiting in the garden, waiting for the bride to dress up and say a few words, is also a blessing to marry a woman.

At this time, the blue mourning of the boudoir in the attic was sitting in front of the bronze mirror in the middle of the robes, letting his aunt hold the mahogany comb and brushing the blue hair to read the long hair that had grown to the legs. There is no pause in the long black hair.

"A comb is combed to the head, and Ronghua is rich and rich."

Two combs combed to the head, the husband and wife loved the common head

Three combs combed to the head, children and grandchildren

Then comb it to the head, and the four seasons will never be safe.

Comb combing to the head, the descendants of the generations of the princes

Then comb and comb it to the head, and the wealth has spread all over Kyushu."

The sound of a blessing sounded in the ear of the blue singer made the blue sorrow look a little embarrassed. The scene that once experienced with Feng Yixuan flashed in front of the blue singer’s eyes. Now she sits here and puts her makeup on her hair. In order to be the wife of that person, become the soul of each other.

"Look, let's apply for your makeup..." Yue Bailian sat next to the blue mourning, and the voice awakened the blue mourning that was being recalled.

Lan Youn looked back and found that my aunt had left. It should be to explain other things. At this time, the blue room, blue dance, blue front, Hua Mu and Yue Bailian were sitting in the boudoir, and today’s own bride. The makeup is for the white lotus to do. After all, the royal princess is still the queen. Even if the white lotus does not love these, the makeup method is really impeccable.

Lan Younian had applied rouge gouache for this purpose, but the blue sorrow that had never been applied to was already fascinating. Moon White Lotus carefully applied the rouge to the blue sorrow, and the red Zhu color was in the pink Lips, but for a while, a peerless beauty has already appeared in the bronze mirror. If you say that the blue sorrow that has never been applied is beautiful, like a fairy with a fairy and no fireworks, but the blue sorrow after makeup is definitely a fairy, a spirit of the goblin, even if she is nothing. Doing it can also win people's hearts.

"It's beautiful!" Yue Bailian puts on the rouge gouache in his hands, and his eyes are all amazing. Even a few people in the squatting room are fainted by the blue secluded fascination! It is not that the blue secluded thoughts were not beautiful, but the beauty is too far away, and the blue secluded thoughts usually try to converge on their own beauty, such as the same group of ice as people dare not approach. But today's blue and beautiful are very public, like a group of fires can burn anyone.

Lan You Nian looked at the beautiful beauty in the mirror and smiled. It was such a smile that made the flower squat on the nose and said, "Let's not laugh, don't smile at us! Fortunately, we are not men, I really don't know. Tonight is to say that Pluto is blessed, or do you think that Pluto will be shocked by your beauty!"

"Yeah, our lady is the first beauty in the world, Pluto can see that Miss is really the blessing of Pluto!" Blue dance looked at such a beautiful lady, thinking that if Miss is such a dress every day, it will definitely make the whole The wind country is dumped.

"When are you, you still know the poor mouth!" Lanqu said that the bride's crown that was sent to Pluto a few days ago was carefully brought to the blue mourning.

This bride's crown is infinitely adorned with the treasures that are hard to find in the world. Even the bead curtains that cover the face under the crown are all a few beads that are hard to buy. More importantly, each of these beads is Windwing Xuan personally put it on.

The face of the red head with the red face is looming, and the beauty of the temptation is really unstoppable.

Lan Younian helped the bride's head on his head. He thought that the heavy head was actually very light, and the blue mourning didn't feel any uncomfortable feelings. Even if others didn't say blue, they knew this. It must be that Feng Yi Xuan thought of it, and only he would be so careful, even if he is married today, he will not be wronged.

Hua Mu took a box and Lan Yu Nian knew that it was her wedding dress, but in fact she had never seen this wedding dress, because the wedding dress was sent to the Yu Nian Pavilion in the early morning, I heard that it is please The best embroidered emperor in the world was embroidered for half a year.

Lan Younian took the box and opened it for a moment and was shocked by the beautiful wedding dress. I knew that the wedding dress prepared by Feng Yixuan must be the best, but I really saw the blue mourning. Still inevitably surprised.

The spread of the flaming wedding dress is as noble as the phoenix of Zheng Fei Gao Fei. The style of the wedding dress is very simple but reveals a noble and glamorous, embroidered in the hem of the wedding dress. At first glance, Blue Nian Nian fell in love with this wedding dress. She thought that if she had to make her own wedding dress, it would not be as good.

"Time is not early, or change into a wedding dress earlier!" Yue Bailian ordered, it is really everyone who was shocked by the big hand of Feng Yi Xuan, just a wedding dress has been luxurious to this extent, Yue Bailian The Queen's robes are not as good as the ones of this wedding dress, and I am very satisfied with the practice of Pluto.

In the blue song and the blue dance, Lan Younian put on a fiery wedding dress in the summer. In the blue front, he wore the embroidered shoes in the summer, and now the blue and elegant sitting on the embroidered bed, the quiet is like the most beautiful Landscape painting.

"Go to the Blue General, please come in! This cover is supposed to be...but now it is the same for the father who is going to do it!" Yue Bailian said, the bride's hijab should be the mother or grandmother or grandmother. To do it, but Lan You Nian really does not have these relatives, so Yue Bailian thinks that the Blue General is also a favorite of the mind, so there is nothing that does not conform to the rules.

When Lan Jianjun walked into the attic, he saw a peerless woman sitting quietly there. Lan Jianjun even felt that he had seen the dead lady in a moment, but the temperament of the two people was very different, a cold A weak one.

"Looking..." Lan Jianjun's loving kindness looked at the well-behaved daughter sitting there. He used to have the daughter's childhood. He did not fulfill his father's responsibility. He thought that he must make up for his daughter's time in the future. But I didn't think that my daughter would marry when she blinked. Lan Jianjun thought about coming to the bedside of her daughter.

"Father!" Lan Younian did not move because he was wearing a wedding dress, but he still had a happy voice. In such a happy day, there are relatives and friends around, and Lan Nian thought very satisfied.

"When you are so big, you are so big, today you are going to marry!" Lan Jianjun looked at his daughter and his wife had a similar face and said, "You will not be a child in the future, you have to think twice about everything." However, although the temper is not good, but Pluto is not good, but it is true to you. There is no other woman in Pluto. You are the hostess in the future. There is nothing to worry about for the father. If you have time, come back and see. Always your home!"

A sentence made Lan Yu Nian's heart warm, and Blue Nian did not answer. He just listened to his father sitting next to him for a long time. After a while, Lan Jianjun said that he was almost the same, only to pick up the hijab in the plate. .

At the moment of the cover, Blue Jianjun’s eyes became red, and his daughter finally got married...

"Let Mr. and his father-in-law come in!" Lan Jianjun told the flower-mu, and did not want others to see his eyes.

Before the woman marries, she will cover her own words with her own family, but the blue mourning is a little different, because her mother family does not say much, there are still many men! Even the grandfather came in as a maiden's family. Although Lan Nian Nian could not see everyone with the hijab, but he heard the footsteps but knew who was around him.

"Hey granddaughter!" He Taifu was supported by Lan Jianjun, watching the granddaughter think that the day the daughter was married is like this, but the daughter went early but this granddaughter is definitely a blessing.

"Grandfather!" Lan Younian screamed sweetly. This old man is very important to see what rituals are bound to, but every time he encounters his own things, this old stubborn will support himself, no matter what he wants to do.

"In the future, although it is the prince of Pluto, but also remember that you are the granddaughter of the old man!" He Taifu's words are also considered to support his granddaughter.

"You know it!" The face under the cover of Lan You Nian revealed a smile.

"Little sister, if the future King of Pluto dares to bully you, you just come to find the second brother, the second brother will help you!" Ghost two patted the chest and said, completely forgot that several of them had not beaten people in the past few days.

"Small sister, although I am married, but do not worry about what I want to do, there are three brothers here, the third brother will always support you!" The folding fan in the hands of Ghost three kept pounding his palm, in fact, my heart is very I can't bear to marry the little sister, even if his appearance is so romantic, but the brother and sister of this little sister is really true.

"Little sister, you will always be our little sister, the fourth brother will always protect you!" Although the ghost four is still somewhat expressionless, but it is not difficult to see that the face of today's ghost four eased a lot, his face also with joy.

"Small sister, the fifth brother will be in the army in the future. If you have nothing to go to see you in the Pluto, the five brothers are very powerful now, and will never let the younger sisters work so hard!" The face of the ghost five is full of seriousness. The color, once he was like a child who is not sensible, let the younger sister protect himself, but now he can also protect the younger sister.

The ghost took a deep breath, grasped the grip and then gently sat in the arms of the blue secluded sitting.

"Little sister, must be happy! We will always be your family!" The ghost said, let go of the blue mourning, this is his last time.

"Big brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, five brothers!" The voice of Lan Younian was a little sobbing. These men have always loved themselves as sisters since they came to the Valley of Medicine. They are also their own. Taking care did not make them so disappointed with this world. They are the closest relatives in the world.

"Little thoughts!" Although the ghost doctor can't see what his favorite apprentice is now, he can also guess that his little apprentice must be the most beautiful bride in the world. The ghost doctor thinks that the heart is reluctant. I can't wait to rob the little thoughts back to the Valley of Medicine.

"Master!" The hand of Lan Younian on his knee slightly grasped the hand of Master standing by his side. Master's hand was as wide and warm as in memory, but now it is a lot old, blue and clear. I remember that these hands once and for all pulled themselves out of the dying situation. These hands gently patted their little heads to comfort themselves when they were confused. This is the most beautiful thing in the world. Family, in the heart of Lan You Nian, this old man is his most important relative, and Master’s position in her heart is often not even comparable to Feng Yi Xuan.

"Hey, Master is here!" The ghost doctor also held the hand of Xiao Nian, and since the little thought grew up, although the relationship between the two is still the same, but the little thoughts did not depend on themselves, now Seeing such a small reliance on her own, the ghost doctor was also excited, and also made a proud look to the crowd, so that everyone could not laugh.

"Master, thank you!" The voice of Lan Younian was already shuddering. The old man once propped up a day for her, but she never said the words of gratitude, but now she still feels that she should speak out.

The ghost doctor reached out and wanted to knock on her head as soon as she was a child, but looking at the red hijab doctor just gently patted the shoulders of Blue.

"Stupid children! I have to live a good life in the future, don't let myself be wronged, and there are masters in everything. These stinky boys also have some skills. If you want to do anything, you can say what you want, as long as you are happy. Everything is important!" Ghost doctor said that he also had red eyes, but the blue secluded under the hijab had already wet his eyes.

"Okay!" Yue Bailian quickly stood up and interrupted the two people's lyrical pictures. "We can't make a good makeup without tears!"

"Right right!" Ghost doctor nodded, and then everyone went out, leaving only the white lotus with the blue secluded sitting in the boudoir waiting for the groom Fengyi Xuan.

And Feng Yi Xuan is greeted by today’s big marriage. I was so excited last night that I didn’t sleep very much. When the sky was still not bright, I got up. I was dressed early and ready to go to meet, but unfortunately Jing Wu’an and Yu’s escaping stopped.

"A Xuan, even if you are in a hurry, you have to wait in time to go!" Jing Wuan helplessly advised, even the wind and summer from the palace is speechless, how can you not think of your usual steady brother now Like a hairy boy.

"Dark one, how about my wedding dress today?" Fengyi Xuan kept making his own clothes, this happy dress and the blue mourning thing is a pair of the same, the same fire red, the same In the hem of the suit, Embroidered Manzhu Shahua is embroidered. The difference is that Lan Yu Nian wears the charm of charm, and Feng Yi Xuan’s body suit is to make Feng Yi Xuan look more handsome.

"Master, very good!" Darkly twitched and asked, the main question of this question was asked today, I don't know how many times I asked.

"Dark second, what time is it, can you go to pick up?" Fengyi Xuan kept moving. I haven’t seen it for three days. Fengyixuan originally thought about it, and now it’s a big date. Fengyi Xuan feels that his palms are sweating.

"The master, has not yet arrived at the time of departure!" After the second dark, he immediately flicked, fearing that the master would continue to ask.

"Dark three..." Fengyi Xuan is about to say something, the dark three appeared.

"The master, everything in the house has been fixed, the master can rest assured!" said the third smile, it is a rare time to see the master like this.

"Dark four, is the security problem set up?" Feng Yixuan asked, although today is his big marriage, it is inevitably a little excited, but Feng Yixuan is very clear that this marriage must not be wrong, so the arrangement of things are arranged All right.

"The Lord is assured! Today's wedding can be carried out smoothly!" Dark Four replied, not to mention that the Pluto Palace is as strong as an iron bucket, and the streets outside do not know how many ghostfield brothers and meditations are placed. The army, usually they are not so serious when they fight.

"A Xuan, time is up, go!" Feng Xia looked at the hour, and said to his younger brother.

Jing Wu'an and Yu Liuliu also followed the Fengyi Xuan out of the Pluto....

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