The outside of the Pluto House is full of the squadrons under the wing of the wing. They are still wearing armor today, but the difference is that each of them has a red ribbon on their arms, so that the whole team is not only mighty but also Full of joy.

Windwing Xuan’s mount is well-kept, the fur is bright, and the chasing neck is tied with a large red flower ball, which seems to make the pursuit of the wind less than a few BMW’s heroic but more A bit of a favorite love.

Windwing Xuan walked out of the Pluto Palace and attracted the eyes of everyone in the Pluto Palace who wanted to see the lively people. Even if there was a beautiful man behind the wing, there was a beautiful man who went to pick up the two, but now everyone sees it. To the Pluto. Many people know that Pluto's face is superb, but because of the rumors and the devil's eyes, many people ignore the face of Pluto, but today, Pluto's face with a smile is not terrible. The air-conditioning, so the people only saw the face of Pluto, so that both men and women were surprised, and many women lost their hearts at this moment.

In the dark, a special long firecracker was placed in front of the palace of the Pluto. In the sound of the firecrackers, the wind winged the body and jumped into the high horse. Jing Wu’an and the plume flew behind the horse, the two Wearing the same dark red robes today is neither rude nor very eye-catching. Behind them is a hundred killers wearing black scarves on their arms, and each of them has a musical instrument blowing a festive song. This is the first time they have been so blatant. It appeared in the crowd, and at the wedding of the master, the selected 100 killers were very kind and steadfast in their own murderous efforts, but each smiling cheek looked very stiff.

Behind those ghost killers, there are a thousand people in the army. Everyone in the Pluto walks with great power. The neat footsteps are mixed with joy and joy, and the whole street is quiet. People are all the same. Go and watch the different welcome team. Which woman in the world has such a family? Not to mention the famous army of the four kingdoms, it is said that the Pluto personally greeted the deity of the King of the Blue King.

Generally, the big family and the groom will not pick up the family themselves. They only send the bridegroom's friends or the bridesmen to pick up the bride and return them to the government. But Fengyixuan is not just going to marry the bride himself, but more importantly, This kind of luxurious welcome to the team, so that the women all over the world are envious.

The pedestrians crossed a few streets, and today the streets of the capital have been cleared by the Yulin Army. This is the honor that Feng Xia has given to his younger brother. Even his own parents have not been so grand, even if the streets are cleared. But every shop is full of people watching the lively, what they are embarrassed or envious or awkward to say, usually the most hateful of the noisy Fengyi Xuan has no black face from beginning to end, the smile of the corner of the mouth has always been No change, because today his mood is already high can not be higher, Feng Yixuan even felt that his "squeaky" heart jumped out of his heart, just like when he first kissed him.

"Come on! Come on!" Lan Bo saw the long welcoming team squatting, and immediately ordered the guards of the mourning pavilion to start setting off firecrackers. Feng Yi Xuan stepped on the firecrackers and went into the blue house. Even a back gives people unlimited worship.

Although the pace of Feng Yi Xuan is very stable with his unique momentum, but behind the Beijing Wuan and Yu Liu, but know that the pace of Feng Yi Xuan is much larger, faster than usual, even if he The face did not show anything.

"The groom's official is coming!" I don't know who is sorghum in the mourning hall. The ghost doctors waiting in the courtyard of the mourning courtyard are all looking at the man who is like a god. At first glance, everyone has to admit that only Fengyi Xuan is a good match for Lan Younian. If you don’t say anything else, the appearance of both of them is unparalleled in the world. It’s really hard to find a matching person, everyone. Suddenly I feel that they are born for each other.

Jing Wu’an and Yu’s escaping were shocked. I didn’t think that there were so many people in this mourning house. This also represents the bride’s maiden’s attention to the bride. They are also like the sister. The blue sacred thoughts are happy, but they are more aware that the blue secluded marriage will definitely be happier.

Although everyone's eyes represent blessings, this does not mean that everyone will not be awkward. More importantly, everyone also received the instructions of the ghost doctor, He Taifu and Lan Jianjun, and they could not make it easy for Feng Yixuan to return to Lan Younian.

Now everyone looks at the eyes of Feng Yi Xuan with a bad intention, but unfortunately, Feng Yi Xuan does not care. Not to mention that he is in a very good mood today, just to say that these are the custom of wedding, Feng Yi Xuan is completely acceptable, no matter how difficult everyone is today, he can smile, because his thoughts are ahead .

For the first time, Feng Yixuan looked at everyone, not with a cold eye, but with a smile, respectfully pointed to several elders and shouted "Master, grandfather, father, aunt, aunt!"

Ghost doctors and other people feel satisfied, this wind wing Xuan will lower their posture, they will not be embarrassed as an elder.

Feng Yi Xuan directly used a gesture to get the elders, so that the teeth of the blue ink string were nourished.

"Good to the little thoughts, or the old man will never spare you!" Ghost doctor said to the wind wing Xuan.

"Master please rest assured!" Fengyi Xuan nodded, no one said that he would be very good, better than anyone.

"Okay, we will not be embarrassed about you today. After all, Kyrgyzstan is coming soon! Just ask a few questions. If you answer, you can go in and marry the bride. If you can't answer, hey! You. Just waiting for our siege!” He Chuyang hooked the shoulder of the blue ink string and said that everyone who is blue and silent is now standing on a line.

"You are not so good. If you ask a mess, how can we answer?" The feathers are snarling, they can meet the people today, if Feng Yixuan can’t answer, he is definitely beaten by him and Jing’an. It is.

"Reassured, today is how the sister's wedding day we know the size!" Blue ink string said, although they have the meaning of wanting to be difficult, but this is just fun, let the wedding more heated .

"Get started!" Feng Yi Xuan urged him. He really couldn't wait to see his thoughts and wanted to bring his bride home.

"What is your favorite color?" asked the ghost.

"White!" Feng Yi Xuan answered.

“What do you like most about animals?” asked Ghost.

"Wolf! Loyal and ferocious animals!" Feng Yixuan replied.

"What do you like the most favorite flower?" asked the ghost.

"Man Zhu Shahua!" Feng Yi Xuan answered.

“What kind of taste do you like most?” asked the ghost.

"Sour and spicy, but usually like a light meal!" Feng Yixuan replied.

“What do you like most?” asked the ghost.

"Doctor Valley!" Feng Yixuan replied.

"What is the birth of the child?" He Chuyang asked.

"July 26!" Feng Yixuan answered.

"What do you like most?" asked the blue ink string.

Fengyi Xuan licked his lips and said, "The favorite person is Master!" When the ghost doctor smirked and smiled, he added "The favorite person is me!"

Everyone is silently watching Feng Yi Xuan. How can this man be so stingy about what he is thinking about? However, everyone knows that Fengyi Xuan has passed, and only one person who cares about a person can clearly understand the person's preferences.

"Well, what are you still grinding, don't let Pluto come up to pick up the bride?" Yue Bailian stood in the attic and shouted, in fact, this is not her meaning, but the bride inside is afraid that the groom will suffer, so she will let her out. Resolved.

When Feng Yixuan heard this, he was very clear that he was sure to let Yue Bailian say it, and his heart warmed up in a flash.

"Are you finished?" Feng Yixuan asked everyone.

"Ah?" The ghost did not react at the beginning of the second, and then I learned what Fengyi Xuan asked. He smiled. "After you ask, you pass!"

Wind Wing Xuan nodded and picked up the light to go to the attic. The people who couldn’t wait to see it couldn’t help but laugh out. Who can think of the cold and not like the living, the Pluto would change when they met the thoughts. So rash?

When Feng Yixuan walked into the attic, he saw the woman sitting on the bed sitting quietly there. The red-embroidered Manzhu Shahua's hijab covered the beautiful face, but Fengyi Xuan still looked obsessed, even that The double-purple eyelids are slightly red.

He always knows that his thoughts are beautiful, but Feng Yixuan never cares about the beauty. From the inside out, the beauty of the ethereal clear, and the nine-day mysterious girl, the playful and lively, calm Extraordinary and refined, strong and proud of the supreme, no matter which she is so attracted to his eye, let him be obsessed with her crazy.

"Missing, I am coming..." Feng Yixuan stood in front of the blue mourning, the low-speaking words, resounding in the ear of the blue secluded mind. The lazy tone is low and magnetic, and the blue whisper is itching like an ear.

It’s not that Feng Yixuan doesn’t want to be in the past, but he still remembers what day it is today. More importantly, Feng Yixuan feels that he is doing a sweet dream. He suddenly feels afraid that he will wake up from his dream. .

"I know! I have been waiting for you!" Blue Nian's soft and crisp voice is like a scorpion through the heavy clouds into the ears of Fengyi Xuan, so that the wind wing Xuan Wen can be intoxicated. He has been waiting for this woman for so many days and nights, and now he really met!

Feng Yi Xuan pressed his own beating heart, and then came to the side of his thoughts, and several people who had been followed without holding up his thoughts stopped calling.

"Hey, the woman should be married and the brother should go out!" Yue Bailian reminded kindly that she really did not think that this Pluto was so eager, and Yue Bailian was somewhat worried about the caves that she was going to read tonight.

After the wind wing Xuan listened to his heart, he suddenly vinegar, and how to make today's beauty so beautiful can make other men back, Fengyi Xuanguang thinks it is very unhappy, so in the blue singer's exclamation, the wind wing Xuan directly Crossed the blue secluded thoughts and walked down the attic.

Feng Yi Xuan holding blue secluded can clearly feel the unique fragrance of the body, the woman in the hands is delicate and soft, Feng Yi Xuan suddenly feels that his heart is like a deer, and feels like scratching Itching, there is an unknown feeling, it seems like this has been holding on to the old days.

Followed by the blue ink string, I only had to sneak a sneak peek at Fengyi Xuan, but I did not fight for it. After all, they also saw that Pluto was concerned about the thoughts. As for who is carrying the thoughts, it is not the most important thing. .

Fengyi Xuan came to the hall with blue mourning, and the ghost doctor and Lan Jianjun were already sitting on the upper part of the hall. The woman was married as long as she was worshipping with her father, but for the blue mourning, the ghost doctor Too important, so at this moment the ghost doctor sat there.

Feng Yi Xuan put down his thoughts, and Lan Younian’s hand holding Feng Yi Xuan’s hand was so straight and stunned. He looked at the ghost doctor and Lan Jianjun all over, but also knew that this was before each woman married. The steps to be taken.

After the blue chanting recited a head, he was helped by Feng Yixuan. The ghost doctor moved his mouth and wanted to say something. In the end, he just said, "Small thoughts will be happy in the future!"

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